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Attention Anyone in Search of Complete Allergy Relief:

"New Allergy Discovery Provides


Natural Relief From Allergies"


Announcing The Amazing:

Guide To Natural Allergy and Asthma Relief

pollen * cat & dogs * pollen * dust * mold* food allergies * all allergies

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Dear Friend,
If you’re suffering from asthma or allergies I know exactly how you feel. And I REALLY want to help you. If you're willing to do some work on your health you can be allergy-free like me. I guarantee that I will save you time and money in your search for healthy ways to get allergy and asthma relief.

I have tried everything, and I have worked in the health industry for over 34 years gathering Allergy Secrets from some of the top Health Practitioners in the world.

My Near-Death Asthma Experience
I’ll always remember Christmas Eve, 1967, when I was 10 years old. That’s because within 30 minutes I went from wheezing to being unable to draw any air into my lungs. I had every belief that I would die, which made my fear worse and which made the asthma worse. My thoughts started to drift between an extreme fear of dying, to thoughts of what heaven will be like, to missing my family, and back to pure panic. Looking back I’d guess that it was triggered by an allergy to the Christmas tree.

I next remember laying on the blue back seat of our Ford Falcon (above), being rushed to the Doctors office by my Mom, going in and out of consciousness. I didn’t think I would make it. However a shot of adrenaline from the Doctor saved my life by to relieving my frozen lungs.

I Needed Drastic Help

My Mom took me to an allergist where I discovered I was severely allergic to:.
Dogs, Cats and Horse Hair (I already knew horses and dogs were a trigger) Dust, Mold, Mildew Pollen (almost every kind)
Corn and Wheat Peanuts Any many more…
This was my Doctors protocol:

My life was then built around Doctors appointments, drugs, inhalers, injections, and the current state of my allergies. No sports and extreme care playing outside. Playing in the leaves would bring on asthma. I had to avoid many foods and places where triggers might exist.

I spent more time going to different Doctors and Allergists for the next several years trying to get some relief than just being a kid.

Doctors Gave Up On Me But I Wouldn’t Quit.

I refused to live like this. I wouldn’t live like this. Perhaps I was too young or naïve to resign myself to half a life, and the prognosis of the Doctors. Somebody, somewhere had to know why I had allergies and asthma. What was causing this? As I asked many, many Doctors what to do, or why I was different, it just seemed to create more questions than answers. This seemed just crazy.

Q: Why are some people allergic and some people aren't. Is it hereditary? There's more to it than that…

Because I was so bad, and nothing was working, some of the Doctors began to say:
        "Maybe you'll grow out of it"

I credit my Mom with being open to finding a different approach. She took me to a Naturopath, and I took myself to several nutritionists. While that didn't work it gave me new ideas. SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE HAD TO HAVE AN ANSWER TO ALLERGIES!

My Quest For A Cure

So it was that at the ripe age of 16 (in 1973) that I began my search for alternative answers. Back then nutrition and natural health was considered quackery. But I was desperate and willing to try anything. For the next few years I read hundreds of books on health, and went to hundreds of Practitioners.

A partial list of what and who I tried included:
Chiropractic Homeopathy Nutritionist Herbs
Glandulars Acupuncture Colonics Parasite Programs Liver Flushes Juicing (Many other weird things I would rather not mention)

My Family had already spent thousands of dollars. I may have felt healthier and wiser, but I still had asthma and allergies.


Fate Steps In
I believe that if you want something bad enough, or pray enough, with total determination that life will begin to bring you answers. At age 19 I discovered a very eccentric Doctor in Utah, a genius, who identified the cause in my body for my allergies and asthma in minutes (more on how he discovered the cause so fast in the book). What he told me made so much sense, was so simple and logical I was just floored. I had found what I call:

#1 of the 5 Unknown Causes of Allergies
(all 5 unknown causes, along with treatment, are revealed in the book)


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The #1 Cause has to do with a part of the body that, if exposed to too many toxins, will create too many histamines. Too many histamines in turn cause "over-reactions". This is why many people, and most of us at one time or another, take anti-histamines.

He put me on a natural treatment protocol and within 3 months my asthma was gone, soon followed by all allergy symptoms.

For the next 20 years I was allergy free…..

Then My Dog Allergies Returned…

…And A New Device Removed It!

