[Hypno-Doctor Golf Mastery Edition](http://www.golfdomination.com)
Golf Domination
Amazing New Golf Program Runs Automatically And…
It Takes 5 STROKES (Or More)
Off Your Very Next Round…
Everyone knows most golfers don't play even close to their real skill level. If you did, you would play every hole at the top of your game.
On this Web page, I will show you the easiest (and most effective) way ever discovered to cut strokes from your score.
It's important to play consistently at the top of your game. All the top golfers do. Learn now why you don't (yet)… and how you can play AT YOUR BEST – much, much more often – by taking advantage of my amazing discovery!
"I used Hypno-Doctor Golf for 8 days, and I improved 11 strokes! Overall I have more confidence with all portions of my game!"
- Ronald Hennis Thomas
From: Warren Gates
Charlotte, NC
Dear Friend,
What I am about to say may truly shock you:
When you are playing golf, your brain is your best friend… but your brain may ALSO be your worst enemy!
Why do I say that?
Because one part of your brain can guide you effortlessly to play your best round ever… while another part of your brain can only sabotage and frustrate you and every step along the way.
Call it "The Battle of the Brain"
My name is Warren Gates. I grew up in a "golf family" – my grandfather was president of a nationally prominent country club, and my father was a PGA-certified pro.
And I learned a hard lesson, first-hand. In "The Battle of the Brain," I was a frequent "casualty" on the golf course. That was because the "wrong" part of my brain constantly screwed up my game. So it was especially important for me to figure out how to get the right part of my brain to win the battle – because that was the only way I could consistently lower my score.
The good news: I did figure it out. And my discovery will bring a HUGE advantage to YOUR game!
"I loved it. Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition helped me block out stress and distraction. Sank every putt within 6 feet. Truly saved me 8 strokes. It will help every golfer achieve more balance and clarity in their golf game. A must-use for golfers at every level."
-John Balcerzak
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The Battle Of The Brain –
The Inner Game Of Golf
Seen In A Whole New Light
If you've ever heard that golf is a "mental game," you probably thought "That rings true" but never gave it a lot more thought. I have, though. I put years of research, study, and "fairway experimentation" into the mental aspect of golf.
What I learned is: Your everyday, conscious, "thinking" mind is constantly working against you when you are at the tee. Maybe that sounds crazy to you – I know it did to me when I first learned this surprising fact.
You see, when you're playing golf, it's your unconscious mind – the powerhouse beneath the surface – that's really your best friend. It's the unconscious mind where your skill level resides – and so does the secret to consistently low scores.
All you have to do is tap into that unconscious skill power… and at the same time, get the conscious mind out of the way. For most people, though, this is difficult, even overwhelming.
Until, that is, they use my breakthrough discovery.
"I was very impressed with how simple and pleasant Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition is to use. It helped me so much I won $150 on the course last week when I shaved 15 strokes off my game. I used to be a weekend warrior – now I can hold my own. Never would have been able to do it without Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition."
-Brad Williams
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The 3 Reasons You Usually Play
WAY Under Your Top Skill Level
Let me share with you some information that is vitally important to every golfer.
Whatever method you use to improve your swing, all of your improvements get stored in your unconscious mind – beneath the threshold of your awareness. That is how you improve your skill level.
A good definition of "skill level" is the way you would play if there was nothing in the way. That is, your skill level is the best version of the golfer in you.
Now when you are motivated, focused, healthy, and – this is important – distraction-free, that is when you are at your best. And while most golfers know this intuitively, rarely has it been explained before why golfers can't tap into their own highest level of skill on command.
Before I reveal my breakthrough discovery – which lets you stay permanently in touch with your highest developed level of skill – let me review what 15 years of intense academic and hands-on research revealed to me: The 3 Reasons You Almost Always Play Way Under Your Skill Level.
POOR PLAY REASON NUMBER 1: You're thinking about how to swing.
Yes, it flies in the face of conventional wisdom that thinking about how to swing would hurt your game.
Look at it this way. Imagine you had a perfect autopilot built into a Boeing 747 jet, but all the regular human pilots had the day off. So the only guy left to fly the plane was a twitchy guy named Nervous Ned. While he flies, every few seconds Ned gets distracted by a random instrument reading and, for no good reason at all, he jerks the controls so the jet lurches 1 or 2 degrees to the right or left.
