Master the Perfect Golf Swing
Golf swing theory is just that; THEORY. The reality is however that
there are 5 "Ball Flight Laws" that must occur at the moment of impact
for a truly good shot to occur. That's not anyone's theory.
That's just a fact!
Master The Perfect Golf Swing shows
you with your individual swing how to accomplish all 5 Ball Flight
The Secret to Mastering the
"Perfect Golf Swing"
AND NO! You Do Not Have To Change
Your Entire Swing! This Proven
Method Requires
Dear Friend and Fellow Golfer:
Hi, I'm Tim Moore and I have been a professional golf instructor for
25 years and I am often amazed when people claim that there is only
one correct way to swing a golf club. I mean all we have to do is
watch the greatest players in the world play golf to realize that this
cannot possibly be true.
So how do you go about finding the best golf swing that works for you?
Well you have several options;
* You can go through the gambit and expense of trying out all of the
various swing philosophies, different methods or try one of the latest
mechanical training aide devices.
* You can watch the golf channel "Fix Everything With A Slew Of
Unrelated Tips Show" (man do I hate tips!).
* You can go to several of the probably hundreds of golf pro's in
your area until you find the one that you like working with all the
while spending a small fortune until you find the right one.
* Buy one (or several) of those infomercial products that promises
miracles in "10 swings or less for 3 easy payments"
* OR you can decide to go through 7 very simple drills and exercises
that will walk you through an easy process that enables you to find
your own best swing - Permanently!
Now I can't promise you a 68 or your PGA Tour Card, but I can promise
you that if you follow the simple steps in Master The Perfect Golf
Swing, you will dramatically improve your game and best yet, you will
know that feeling of hitting the ball in the sweet spot - Repeatedly!
Again and Again! Shot after Shot!
You will be guided through this simple process that will take your
game far beyond just your grip, stance, posture, or finger position.
That's just the same advice you can get from all the other teachers.
Advice that's been around since golf began. This is not just
repackaging the same old mechanical advice. It's a brand new way to
approach this wonderful sport.
Now let me ask you an important question. Do you really want to go
through a complete swing change? I bet if you're honest, then the
answer is NO! And let's be honest. Are you really prepared to do all
of the work necessary for that major of a change in your golf swing?
Or would you rather just like to learn a few very simple drills and
exercises that will radically improve your ball striking and scoring?
You are probably now ready to ask, "Tim, how could only 7 drills and
concepts change my game that much?
Well, the answer is, "This is a very special program."
Hi Tim,
It's been a long time since I've seen you last. You may not remember
me but I was the guy who used to come to the club almost every day
when I was first learning to play golf. I remember you gave me my
first golf lesson and the day after I shot an 83 after never breaking
90. I focused so hard on what you said on every shot and it changed my
golfing career forever. I am now an assistant golf professional and am
one step away from being a Class A PGA Professional. I really
attribute that one lesson to me being a better player and giving me
the hope to get better. I haven't thought about that lesson for awhile
but when my ball striking got bad I remembered what we talked about
and boom 68.
-John E.
You see, my program has its roots firmly planted in a very powerful
book. What is that book? It's called The Bible.
Now before you get nervous let me explain. Within Master The Perfect
Golf Swing I have been very careful to leave out "preaching". This is
strictly about Golf! But like this golf program for example; the Bible
deals in absolutes (not theories). My experience has been that when we
deal in absolutes instead of someone's theory we will see some
miraculous effects!
In fact, a primary concept that I ask students to first understand
when it comes to golf is this, absolutes really do exist. Whether you
know it or not (yet) there truly are only two options available in
golf and, for that matter, in life - There's Right and There's Wrong.
"Tim, what do you mean? You just said that there are many different
golf swings even on the PGA Tour and now you are talking about
I'm not talking about what "the golf world" likes to talk about so
much - which is swing mechanics. I'm talking about the ABSOLUTE TRUTH
The golf ball itself is not directly affected by things like our
backswings, left arms being straight, what the relationship of our hip
to torso is, our follow through or any other factor except for one.
I've played golf since I was 8 years old and I've taken lessons as a
child and as an adult. I've taken lessons at several different country
clubs, and nobody's been able to correct my slice. With Master The
Perfect Golf Swing, it was corrected in about 2 swings, which really
surprised me, because I had told pros before that I doubted they could
fix it. I am just an average golfer, but this system makes it just a
lot more fun. It's simple; it's an easy approach.
Can't teach an old dog new tricks?" Tim Moore can with Master The
Perfect Golf Swing. I'm 62, and was about to give up the game before I
met Tim. I was playing with some friends when one of them remarked,
"Who are you and what have you done with the real Larry.
-Larry V.
The Golf Ball Only Responds To Impact!
