Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Your Pilot Career Starts Here...
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Our Aviation Secrets
How Two Normal Teenagers became Commercial Pilots in less than a year!
Since you’re here, you’re probably dreaming of a flying career just like ours. It’s such a thrill to become Airline Pilots – it was a goal of ours right from the start
Being Commercial Airline Pilots and Professional Pilot mentors we ALWAYS get asked how we did it! That’s why we’ve put together this site. We’ve created a package with as much detail as we can. We’re probably being selfish, but we’d rather be spending our time with our kids or in the air, than answering emails!
We’ve packed in details of absolutely everything we did – the steps we followed, the tips and secrets that we picked up, and how we cracked to code to Successfully Becoming Commercial Airline Pilots.
Our hope for you is that you’ll take it and use it, and get the same wonderful feeling we have in finally achieving our dream career.
When you fill out your details in the box below, you’ll get a snapshot of the first eClass to allow you to start living the same dream.
To Your Flying Success
Captain Naomi Radke and Captain Craig Baker
Airline Pilots and Professional Pilot Mentors
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