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Gain access to a valuable membership made especially for Artists

Are you ready to take a step forward in your art career?

Listen in to Justin’s advice, and learn how you can market yourself


The neat thing is that almost everything I teach artists to do, I’m
doing myself for my business.  The art business isn’t so different
from the rest of the world. We all need to know how to promote
ourselves and our businesses—online and off.

I keep up with marketing, business, and art-world gatherings,
galleries, museums and events.

I’m now offering this membership in 2010 so I can keep each of my
clients that i’m teaching up to date.

You also benefit from my experience working as Business Development

What, you may ask, does that have to do with art?

Well, I learn from hands on experience. I know how to form and
nurture relationships to get results. I know how to position myself in
front of the traffic online and the buyer offline. I have Managed a
team of Marketers and relied on my own knowledge of the new marketing
world, to be able to take businesses to higher levels of success.

With all that said I have been a full time artist myself since I can
remember, going to school for both art and marketing, I have worked in
the fields of Acrylic Painting, Photography, Printing, Graphics and
Motion Design as well as Film Editing and Art Direction in Cinema.

Art Surrounds my life, my walls and literally where I live, I have
strategically placed myself living in the city where Street art, and
Guerilla Marketing takes place just outside my window on a daily

Art is my life and I have been lucky enough to succeed at it, now its
time to help others do the same…

When you join ArtMarketingStudio.com’s membership you will gain
instant access to valuable coaching and training through our blog.
These training materials will give you the education you need to take
your art career to the next level and start doing what you really love
– living your dream of making a fun and exciting career with your

You may access this valuable training for a small monthly fee of
$29.95 until you decide to cancel your membership.

At this Introductory price you can have access to my detailed
training and examples of what I have done to reach the level of
success I have had as an artist.

This knowledge has taken me years of trial and error and cost me
thousands of dollars to learn. I know and UNDERSTAND how many
challenges need to be faced and overcome as an artist and that is why
I want to HELP YOU.

Your membership includes access to archived content as well as new
material that I post on a weekly basis.

Come take A look! If you are not satisfied with the program then we
offer a 60 day money back guarantee and you can cancel your
subscription at any time.

If you have any questions befor or after joining I can easily be
reached by sending an email to: info@artmarketingstudio.com

Order will be processed through clickbank.com

Then Subscribe to our Freenewsletter by entering your name and email
to the right or

We have a lot of very useful content for free but our Subscribing
members enjoy a number of benefits.

Don't miss out on our limited spots!


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