Excerpt from product page

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RegistryRepair.ws - Protect Your World

Registry Repair will scan
your computer every time it boots up. It will run in the background,
silently fixing problems while you continue your work or play with
no interruptions!

Registry Repair will improve system performance. Your computer will
work faster, since it doesn't have to work around problems anymore!

For absolutely no charge, Registry Repair will scan your PC. If
it finds any problems that could affect the performance of the computer,
it will let you know immediately!

With just a few clicks,
Registry Repair will scan your entire registry for broken entries
and display a list of all errors found. To make it convenient
for you, you can select to repair specific errors or repair all
of them at once - and if ever something goes wrong, Registry Repair
makes a backup of all changes!
Registry Repair's Features:

-Restore system stability by repairing invalid registry entries
-Restore system performance by removing orphaned or broken registry

-Clears invalid, outdated, or incorrect program shortcuts
-Provides 'rollback' logs, in case of errors
-Unlimited upgrades and technical support
-Works with Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, XP, and NT
Do you have any of these problems?

-PC crashes frequently
-PC freezes frequently
-Unable to remove a program using the Add/Remove Software tool
-'Unable to Load .DLL' errors
If so, you may have errors in your registry!

"My computer was
crashing constantly. I had to reboot at least six times a day,
every day! I thought I'd have to re-format my whole computer!
But thanks to your software, everything's running fine again.
You've saved me a lot of trouble! Thanks, guys!"
Benjamin Freeman, MS

"Since I used your software, my computer is running much
faster and almost never crashes anymore! I'm going to recommend
this software to everyone I know!"
Eugene Crawford, NJ

"I just gomy computer a few months ago, and it was running
terribly. I don't know what went wrong, but since I started running
your software, my computer runs like brand new! Thanks!"
Martin Wells, MO


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