In this way, Ned would be fighting the perfect autopilot – and all the passengers would get a pretty annoying jolt every time he jerked the plane. Some might even need to use the air sickness bag.
Well, in this analogy, "the perfect autopilot" is your unconscious mind. "Nervous Ned" is your conscious mind, trying to take over the unconscious mind's job.
And "the passengers?" They're the ball.
Translation: "Nervous Ned" adds extra strokes to your game!
"Great software! I believe in what you guys are doing. I think it will help golfers greatly as it is the impetus of what holds us back from breaking through to a new level. . . the mind. Worked like a champ for me!"
- Brian Church
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POOR PLAY REASON NUMBER 2: You're worried about what others may think.
You'll experience this differently from thinking about how to swing, but it's really just another version of the same thing. Only this time, Nervous Ned is freaking out about the other 747s in the sky.
If he calmed down, Nervous Ned might realize most of the other planes are actually miles away from him, most of the time. Same thing, really, when you play golf. The other players may be nearby in a physical sense.
But when you are relaxed, mentally focused, and distraction-free, it truly seems like you are the only one on the course – and that's what you need for perfect drives and putts.
POOR PLAY REASON NUMBER 3: You feel a lot of pressure to "do well."
This is Nervous Ned, in the cockpit, in a frenzy. He's looking at dials and meters and digital readouts, randomly pushing buttons when he sees something that makes him think the flight might be off course. All because he believes what he is doing will improve the flight.
It's totally irrational. He has no idea what he's doing, but he thinks, "My intentions are good,"as if good intentions alone will get him the results he wants.
The irony is, if "Ned" (your conscious mind) would just relax… stop trying to do anything… and let "the perfect autopilot" (your unconscious mind) do its job, then he wouldn't have to worry at all about what others thought of him, since he'd be playing so well.
In fact, the only thing he would have to worry about would be the envy coming from the other players – and his customary obligation to buy them drinks at the 19th hole, since he won the round!
"Hypno-Doctor is great – I can run it in the background without intruding on anyone else, and it doesn't interfere with my work. And the results? Incredible! My swing has become more relaxed and more fluid after just a few sessions, and I recently posted on of the best scores I've had in months. Believe me – this thing WORKS!"
-Jay White
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What I Discovered That Is Guaranteed
To Cut 5 Strokes (Or More) Off Your Game
If you went to a scientific lab to determine the cause of not playing as well as you should (based on your skill level), you can see by now that the cause is easy to identify: interference from your conscious mind when you are at the tee or on the green.
That is the first part of my discovery.
The second part of my discovery was a reliable, natural, easy-to-use method for "programming" the unconscious mind to take over – and win – every time you swing a club during the game.
That method was hypnosis.
If you are familiar with how hypnosis really works, this will make total sense to you.
But if you are like most people, your impression of hypnosis has been formed by theatrical or humorous demonstrations of stage hypnosis. Don't be fooled! What you see in movies or on TV – or at an entertaining show in Las Vegas – really has almost nothing to do with the kind of hypnosis I'm talking about.
In fact, many of the best teachers, coaches, and therapists in the world use a mild form of light hypnosis as one tool in their toolkit. Real hypnosis is no more and no less than a very effective way of relaxing a person… and communicating with the unconscious mind. (That's where all learning takes place, and where your highest level of skill development is stored, ready on a moment's notice to help you perform at your best.)
If, that is, you can relax enough when you're on the golf course to let your unconscious mind do what it does best – guide your best game.
Even more important: The kind of hypnosis that my product guides you into is the exact-same mental state that pro's like Tiger, Peter Tomasulo and Jamie Lovemark use all the time to lock into and win tournaments and titles with, all the time.
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Introducing Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition – The Perfect Way
To Harness The Power of Hypnosis For Your Golf Game
I invented the perfect solution for the busy person who wants to take advantage of the power of hypnosis and maximize earlier investments. That is, all the time, energy, money and experience already put into training and products to play a better game of golf. My software helps you realize the benefits of everything you've done before.
Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition is a simple piece of software you install on your computer. It runs in the background while you are visiting Web sites, reading or writing emails, completing reports – even when you are social networking or watching videos online.
