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The Feelings Map
The Feelings Map is the first ever child friendly tool to bring to light the final puzzle piece to creating your own reality, through detail explanation of energy motions (e-motions) and their necessary role throughout the manifestation process.
Copyright 2008 The Feelings Map ~Higher Vibrational Living All rights reserved.
4001 Beneva Rd unit 401, Sarasota, Fl. 34233 Tel 941-706-2210
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The emotional energy body is an extremely important and often overlooked puzzle piece in the thought-to-create-reality process. Without this piece, your thoughts will create inconsistently, for it is that your energy vibration must be in tune with the intent of the thought itself. You are the master of your energy body, and in realizing this, you write your own script in the thought-to-reality process.
Emotional intelligence is now considered more important than a high IQ. Without a healthy balance of IQ and EI your child receives only half the education necessary for a life of success and happiness.
The Feelings Map is a child friendly, fun filled, interactive tool to foster emotional intelligence in all members of your family. The program includes a colorful map that the child adorns with stickers, two CD's with over 90 min's audio to guide your working with your child on emotional intelligence. The suggestions that foster interaction with your child are unique to this program and not found on the Internet anywhere. Also included is a parent guide that offers situational reference to the issues that come up in a child's life and just how you can conversationally respond to those issues. This is the emotional intelligence program of the century and it couldn't have been made any easier to implement. This approach is fun and was put together this way as both of us are parents and know that if children enjoy it they will do it.
“When you manage to change the way you feel, about any topic, you’ve changed your vibrational point of attraction and manifestation will follow. Yet, until you make it an Emotional Journey, until you figure out how to change the way you feel, even though circumstances haven’t changed yet—nothing changes.” ~Abraham
Background of The Feelings Map.
A tantrum in public at age four became the catalyst for the creation and development of this unique and easy to implement tool. The feelings map itself was created out of my own personal necessity. Although I was a seasoned child care provider I still needed a more interactive and situational relevant way, to provide to my own daughter the information that would enlighten her, to the fact that the emotional tantrum she was throwing in public because I did not buy her a toy was inappropriate, and only happening due to the fact that she was looking at the situation from an unhealthy and rather self serving perspective.
I also wanted her to know that the tantrum was not a good energy vibration to cultivate for a long period of time and I wanted her to see that it was her own personal perception or her own private thoughts about me not buying the toy that was the actual cause for the emotional energy explosion that she was experiencing.
I wanted my daughter to know I was not going to participate and share in that kind of energy exchange as I preferred to have my emotions at a healthy balanced level.
Anyway to achieve all of the above and more, the feelings map was born, as a crude shape on a piece of paper, with emotions written on it and has now developed into this incredible gift to parents and children.
I achieved my goal as The Feelings Map delivers all the above and more...
What children receive from The Feelings Map
complete understanding of emotions
how emotions are affected by thought
how to be self aware of your own emotions
how to recognize and deflect low emotions from others
the importance of moving quickly out of a low emotional state
how to express emotions in a healthy way
how to use emotions to guide your choices
how to flow emotions
how emotions and thought work together in creating
that emotions are energy
how to communicate well
a higher sense of self worth
how to be compassionate without joining low vibrational energy movements.
how to use more higher vibrational words, thoughts, emotions, and actions.
enjoy social mastery as they deal with their own issues
how to comfortably interact with all people
how to have better relationships with parents and friends
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Click To Order The Feelings Map
What parents receive from The Feelings Map
great relationship with their children
enhanced parenting skills
a sense of calmness when low emotions come up
great fun interactive games to play with your children and their friends
an understanding of your own energy body and how you affect your reality
three months e-mail coaching for any questions that come up
how to recognize your own energetic imprint on any situation
great interactive games that you can play with your child and their friends
two CD's of unique content to guide your childs emotional intelligence
the way to consciously parent to attain harmony and bliss in your reality
Words from Clients
This is exactly what parents need, I love the audio and the detail you put in this program, you have nailed presentation of emotional intelligence.~ Kathy, England.
You know it is such a treat to know that my daughter is obviously thinking of the feelings map when she comes up to me and says "How do you feel about that?" I love The Feelings Map and so does Rebecca. Thanks for this and I will be buying it as gifts for my friends.~ Eva, North Carolina.
Tanya thank you for the e-mail help you always make such a difference as you calmly solve all my issues, love you and will call soon~ Mary, Florida.
Professional Background-
Tanya Jopson DD (h.c.)
Born in London England with time spent in Ireland Tanya now makes her home in Florida. . Tanya went on to successfully operate a child care facility for over 20 years, attaining Accreditation and the Gold Seal of Excellence, while simultaneously studying and enjoying expansion in metaphysical and spiritual aspects of life whereby she attained Doctorate of Divinity.
The culmination of extensive experience working with children and her continuous studies in the realm of science and spirituality is a great asset to clients, of Higher Vibrational Life Coaching. Life is best lived at the higher vibrational frequencies and you can personally attain that life.
Tanya has overcome much in the way of life's issues, so empathy is real for the situation you may find yourself in
Her desire to help children live an empowered life, shines through in the content of The Feelings Map program.. Her fun suggestions and unique perspective are definitely effective for children, as the way to live at your own highest place in life, is to have fun in all that you do. The Feelings Map connects parents and children for a life long harmonious interaction of mutual unconditional love and respect.
Now as creator of Higher Vibrational Living business and attaining her own desire to author, she is doing what she loves best and that is help people overcome any difficulty and live the life of their heartfelt desires. Your perception of reality is altered as you are coached to handle your life from an expanded awareness. This new awareness allows you to master not be victim of your own life. Tanya's unique way to intuitively tune into your life and calmly guide you toward the life you desire, is a blessing for those who cross her path.
Ami Fountain
While pregnant with her son, Ami had several different experiences which caused her to begin to step outside of the box, that kept her from living her life at higher vibrations. Armed with an intention to raise her son~gift of God, in a loving environment along with a reignited passion for writing, syncronicity drew her path to connect with Tanya's and with a unified intention, HVL was born.
While writing the book, Higher Vibrational Living, parallel parenting experiences assisted in it's development and opened up a deeper understanding of the energy body, how it works, and the part it plays from the unseen aspect that the energy body is.
The big questions of life sparked an interest in energy, vibrational frequency and a vision for a peacefully, connected world. Study of such subjects has lead to many more inquisitions about the nature of reality, our use of our energy body, the dynamics of the unseen part of life and the importance of it's function/effects in all of our lives.
The Feelings Map
product includes
laminated Feelings Map
2 Audio CD's over 90 mins
Parent Guide Booklet
Stickers for child
Star sticker to represent childs feelings
three months email coaching
Price of the program is $25.00 plus ship
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Shipped immediately for a three -seven day delivery
No product ever like it, emotional intelligence for the conscious parent in a higher conscious world.
inspiring unique effective fun
We offer a money back guarantee if you prove any product on the market that offers more detail for parents and children in regard to emotional intelligence
Developed with one goal in mind to help
parents and children connect in an emotionally healthy way.
Emotional energy is transferred from human to human.
Never again be victim to any situation when you are emotionally intelligent
energy vibrations high happy
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Shipped immediately for a three -seven day delivery
Shipped immediately for a three -seven day delivery
+ $3.85 usa ship
+ $3.85 usa ship
+ $3.85 usa ship
+ $3.85 usa ship
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[Click To Order The Feelings Map](http://1.iamhvl11.pay.clickbank.net)
[Click To Order The Feelings Map](http://1.iamhvl11.pay.clickbank.net)
For Customer Support or Inquiries email [ higher-vibrational-living@live.com](mailto:higher-vibrational-living@live.com)
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