You see when the clubface strikes the golf ball then all of the
information that determines what the golf ball is going to do is
The reality is that there are five "Ball Flight Laws" that must occur
at the moment of impact for a truly good shot to occur.
It's just this simple; if those five things are happening at impact
then you'll hit a perfect golf shot.
If those things are not happening then you will not hit a perfect golf
shot. It's not "my opinion", its physics! I mean of course you can
argue the point, but if you do you'll still be wrong. These are facts!
What I find incredible is that as a 25 year teacher of this sport I
have NEVER had even a single student who knew what these five laws
were. Never! So I have to ask, if 100% of what your golf shot does is
determined by these 5 things (and it is) then how in the world have
you ever hit even one good shot in your life!?
I'm not trying to be rude when I say that. If you didn't actually
know what was required for a good shot to happen then any and all good
shots that you've ever hit have to be defined as a complete accident!
No, that's not rude, it's just true! That is actually a biblical
concept by the way. It's called telling someone "The Truth In Love". I
truly do love my students and want them to experience incredible golf;
so I tell them the truth and I will tell you that TRUTH in Master The
Perfect Golf Swing.
Now please understand that the power is not in just understanding what
these absolutes are.
Anyone can quickly figure that out. No, the real power is in learning
how to get your individual swing to deliver the club like this! If you
think that simply "knowing" what's right or wrong will actually cause
someone to do what's right, then wouldn't you admit that not only
would we have a lot more really good golfers running around, but our
entire world would be a much different place, wouldn't it!?
The Power Isn't In Knowing, It's In Doing!
When you go through the drills in Mastering The Perfect Golf Swing,
your club will practically be forced into these conditions repeatedly.
Once the right things are forced on you enough times you will quickly
begin to see miracles happen with your golf shots.
It will change from something that you're forced to do into something
that you trust. Once you see the results of doing what is absolutely
proved to be correct, you won't have to be forced and you won't have
to think.
It all will happen naturally (without mechanical thought) each and
every time that you swing. And that is the ultimate point.
Master the Perfect Golf Swing Offers:
Zero Mechanical Thought!
A process to find your own personal perfect swing. (No one was created
the same, so we can't all swing the same!)
Based on provable facts; not theory!
Only seven drills for "perfect" direction and "perfect" contact!
Two weeks to great golf; not years of practice!
Discover the true secret to consistency (and here's a hint; it doesn't
come from swing mechanics)!
Slicing and/or hooking gone! Learn to draw or fade the ball at will!
Hit the sweet spot more consistently than ever in your life!
Add one to two club lengths to your distance!
Shoot the lowest scores you have ever shot!
Learn the most powerful and incredibly simple method of thinking ever
If you look at almost every important motion in a great golf swing
then you will see that it does not match up with basic human nature.
No one naturally swings easy to hit something far; swings down to hit
something up, swings left expecting the ball to go right, etc... This
list could get very long.
Not convinced yet? Well human nature (our born with instincts) being
the biggest part of the golf equation is not something that I alone
I always struggled with my mechanics. Now, my swing is so much better
and I don't have to think about it! This methodology really works!
-Joe R.
I recently started playing golf again, and my old problems,
persistent slice and inconsistent swing, were back too. Tim has
identified the problem 90+% of amateur golfers have with their swing.
His easy-to-visualize drills allow you to see what you are doing, and
how to correct it. I have had two lessons, and when I hit a bad shot I
can see how to correct it. Tim's methods work. My percentage of good
shots is improving, and I am enjoying the game again.
-Jack N.
In Master the Perfect Golf Swing we will dwell on this aspect in every
single concept that we go through and I'll talk to you about
"transformational thought" and what I reveal will produce results that
you can't help but find EXPLOSIVE!
Here's just one small part.
Let me start you out with one very important "transformational
thought" about golf. The entire problem with your golf swing is rooted
in one thing and one thing only; your desire to hit a good shot. You
see, within the desire for a good golf shot is human nature and the
instinctual responses that go with that desire. For example, if you
want to hit a 350 yard drive, you'll probably swing too hard. If you
want to hit a ball over that pond, you'll probably swing up, etc.
It's no secret that Golf is truly the most mental of all sports. One
requiring focus, concentration, commitment and trust in matters (that
if you really think about it) you can't actually control. Learning to
commit to the right thing and trust the result is called FAITH. And
faith is where greatness lives!
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not advocating that you hit the ball and
pray it goes to target.
In this system I will teach you how to hit the ball and actually know
it will go to your target.
Many people are too busy being smart to learn anything new.
I urge you not to make a know-it-all mistake and pass up this
opportunity to perfect your swing, lower your scores and increase your
confidence as a golfer.