I wasn't expecting, after 20 years of allergy-free living, to have allergies again. Even though I had owned dogs several years before all of a sudden I started to get sneezing around my new girlfriends dog. So I went back into "search-mode” and because of all my resources in the health field I discovered several new cutting edge technologies.



Within a number of months of these treatments I am not only allergy-free, but I am more allergy-free than I was before.

Inside the book I reveal the latest in treatment for allergies that removed my dog allergy. It also identified and removed about a hundred "hidden" allergies, including many food allergies, that I wasn't aware of.
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This book is different from any other book on allergies and asthma in several ways:

It is based on results.  I lost my allergies and asthma in my early twenties. Along the way, I interviewed and studied Health Practitioners as well as people who became allergy and/or asthma-free. I searched and researched everything I could find. It talks about 5 causes of allergies.  Most of them are unknown. One or more of these causes is likely at the root of your allergies and/or asthma. Discovering them can be the master key to the relief and/or removal of your allergies for good. It avoids the cliché approaches and fake cures.  I won’t be discussing any miracle supplements found in other allergy-cure, textbooks or e-books. I won’t tell you to avoid the allergen forever, or even to avoid it. There is a much better way. This book is based on my belief that there is an answer to all of man's ills somewhere in nature. I’ve seen this belief work in my own life. It’s easy to forget that 98% of today’s medicines came from the plant/herb world, even though many of them are now made synthetically. Herbs and plants are a true miracle, a part of the gift of life. Herbs were a major player in eliminating my allergies. This book is committed to helping you find answers for fast, natural relief, and long term results. It is designed to support you in creating your own path to eliminating allergies and asthma. It will save you money by helping you determine which approaches are a waste of time. I spent thousands of dollars trying different things. You'll get an insiders look at each approach.
I guarantee that this book will help you or your money back…

Q: You're Not A Doctor. Why should I Trust You?
A: I'm a "former asthmatic" and a "former severely allergic person" who now has no allergies or asthma. Doctors wrote me off at age 21 and I found my answers after they failed. I searched for, and studied with many Doctors, Nutritionists, Herbalists, Acupuncturists and Energy Medicine Specialists for over 40 years looking for a complete answer to allergies. I also searched for people who had eradicated allergies to find clues. I devoted myself to answers and results, not to relief, to drugs, or to theory.

Q: Can you guarantee getting rid of allergies?
A: Not if I want to stay out of jail. It's against the law to claim a cure for allergies, because people make their living treating it. What I will guarantee is that you will know more about allergies and alternative methods that have worked that most people (and most Doctors) will ever know.

Q: How does it compare to other E-books on the subject?
A: Great question. I bought all the other e-books on the market I could find and honestly – most just talked about supplements that are natural anti-histamines. One cost me $49.00 and I asked for my money back. If you want a real a cure, not just a seasonal anti-histamine, you'llneed the latest info. (NOTE: THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK IS PERIODICALLY UPDATED, TO GIVE YOU THE MOST CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE)
Q: Do Doctors endorse these methods?
A: Yes. I have many friends in the field that now work with these methods, and know that they work. Most don't promote themselves too heavily, as the traditional Medical Boards they practice under often frown on alternative methods.

Q: Can I talk to a person live before ordering.
A: Yes. We'd love to answer any questions. You can call us at 1-800-215-1689 .

Q: What's The Secret?
A: There are a number of methods in the book, and some of the more recent breathroughs are especially promising. This is cutting-edge knowledge, even faster and easier than the herbal and nutritional methods I used to get rid of my allergies the first time.


Order Your 78-Page "Complete Guide To Allergy Relief" Today
And Breathe Better Tomorrow

The book was UPDATED on September 15th, 2010 to include my recent discoveries.
This special price is $29.00 instead of the regular $39.95


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* This E-book is delivered to your email inbox within 5 minutes.
It can be read on any FREE PDF reader like Adobe Reader.


May You Breathe Well and Be Healthy,


Mark Richardson



P.S. If you don't think my Guide To Natural Allergy and Asthma relief gives you the resources you need to design a plan to get permanent relief you have 60 days to review your copy. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, just email me ( or call my office) and I will offer you a full refund and you can even keep the book. I AM COMMITTED TO YOUR ABILITY TO GET RID OF ALLERGIES LIKE I DID!




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