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Stop feeling sad, lonely, inadequate or less than you should be.
Begin feeling happy, friendly, valuable and become someone everyone
wants to be around.

If you're ready to experience

an elevated level of awareness, inner peace, joy and the tranquility
that comes with gaining the body of knowledge we offer then you need
to read on to learn more about our TaoBuzz program.

Have you ever seen a person

or had a friend that simply oozed confidence and yet had a certain
peace about them that you wished you had. Do you have friends that
have an undeniable balance in their life that you aspire to have as
well? The Tao way of life can help you attain these things.

Are you faced with a variety of conflicts in your life?

Are there personal issues such as relationships

with your lover, or simply a lack of relationships

that challenge you?

Is your work satisfying enough?

Do you appreciate the things you have now or do you constantly worry
about what you need to get?

Those are many of the questions

that millions of us face every day. Including me...until I discovered
the world of Tao. If you follow the news then you are keenly aware of
how many Asian philosophies are becoming more prevalent in Western
developed countries such as the USA, Canada, and in Western Europe as

You probably have heard terms such as; Yin and Yang,

Tai-Chi and Feng-Shui from trendy people who love to drop names but
really don't understand what those terms mean or what benefits the
lifestyles behind them can offer. With the program you are about to be
introduced to you can learn in some detail about one of the most
popular Chinese arts and begin drawing benefits from practicing

There are many different definitions of Taoism

depending on who you talk to but here is my meaning: Taoism is not a
religion, nor a philosophy. It is a "Way" of life. It is a pathway to
the ideal lifestyle for YOU. The Tao is the natural order of things.
It is a force that flows through every living and sentient object, as
well as through the entire universe. When the Tao is in balance it is
possible to find perfect happiness.

In my learning of the ways of Tao

I have discovered the three Spheres of Tao: Compassion; Moderation
and Humility. Once I teach you how these three Spheres interconnect
you will begin to benefit from your Tao path.

Let's imagine for a moment

you are at your job and the boss comes to you with a new project that
he is counting on you for. A follower of the Tao lifestyle will take
on this new project with more confidence and self assurance than
others. Your boss will sense this poise and feel comfortable in your
abilities. And, when it comes time for a promotion or raise--guess who
he will remember?

What if you're a stay at home mom with a family to run?

Anyone who has (or is now) doing that job knows the stress and
anxiety that comes with being in that role. However a mom (or dad for
that matter) that follows my program and turns to the ways of Tao will
go through the days with far more joy and happiness than someone
without those skills.

Now matter what type of situation you are in.

If you are experiencing constant worry, nervous tension, strain or
pressure--YOU are going to benefit from what my program has to offer.

With over 220 million Tao followers/users

you can feel confident that this is not some cult or religious split
off group. Oh no. Taoism is the real thing and followers see the
benefits of their practice every day (for the rest of their lives).

Here is an inside look at some of the philosophies of Taoism.

----Time is cyclical, not linear as in Western thinking.

----Taoists strongly promote health and vitality.

----Five main organs and orifices of the body correspond to the five
parts of the sky: water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

----Each person must nurture the Chi (air, breath) that has been
given to them.

----Development of virtue is one's chief task. The Three Jewels to be
sought are compassion, moderation and humility.

----Taoists follow the art of "wu wei," which is to let nature take
its course. For example, one should allow a river to flow towards the
sea unimpeded; do not erect a dam which would interfere with its
natural flow.

----One should plan in advance and consider carefully each action
before making it.

----A Taoists is kind to other individuals, in part because such an
action tends to be reciprocated.

----Taoists believe that "people are compassionate by nature...left
to their own devices [they] will show this compassion without
expecting a reward."



Let me be brutally honest.

Truly understanding the Tao is something that you probably will not
do within this lifetime. And the reason that I say that is because
understanding the Tao is not a destination, it's a journey that during
your life will be completely changed and enriched for the better.

You can almost think of it like exercise.

People who truly embrace exercise do so knowing that it's a lifestyle
change that will last forever. It's not something that you do for a
short amount of time to achieve a certain result and then just stop;
because if you do, your results will only be short-lived.

You Don't Have To Be A Zen Master

to benefit from The Power of Tao. You probably find the many benefits
from practicing Tao attractive but maybe you're confused on how to
begin. Well this is THE PROGRAM to help you delve into this ancient
Chinese Philosophy.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I was first introduced to the study of
this ancient body of knowledge which began in China many years ago in
the 1980's in the form of Tao Te Ching, as I Ching, which were both
books about the concept of chance in Taosim.

