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Wish there was a way to make

1000's OF GOLD

Doing ONLY the things you enjoy in WoW?



My name is Februarie, and I'm going to show you how you can make more money during an expansion than ANY other time. Spending 15 minutes a day in preparation, can easily translate into over 10,000g the week that Cataclysm is released. But the countdown to Cataclysm has started ticking. If you want to get rich quick, you have to start today...


What If... Making 2,000g
Only Took 15 Minutes

There are HUNDREDS of ways to make gold in WoW.
And Warcrafters are on a constant search for the
ultimate method. You want the highest profit
with the least amount of work possible.

But other gold guide sellers have told you that there's
no such thing as the "magic bullet" that will make you
rich with barely any time or effort. Well...

They're wrong.

It sounds impossible, but you can make mass gold in Cataclysm by spending less than 15 minutes per day right now preparing! I'm talking like 10,000g in a week, with a fraction of the time-investment that conventional gold-making methods require.

Expansion profiting is probably the most over-looked gold-making method out there. It's so easy, but no one takes advantage of it!

Why? Because this opportunity only comes around once every few years, so no one has ever bothered fine-tuning it... until now.

Our Cataclysm Gold Guide will show you how to make the most gold, in the shortest amount of time, simply by taking advantage of major world events!

Raid. Dungeon. Level.
(Instead of Dailies, Fishing, Grinding)

You've been told over and over that there are all these weird secret methods to making mass gold. Fishing secrets that will make you rich, but bore you to tears. Secret items that will solve your gold problems, but have a 1 in 10,000 chance to drop.

Well here's the real secret: you can make more money off of things you actually like, than all the other nonsense put together. You don't have to add "gold-making" activities into your schedule. You just have to put a gold-making twist on the things you already do and love.
Get Rich By... Instead Of...Leveling Toons Farming MobsLowbie Questing Grinding QuestsDungeoning Grinding RepPvPing Grinding DailiesEarning AchievesCookingEndgame Raiding Fishing/yawn
Instead of struggling to make gold doing things you hate, spend your time before Cataclysm having fun!

Yes, traditional gold-making methods work. Yes, you can make money by grinding rep, dailies, and rare drops. But wouldn't you rather be in ICC? Or getting your new Mage to 80 before the xpac comes out? Or even working on achieves for rare Wrath titles and mounts?

Our top Cataclysm gold-making strategy is 100% passive. All you have to do is have fun in Wrath, and passively accumulate the high-profile Cataclysm items that we recommend. No extra work required!

Everyone wants to be rich. But no one wants to grind for 3 hours a day to get there. During an expansion, you can make the most money in the shortest amount of time... and you can have fun doing it!

From Dead Mines to Ice Crown

The Cataclysm Gold Guide will help you net huge profits, regardless of how long you've been playing, how many 80's you have, and how much time you spend online.
You can profit off of Cataclysm...
With any level character
If you play 12 hrs/day or 3 hrs/week
If you started today or in Vanilla

Unlike most gold-making methods, the Cataclysm Gold Guide can help you make mass gold on any level character. And in some cases... playing on lowbies can actually make you more money than playing on 80's! Pretty crazy, huh?

With our 3-step system, making gold isn't about having 10 80's or spending all day every day online. It's about knowing what to do with the time and resources you've got.

The playing field will be evened, but only for the first few weeks after the expansion. And it won't be easy to get ready, if you don't have a guide...

Just 3 Simple Steps

The Cataclysm Gold Guide gives you all the info and tools you'll need to prepare, so you can take advantage of the expansion to make as much gold as possible.

We share our expansion profiting secrets that we used for both BC and Wrath. We show you every hot item, every method, and every trick to maximizing your profits during an expansion.

Here are just a few of the secrets we share with you:

All packed into three simple steps. These three steps will prepare you for Cataclysm and net you over 10,000g the week the expansion is released. And I'm going to share them with you right now...

Step 1. Liquidating & Investing

You don't want to get left behind because you didn't know how to prepare!

Any time there's a major game change, our biggest worry is falling behind. And an even worse feelings is being held back simply because you didn't have the resources to keep up.

That's why the first step to preparing for Cataclysm needs to be taken immediately. Step one is all about the things that you can do right now to drastically improve your gold situation in Cataclysm... so instead of falling behind again, you'll finally get to be ahead of everyone else.

Every player knows that an expansion changes the economy. But 99% of players have no idea how. They don't know what to invest in and what to liquidate, before the expansion comes out.

The result? Either random hoarding of various nick-nacks that actually will become worthless. Or the other extreme - sell it all! The market is crashing! Get out while you can!!!

Well... unfortunately neither of these responses is going to make you any money. You need to know what we know. You need the facts and figures.

In Step 1 of the Cataclysm Gold Guide, we tell you which items are going to go down in value as the xpac approaches and should be sold asap. We share several items that you can buy right now - in Wrath - that will make all the difference when Cataclysm comes out. And we show you one item that is so important... if you don't have one, you'll literally be left in the dust.

Our first step "Liquidating & Investing" will get you ahead of the times, before the first Cataclysm patch is even announced.

Step 2. Playing the Market

You want to be able to buy and sell confidently, without all the guess-work.

Knowing how to play the market is the key to riches! It's the only sure-fire way to passively generate thousands of gold while having fun!

But it's a lot more complicated than it sounds. Whether you're rich or poor, Cataclysm is going to throw everything you think you know about making gold straight out the window.

The drastic gear-stat, professions, and class/race changes are going to turn simple things like selling lowbie greens into uncharted territory. By far the biggest step in preparing for Cataclysm - understanding these major game mechanic changes and how to profit off them!

