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Be Positively Influential in Your Professional Network!

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Be Positively Influential In Your Professional Network!

People buy things all the time. In fact, we love to buy things! We just don’t like being manipulated or sold to. So how do you find those who want what you have to offer, and communicate value to them, without alienating them? This is literally the “Million-Dollar” question… Whether you are a “floor guy,” politician, teacher, coach, consultant, employee, or entrepreneur; if you are in direct sales or service, whatever you do, your business is people. They are the lifeblood of your business. Ignore them at your peril. Take advantage of them and you will earn their distrust. How do you cultivate relationships upon which trust can be built, create an environment where sales and referrals can take place, identify when there is a real need for your product or service? The answers lie within these pages as we speak directly to the experts. Through these interviews, you will learn to relate to others in a positive way and create mutually beneficial professional networks.

Features exclusive interviews with today’s influential change makers:
Rob McNealy, U.S. Congressional Candidate Barbara Silva, Co-Founder of Coaching Cognition Ty Tribble, Top Blogger and Social Media Entrepreneur Jason O’Toole, Network/Internet Marketer and Founder of YourProspex.com Gene Hamilton, Founder/CEO of I Take The Lead James Klingensmith, Official Alice 105.9 FM Radio Morning Show Hypnotist Noel Wu, Personal Image and Wardrobe Consultant, Designer Michael Wilson, Online Business and Marketing Strategist Ann Sieg, The Renegade Network Marketer J. Joshua Beistle, The Attraction King
Want to get it instantly? You can now purchase as a downloadable ebook (pdf) for only $9.95 – just [click here](http://2.paycart_50wise11.pay.clickbank.net/).

[](http://attractionmarketing.50interviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/5stars.png)Book Reviews:

“Before I read “Positively Influential”, I had a hard time connecting in the professional environment. Through reading the book I’ve learned how to network professionally and positively in a way that has revitalized my career. I’m sure that without having read the guide I would not have earned my recent promotion. I look forward to utilizing the skills gleaned from the book in my future business endeavors. Interviews with countless, successful business men and women throughout the book assured me that the information was legitimate and guided me to becoming the professional I am today.” – Janet F, New Jersey

“By being both a consumer and entrepreneur, I once heard the phrase “We all want to buy, but don’t want to be sold.” Believing that, I had to purchase this book because it deals with the same philosophy, that we love to buy, but we do not want to be manipulated or sold while in the process of purchasing something. After purchasing this book, it gave me some insight on the psychological ways of building and earning peoples trust, which, in turn, creates a healthy environment for you to sell your products and services to the people whom once thought you were manipulating or selling them. Also, since I am a Kindle holder, this book worked out great for me because I could read it on the go and before meeting with prospective clients and other business professionals. I highly recommend this book to people in all types of careers, as networking is essential in succeeding in your ventures.” – Joseph Kamen, California

Learn the truth about attraction marketing directly from those succeeding today.

In an easy to digest format, each interview is condensed down to only the key insights, averaging five pages per interview. Consider that each can be read in 15 minutes to start your day or before you go to bed each night. Each interview provides new insights and is guaranteed to give you a shot inspiration when you may need it the most.

For a limited time, when you purchase a copy of Positively Influential in paperback, you will also a paperback copy of Pearlin Siow’s [Sleep & Get Rich!](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9814222933?ie=UTF8&tag=50interv01-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=9814222933) – featuring interviews with top passive income earners from around the world ($15 value).
Free copy of Sleep & Get Rich! ($15 value)

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