Hypno Doctor: Golf Mastery Edition Runs On ANY Computer
and Works Quietly, Tirelessly in the Background to Improve Your Game for You
Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition provides gentle, effective hypnotic messages to "program" your mind for one purpose, and one purpose only – to make sure you are at your most focused, relaxed BEST when you are at the tee, in the rough, on the green, anywhere on the course.
In other words, no matter how stressed you "normally" would be on a particular shot, now you will be able to drop into "The Zone" and perform at your very best, effortlessly.
Four Layers Of Scientifically Precise Messaging
To Prepare You To Play Your Best Ever – Consistently
Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition uses a layered strategy to activate your "relaxation center" in multi-sensory modes. The software features layers of
audio video subliminal text and visual anchors
to put you in a mentally relaxed state while it is running on your computer – and giving you the uncanny ability to return to that state, on command, whenever you are about to hit a golf ball.
"Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition is easy to install and easy to use. It is relaxing and confidence-boosting. When I am working, I use the product in the subliminal mode. It's great to be able to work on the mental side of my game during my work day while I am at my desk. I have a new-found confidence when I address the ball on the course. From the tee box my driver are now straight down the middle. I used to suffer from a bad slice. Hypno-Doctor Golf has taken my handicap down 7 strokes."
- Wes Norton
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Yes, the program is easy to install, quick to learn, and a breeze to use.
The software effortlessly trains your unconscious mind to generate an instant state of relaxation on command – and get the conscious mind out of the way for those all-important moments.
Scientifically designed messages to enhance and promote this game-changing relaxation are available to you in two modes:
Positive Affirmation Mode, which allows you to consciously observe the messages (and unconsciously absorb them) as you prepare yourself for better and better play Subliminal Mode, where the messages come in automatically, beneath the threshold of conscious awareness. This is how most experienced users of Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition end up using the software, because it allows them to consciously focus and work, on something else. All the while, they are preparing the unconscious mind to improve and empower them to play at the top of their skill level!
These powerful messages are only part of it. Because Hypno-Doctor rounds it out as soothing music and simple imagery further train your unconscious mind to prepare to win the next time you play a round! It's as simple as that.
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How Soon Would You Like To Change Your "Inner Game"
And Watch Your Score Go Down And STAY Down?
When you think about the hundreds, even thousands, of dollars you've spent on special clubs, DVDs, books, lessons, private coaching, time on the driving range, and everything else you have done to improve your swing, you realize two things:
1. It's all money well spent, because it can lower your score.
2. But you are limiting the value of what you have invested in your golf game so far if you can't consistently take advantage of the improvements you have made.
That means you are losing out on everything you've done up to now if you can't always play at the top of your skill level. What would it be worth to you to "cash in" on the considerable investment you've already made improving your game?
Finally, here is a product that can end "The Battle of the Brain"
permanently and in your favor… and do a lot more besides.
As you can see, that would be worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to you!
Our regular price is scheduled to be $197 for this amazing software.
But as part of our current promotion, you can get it today… limited time, introductory price, just $67.
And the Guarantee is simple, and unconditional:
Your GUARANTEE of Success…
"Try Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition At MY Risk for 60 Days. See If It Isn't Everything I Described It To Be… And More! Put It To The Test. Play A Few Rounds (Or Just One Round) And Notice Your Score Dropping By 5 Strokes Or More!"
If For Any Reason (Or No Reason At All) This Amazing Product Doesn't Exceed Your Expectations, Simply Send An Email To Our Customer Service Department For A Prompt, Courteous, and Full Refund."
What could be fairer than that? You're seen how well Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition has worked for our pre-publication review customers. Now the only question left is: How well will it work for you?
Order now and find out! You risk nothing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Get your copy now and watch your scores drop and your drives fly straight and long:
Warren Gates
Inventor, Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition
P.S. How can Hypno-Doctor Golf Edition really take 5 strokes or more off every game?
You've seen on this Web page how it has worked for other golfers and how it can work for you.
But perhaps the best explanation is the conclusion this fellow golfer came to after using the product:
"Great idea and it works! Golf is such a 'head' game. After just a week I could see the difference in my mental approach. Great gift for the golfer who has everything!"
-Bruce Callander
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