Figuring out every change and its economic impact would be impossible by yourself. But our team has already compiled and analyzed the info, so all you have to do is apply it and profit.
We explain how...
Revamped stats upset gear sales
Upcoming prof changes affect materials pricing
New class/race combos impact server economy
And how to turn every change into pure profit!

In the months before and after the release, every item in the game will have a specific window of opportunity where it reaches a peak in price. Some things should be sold asap, but some things can actually be kept and sold in Cataclysm for triple their cost in Wrath... or more.

We explain what to liquidate and what to stockpile. And we give you a week-by-week breakdown that will lead you to riches by pin-pointing when to sell every item.

You'll finally have a game-plan - instead of blindly buying and selling, hoping you'll get lucky and hit the jackpot. You'll be able to take advantage of a rare world event, using proven methods that get you real results.

Step 3. Supply & Demand

You want to continue making money, even after the expansion craze dies down.

Steps one and two tell you what to do now to get ready for Cataclysm, and by themselves, are enough to bring in well over 10,000g.

But in step three, we show you how to take advantage of the supply and demand curve to net even more money after Cataclysm's release.

One of the biggest money-making questions with any expansion is: "What's better - selling mats that I find and farm? Or using the mats to level my crafting profs asap and selling crafted items?"

Well, it actually depends on the profs you have, your server, and several other factors. We tell you who should be leveling their profs and who should be selling mats! We even go over the optimal timing - when to sell materials and when to sell crafted items.

You'll be able to max out your professions with lightning speed, while raking in huge gold by supplying your server with the hottest items on the market. You'll finally be the one that sets the standards of your server's economy, instead of feeling that it's "just out of your control."

The 3-step process will teach you how to use market manipulation and control to bring in thousands of gold by taking advantage of Cataclysm. It only takes about 15 minutes per day to prepare, so you can spend the rest of your time passively accumulating items and having fun!

But our "Expansion Profiting" formula isn't the only thing you'll receive with the Cataclysm Gold Guide. You'll receive over $100 worth of free bonuses as well: video tutorials, updates, and more!

Advanced Gold-Making
Video Tutorial Series

You can accumulate our "hot-list" items passively and make plenty of money. But for those of us who prefer to take a more active approach, we're including a free "Advanced Gold-Making" Video Series.

We'll show you how to fine-tune our "Expansion Profiting" methods and get a jump start on your competition. So instead of being a victim of the flaky auction house, you can be a driving force behind your server's economy and set your own standards.

A few of the free bonus videos included with the Gold Guide are:

Auction House Control

Stop wasting hours trolling the AH and learn the pro's methods to auctioning!

An expansion clears the slate, leaving room for you to start or stop any trend you want. But you need to know how to make the AH do the dirty work for you. Learn how to control the market and optimize your individual auctions, so you can maximize your profits even more.

Taking Advantage of Your Server & Faction

Generate extra gold just by being you!

The effectiveness of every gold-making method varies drastically from server to server. Understanding simple things like which mats and classes your server favors, can mean massive profits for you. Learn how to fail-proof any gold-making method under the sun (including this one!) by manipulating your realm and cross-faction economy.

The Route Master

Access to the best 80-85 farming routes, before everyone else gets their hands on them.

Get access to our projected mineral and herb farming routes, with route updates as more and more beta and patch content is released. Learn the best gathering spots available, so you can monopolize the market and guarantee cash-flow.

Ultimate X-Pac Professions

The top two professions to get rich in Cataclysm (and how to level them from 450-525)!

The secret weapon that one of our members used during the Wrath of the Lich King release, to double his expansion profits. This one tactic by itself, made him over 1,000g per day, for the first three weeks of the expansion. This dynamite profession combo will have you dominating the market, and getting up to 500% profit on the most liquid items available.

Our Advanced Gold-Making series will really put you ahead of the crowd.

But those aren't the only videos you'll be getting with the Cataclysm Gold Guide...

Gold Secrets Straight From Beta!
(Your Personal Cataclysm Insider)

In a time where everything is subject to change, it's almost impossible to get accurate information online. But new developments and game changes won't leave you in the dark, anymore.

Our testers are in beta right now, getting the most accurate and up-to-date information for all of our products. Every time Blizzard makes a modification or addition to Cataclysm that will affect your ability to make gold, we'll let you know!

From your purchase right now, through Cataclysm's release, you'll receive constant forum and video updates from our team, explaining the newest and best items to save, profession mat changes, and much more.

The opportunity to make bank off of an expansion doesn't come around every day. You don't have time to waste on speculation, false assumptions, or untested methods. With our guide, you'll get reliable, up-to-date info, so you can confidently prepare for Cataclysm.

Don't Gamble
With Risky Alternatives

Expansion profiting is the hands-down fastest, easiest way to make gold. And it's 100% legal - no exploits and no risk of getting banned.

The only thing easier and faster is, well... buying gold. But buying the kind of gold you can make off of Cataclysm would cost anywhere from $60 to $200... or more.

You can make more gold for yourself, without the risk of getting phished and hacked. And it definitely doesn't cost $200!

Your Guide To

Not only is taking advantage of Cataclysm safer and cheaper than buying gold - it's easier than any other in-game gold-making strategy. You can make more gold doing the things you actually like, than with any other boring "conventional" gold-making method.

In our comprehensive Cataclysm Gold Guide, you'll receive...

Get Rich Now
...Or Wait 3 More Years...

You have a VERY limited amount of time to prepare for Cataclysm. These types of super-easy gold-making strategies ONLY work for expansions... that's about once every THREE YEARS.

The release is approaching, and soon the opportunity will be gone...

If you want to get rich quick, you have to act now!


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