Excerpt from product page

WARNING: This Herbal Hair Regrowth Formula Could Start Growing Back Your Lost Hair In Just Hours From Now...

For a moment, imagine that there was a cure for hereditary hair loss which you can make at home using simple plants and roots. These ingredients would cost you no more than a couple dollars from the supermarket!
How would hair industry companies survive if their customers were aware of this? Their profits depend on you, the consumer!

Wouldn't you rather save the extra $50 bucks per month that you would be spending on harmful chemicals that they put in their products and use a natural alternative that will save you hundreds to thousands over time?

In reality, $50 per month is probably the cheapest option you'll find for hair treatment. Not only that, hair transplants, plugs and laser options run into the thousands of dollars category.

Other dangerous treatments involve drug hormone therapy which alter the levels of testosterone and other key hormones in men and women, which lead to unwanted side effects for everyone which can sometimes be irreversible! Do you really want to take that kind of a risk with your health?.

All they care about is making sure that you get partial results from their treatment products, because as long as they make their money off you.. they're satisfied.

To be quite frank, I have no interest in bottling this fantastic hair growth formula and reselling it to the public at ripoff prices, and keeping the ingredients secret..

I struggled with crazy hair loss and it really bothered me. I used all the
'cures' I could find and literally lost thousands of dollars in the process having no
luck. I felt I had no other option but to give these companies my hard earned money to regrow my lost hair and hang on to whatever I had left. In the end I felt even more

I was travelling back from a business trip on a transatlantic flight. The guy sitting next to me was a South Asian gentleman who said he knew an ancient family recipe that they had been using for generations to regrow lost hair and stop it from falling out. He told me that it was used to increase circulation to the scalp, while also getting rid of dandruff and dry skin for good. He had a great personality and we became buddies by the time we got off the flight. After a lot of effort, I got him to reveal what the secret formula was and I have to say I was blown away by it's simplicity.

The beauty of the recipe is that it is comprised of only three key ingredients. After boiling them together for a few minutes, you use the nutrient infused water by rubbing it into your scalp twice a day. I know it sounds too good to be true.. but the results are nothing short of a MIRACLE. The very first day I used the formula, the area of my scalp that i applied it to felt smooth and soft, I knew it was working.

In under 2 weeks, I began to see very soft hair starting to grow where previously there was none. Another 4 weeks into the regimen, it was clear that the hair was becoming thicker and stronger. By 6 weeks I knew that there was no looking back. After 6 months of steady usage, my hair looked like it belonged to a 25 year old.

An added bonus to this formula is that it also successfully treats dry scalp and dandruff. I tested it on a close friend who hadn't been suffering from hair loss but had chronic dry scalp and embarrassing dandruff for years. In under a week, there was no trace of his dandruff or dry scalp and he told me that his hair was more youthful than ever.

I made the mistake of not getting the contact info of my South Asian friend that I had met on the flight, and I couldn't be more thankful to him. He literally saved me with his ancient hair secret.

As I said earlier, I really don't feel like ripping people off by selling this formula in bottles to the public, especially when its so simple to make it in your own home.. for literally a few dollars.

Here I am letting you take the formula for yourself and utilizing it in whatever manner you choose.

Hi there, I'm 39 and look young for my age; thinning, receding hair makes you look old. I was very sceptical in purchasing your Herbal Hair Solution having used ROGAINE for 12 months with only very minimal results. I started using your Solution on 10th Feb 2007, within the first 2 weeks I noticed new fine hair growth. Maybe I'm imagining this I thought; the mind can play tricks when you want something badly enough (my hair to grow back).

Within 2 months that fine hair had turned into real hair and even my Barber noticed the regrowth. This Herbal Remedy is truly amazing, and the results speak for themselves. I would like to thank you for advertising this product on the Internet at such a bargain price, and sharing it with the world. My hair after 3 months use is thicker, healthier and is still regrowing in the thinning patches - fantastic! I couldn't be happier, a big thank you!

Also, I've attached a pic of my before and after results.. cheers!

- Jay Gould
Tampa Bay, Florida, USA

In order to get this product out there to people like yourself, I have to advertise on Google. They charge me $0.45 whenever someone clicks my ad to get to this site. This can add up very quickly and becomes a heavy expense for me. Without the money I make from the sale of this product, I would not be able to get this information to people like you who need it the most.

Many people have personally complained to me about charging a fee for this info when I was given the formula for free. Its understandable then that I am required to charge a small fee for this information in order to cover my advertising fees so I can get this recipe out to you.

I've gathered the information together which I've learned into an easy to read digital guide, which shows you how to make the hair regrowth formula - it works everytime. You can grab your copy today for a one-time payment of $47.00. After that, you'll be able to use it for the rest of your life.

If you grow the plants in your own yard then it will be free forever. I could realistically charge a lot more for this information but I know what's fair - again I'm not in this for the money.

Balfour, it's been a week now and I am so excited to tell you I have little hairs all over my head. I have been coloring my hair blonde for a couple of years but am going to stop for a while. I think this has added to my hair loss. My very thin hair is a little longer than shoulder length.

I don't want to cut it so I am going to watch the little bitty ones = the baby hairs grow into place. I have a kind of bald spot that is already covering with hairs. I almost fell over. I just about jumped up to the ceiling. I am so glad that I found your website. I am going to tell others about you. I will keep you posted.

- Armie Timmins
Chicago, Illinois, USA

If you want to get your hands on this incredible and proven effective hair growth recipe, simply click the add to cart button below. It's very possibly that you can start regrowing lost hair within hours after purchasing.

As soon as payment is made, you will gain access to our download page where you will have unlimited access to the program guide in PDF format (Adobe Reader required). The guide comes with step by step instructions as well as pictures so you cannot do this incorrectly!


A Note To The Buyer: "Herbal Hair Regrowth" is a digital guide in PDF format which you will gain INSTANT access to 24/7 after purchasing the program (can be viewed on either MAC or PC).

If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send us an [E-mail](mailto:customerservice@killyourstutter.com) and we'll respond immediately!

  Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:

I value your trust in my promise. Take 60 FULL days to simply try out the Herbal Hair Regrowth program. As a matter of fact, try it today.

You can make tremendous progress that come in passively, simple as that. Yes, even if you barely understand the concepts and techniques - I guide you 100%. I'm almost giving it to you for free until you see results.

Within 60 days... if you're not completely satisfied after giving this program your sincere effort, then just contact us right away for support. If I truly can't guide you and prove that failure is NOT an option, then I'll promptly REFUND EVERY RED CENT. This is why it's a virtually RISKLESS offer.

Wishing you the most success in hair regrowth you've ever seen,

-Balfour Wright,
Ex-Hair Loss Sufferer & Creator of "Herbal Hair Regrowth"

P.S. If you don't like it, cancel. You only have to invest once for the simple technique ... and the results keep coming. You literally cannot stop the results coming in.  

P.P.S. This is NOT for everyone - again don't spread this personal letter. We only want to work with people who are willing to be open minded and have faith ....  [get Herbal Hair Regrowth now](http://1.herbalhair.pay.clickbank.net/) only if you want the no-risk 60-day money back guarantee offer, for a limited time only...

Thanks for putting up this site. I didn't know if it would work but I decided that $47 was not a bad investment to try something even if it did not work for me. I used it for about 3 months and noticed a lot of fuzzy hair growing amongst my hair. It was hard to tell because my hair was layered. But I could certainly feel the difference in the feel of my hair. I've recommended it to my friends. BTW Please use my before and after picture for your site.. I want to show everyone that it does in fact work!

- Barbara Smith
Sussex, United Kingdom


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