Now, over 20 years later, I am happy to bring to you everything that
I have discovered through my powerful new program called TaoBuzz.

The TaoBuzz program consists

of FOUR full-length downloadable audio modules designed to take you
from a novice to a Tao-specialist in as little time as possible.
Understanding that the more you follow the methods and procedures
outlined in the program the more benefits you will gain from the

The TaoBuzz program instantly starts

you on the path of inner peace, confidence and an increase sense of
awareness of the world around you. As you follow these modules you
will feel happier simply knowing you are taking action to improve your

Here is a brief review of what's inside:

TaoBuzz Module 1

*In this module we will cover the art of silence, its significance
along with understanding the Tao and how each of these words
correlates to it: Immediate, Open, Constancy, and Window.

TaoBuzz Module 2

*In this module we will cover the art of strategy, its importance in
understanding the Tao and the role of each of these words: Martial,
Conflict, Strategy, and Behind.

TaoBuzz Module 3

*In this module we will cover the art of teaching, the role it plays
in understanding the Tao and how each of these words relates: Ask,
Master, Crazy, and Good.

TaoBuzz Module 4

*In this module we will cover knowing one's self, why this is a
crucial step in understanding the Tao and the relationship that each
of these words has to this topic: Oneself, Person, Heart, and Body.

Once you begin to unleash the many benefits drawn from living a life
with Tao you wonder how you ever survived without it.

It's a philosophy and lifestyle that gains more and more followers by
the day. And, it's not some funky religious following that will be
asking you to do anything odd or unsavory. On the contrary, the Tao
life draws from the strength you have within. Go ahead and order the
program now!

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contained in the End User License Agreement ('EULA'). Please read this
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purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound
by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA DO NOT
complete your purchase. I agree to the

It's easy to get lost

in the myriad of Asian cultural religions, philosophies and methods
for living ones life. But now you have someone who has done the
research for you and concluded that this is the best direction to go
and produce the best results.

Taoism in its purest definition

promotes simplicity, openness and wisdom. As you begin to practice
the concepts I reveal in these audio modules you will become what many
refer to as "enlightened." Once you reach this level you will be more
open to life, tranquility, and joy. You will rid yourself of many of
the foul traits that torment so many in today's society.

My goal here is to reach out

to as many people as humanly possible with something I have found to
be truly life changing. As part of my learning I have found that
offering my program at a fair price will provide me as many internal
benefits as it does you.

And that's why you're not going to have to invest

hundreds of dollars on various books or programs as you would have
had to do in the past to learn about Taoism. And you certainly won't
have to spend the $25,000 cost of a private session with me.

Instead you can own TaoBuzz for just $19.95.

That's right, for just $19.95 you can begin forming the building
blocks needed to learn about Taoism. Take advantage of our secure
ordering process through ClickBank.

As Clinical Hypnotherapist I have helped hundreds

of clients increase their abilities to learn and change through the
use of Hypnosis. So, as part of this special TaoBuzz package I am
including a personal Hypnosis audio module.

This one of a kind audio program

hosted by me, Steve G Jones is designed to put your mind in the
perfect state for improving your life. If at any time you feel tense,
nervous, anxious or sad this module is for you. It places you in a
heightened state of relaxation and transforms you into a different
world where you are in total control.

The TaoBuzz Hypnosis module paints a

visual picture in your mind and takes you into a place where you
become aware of every nuance that life has to offer. Where there is
stress now there will be calm, where there was sadness, now there will
be happiness, where there was nervousness now there will be peace.
This module provides so much comfort that many find it addicting and
use it again and again when life isn't going according to plan.

Taoism is gaining acceptance all over.

One on-line bookstore lists more than 4,500 English-language books on
Taoism, indicating the extent that Taoism has entered American popular
culture. You're probably here because you are looking for a proven
method to feel better inside and improve your life. I think this
program can work for you!

This Easy-to-follow program will help you

learn the ways and means of Tao and instantly creates a process for
you to follow and say goodbye to the disparity of your life today and
open the door into a new world of inner confidence which breeds a
variety of positive results.

Order your TaoBuzz modules now and get started immediately.

To Your Success

Steve G. Jones.

PS: If you're ready to experience an elevated level of awareness,
inner peace, joy and the tranquility that comes with gaining the body
of knowledge we offer, then you need to place your order now to begin
the changes.

Your purchase of the products is governed by the terms and conditions
contained in the End User License Agreement ('EULA'). Please read this
carefully before completing your purchase. By completing your
purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound
by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA DO NOT
complete your purchase. I agree to the

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