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[Matthew Ashdown](http://www.matthewashdown.com/)
Personal Fitness Trainer Victoria BC

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Are you overstimulated by the vast array of conflicting information in the health and wellness industry?

Are you ready to trust your body and intuitive guidance once more so that you can discern the best choices for you on your particular journey?

“Take back control of your thoughts, take positive self-care steps aligning with your higher self and create the health and wellbeing your body desires to experience.”

7 Part Teleseminar Series

Join in the live calls or download the mp3s to listen to at your leisure.

Hi, Matthew here.

I know how you feel and where you are at. I want to invite you to be part of a 7 part teleseminar series that is geared to helping you to restore a greater sense of trust in yourself , your body and your intuition.  From this place, you can discern far better, the information from wellness experts that is most likely to benefit you.

I struggled with body image for a long time. My weight yo-yo’d. I wasn’t happy being who I was.  It didn’t matter what action steps I took, I was not able to create the success that I wanted, despite visualisation and affirmations galore.  I kept waiting and expecting for the next crappy thing to happen to me.  Pain enveloped my body.  I was confused by the mass amounts of conflicting information that were all telling me I would better my life.

It was when I began the process of self-acceptance that I finally begun to enjoy being in my body more.  It was through trusting my intuitive awareness that I was able to better discern what was best for me.  It was in giving up the need for approval that I was able to show up more as my authentic self, and with that, brought greater joy to the process of my life.

Now, I want to be able to offer that gift to those of you out there who are struggling with enjoyment of life and the body.  I cannot promise that through my teachings you will lose the weight you desire in x number of weeks,  but I can promise that you will be able to find a greater sense of peace throughout the process.  Life experiences will not have the same control over you they once had.  And as you find the courage to show up as your authentic self in the world, you will bring healing to your physical body in ways you or I cannot imagine.

“Matthew teaches  that real change comes from loving yourself where you are and tuning in to all parts of yourself–the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.  His approach to fitness encompasses the total person in a way that inspires and addresses the whole being, rather than relying on quick-fix gimmicks that have no real lasting change.”

- Estra Roell, Coach Cafe

It becomes a journey of self-acceptance for us, one that continues to evolve as life moves forward.  Knowing that body issues were the symptom, but never the cause.

You’ve probably tried many diets and many programs and are skeptical about trying yet another program that won’t work for you.  You likely know lots about food and exercise and beat yourself up because you should know better. Is this you?

If you still have not achieved achieved your goals in fitness then you are being gifted with an opportunity to know yourself more, to get to what is the real reason behind your apparent failures and step into the success that is awaiting you.

I am offering the following teleseminar series for people just like you, who are aware of the need to approach fitness from the inside and the outside and yet have struggled to find the success your heart seeks. It becomes a heroes journey and I am here to support you.

It isn’t about fixing anything.  It is about guiding you through your spiritual evolution in relationship to your body.  You can do all you need to do phsyically, but if your mental, emotional or spiritual bodies are ignored in relationship to wellness, then plateaus will be reached.  Your relationship with yourself and your higher self is key to releasing struggles with your body.

Here is what you will learn!

- learn how to heed the messages from the body and your intuition.

- differentiate between fear and intuitive insights.

- rewire your brain for the enjoyment of exercise.

- lose weight more effortlessly by relaxing a little.

- enhance feelings of self-worth and feel confident in your body.

- free yourself from the opinions of others.

- release yourself from the bondage of the need for approval.

- learn to trust your intuition more when it comes to exercise and food.

- take back control of your thoughts, take back your personal power.

- develop the courage to become your true self in the world and watch your body heal.

“Matthew, you are so very good with people, compassionate and empathetic, and you draw from so many terrific sources.  The way you put them all together creates a wonderful introduction for people embarking on this new journey of self-acceptance and empowerment. I see you as an upcoming ‘new century’ Leader in short time.”

-  T Vanderlip

We are often driven by our unconscious habits and, when a trained eye unearths them, we can create magic in our lives.

[](http://www.matthewashdown.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Family1-300x225.jpg)Your body is the bridge between the invisible worlds of mind, spirit, and emotion, and the physical world of action and results.  Take the steps today to restore balance into your life.

With your permission I will guide you on a journey into your own heart, mind and body, providing you with exercises for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.  A few minutes each day with each of these bodies can make the world of difference to results you feel inside and outside.

- establish realistic goals based upon where you are at, not where others tell you that you should be.

- understand the affect that mental, emotional and physical traumas may be having on you, and how to move beyond them.

- release the need for approval through awareness of when you are succumbing to it.

- through visualisation processes and meditation create the health and body you are designed for.

- challenge on a weekly basis the unconscious thoughts that limit who you can become and create the constructive belief systems that will carry you forward.

- learn how the field of quantum physics changes the approach to fitness in the 21st century and validates the energy practices of eastern medicine.

- learn positive self-care steps that can be taken anywhere and anytime.

- begin to incorporate exercise that brings you great joy.

- program your mind for success and enjoyment of the body.

I will not be giving you a specific exercise program. I will not be telling you to eat specific foods ( there will be some nutritional advice dispensed, but not much). This program is geared towards giving you a deeper understanding of what is really standing in your way of experiencing your greates wealth – health – here and now.

This upcoming teleseminar series is going to be a powerful introduction to taking you deeper on the journey to knowing who you really are and having the courage to be it passionately in the world.

“ I have really enjoyed the insights from Matthew. This experience has put into motion positive shifts in my life with the way I view and interact with exercise, food, my job and my family!

Thank you Matthew for being so knowledgeable, diverse and intuitive! I will be forever grateful.”

MarLynn F.


7 Sessions + Recordings of the mp3

Worksheets (pdf) for each session.


Every Wednesday for 7 weeks starting October 27 th 2010

join in the live calls.

Time: 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST

$55 when you pay NOW

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://2.gratidudem.pay.clickbank.net)

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at matthewmashdown@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: The above series is not intended to replace the guidance of a qualified health practicioner. It is supplementary to it. All activities offered are either educational, recreational, or self directed in nature. The teleseminar participant assumes full responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

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