You're spending your time and money to play on the course and you owe
it to yourself to seize any opportunity to truly improve your game.
Otherwise you may as well be playing putt-putt with the windmill.
Master The Perfect Golf Swing contains some of the most prized
secrets to a becoming a great golf player. Those advanced secrets that
help you consistently make good shots. Shaving strokes from your game
and moving your skill from good to great.
What's So Special about this System?
Master the Perfect Golf Swing is a 3 Volume System created
specifically to help you make consistently good shots and develop the
golf swing that shaves strokes off your score and instills confidence
to repeat those great feeling shots over and over.
Over 270 pages of Full color illustrations and super clear
instructions make it simple to follow along as I demonstrate the
various drills and exercises.
In each volume, I take a specific skill set and guide you step by step
toward the perfect swing. I don't leave anything out. If it will make
you a better golfer it's in there.
The Narrow Gate
Sick of that slice or hook?
Everything that you need to know and do in order to hit the golf ball
straight and true to your target. Do you think that being able to
actually work the golf ball (curve it whatever direction you want) is
only for really good players but not you? WRONG! You will be able to
hit any shape of shot that you desire once you go through this
incredible program. A $37 Value!
The Sweet Spot
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to become addicted to golf?
Want to know what the secret ingredient is that addicts us all to this
great sport? It's hitting a dead solid golf shot! Once you walk
through these simple concepts you will stop bragging about "the one"
that brings you back, and you'll starting hitting most of your golf
shots dead solid! I love this program! A $37 Value!
The Battlefield
Ever notice how everything tends to change from the practice tee to
the golf course?
I call the practice tee - church. Why is a golf practice tee like
church? Well it's pretty easy to do the right things for an hour one
day out of the week while you sit in church. That's not the point! Can
you hit those "good" shots out where it really counts? Done correctly,
the practice tee (and church for that matter) train and prepare us to
go out and do battle in the real world and on a real course. Do you
really want to shoot lower scores? Then you have to learn how to take
it out onto "The Battlefield"! A $37 Value!
Bonus Offer
And as a special Bonus Offer, with your order of Master The Perfect
Golf Swing, you will also receive a copy of my eBook, Life Out of
Control (a $111.00 value) absolutely FREE. In Life Out of Control I
parallel each and every golf lesson with a concept and "a drill" from
the Holy Bible.
It is not my intension to try and force my Christian beliefs on
anyone, which is such a ridiculous concept in the first place. I mean
think about it, could any human being truly "force" you to believe
something? On the contrary, this program is yours as my gift and
completely yours to decide if you want to go through it. I honestly
believe that if you will at least check it out as you go through the
golf lessons, that your life will be at least as enriched as your golf
game will be - maybe more! But that's for you to decide. A $111 Value!
Dear Tim,
I am writing you from South Africa.
Last night I was sitting playing on the net when I cam across your
website, and this is remarkable.
I have had a very blessed life with normal ups and downs. In 2008 I
committed my life to Christ and started an adventure that is
remarkable. I recommitted to my child hood dream of wanting to play
professional golf and entered the local Q School. My circumstances
added a lot of pressure on me at the time and I did not play golf with
trust at all.
I have been searching for an answer from God ever since as I know
that God is faithful and he will give us everything we ask for, in due
course. Then, definitely not by coincidence I came across your website
last night and I know that this is the where God intended me to go.
The word says that if we diligently seek Him we will find him. I know
my biggest problem is my mind, I become my own biggest enemy by
wanting to take on and take in to much junk. I know I am on the right
course because the challenges and temptations have become so much
stronger and harder, and yes I fail, but I know that God is near and
that I am getting closer and closer.
I have been busy with the Rick Warren Book for exactly 20 days now
when I came across your website, so I know I am on the right track.
Thanks man!!!
- Gustav
If you're not consistently making good shots today, then I guarantee
you will benefit from Master the Perfect Golf Swing.
You'll be amazed at how consistently, predictably and easily you can
make good shots once you Master the Perfect Golf Swing.
YES, Tim! Send me Master the Perfect Golf Swing.
I understand that I will receive INSTANT ACCESS to the entire 3 Volume
Master The Perfect Golf Swing plus the FREE Bonus Offer
"Life Out of Control",
A $111 Value FREE.
You're my customer after all and I truly care about if you get the
kind of results you want to achieve.
If you're not absolutely convinced that Master The Perfect Golf Swing
doesn't help you improve your Golf Swing, just let me know within 60
days and you'll get a Complete Refund. No questions asked.
Enjoy the Game, Enjoy Life
Tim Moore
PS. The way I see it we all pay for education one way or another. We
pay with our blood sweat and tears or we find a mentor who is willing
to allow you to benefit from their years of experience.
Which seems better to you? I know what I'd do.