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“I Can Show YOU The Art Of Beekeeping And How To Successfully Maintain A Beehive In Just 7 Days (Or Less) And Make A Profit. Absolutely Guaranteed!!”



Dear Bee Enthusiast,

My name is Scott Harvey and if you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert and are keen to learn everything there is to know about bees, then this is going to be the most important information you’ll ever read…


I recently completed and released my new book, The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide and I am virtually giving it it away to you today!!


Why is it amazing? Because it contains every golden nugget of information you need to know about keeping a beehive, plus much more…

Just imagine being able to have a thriving colony of bees in just 7 days (or less) without becoming frustrated or confused.

And you could do this from the comfort of your own home – wouldn’t that be great?

Yes – you can have magnificent honey for yourself (or to sell) each and every season! It truly is possible, but you just need to know how, so…

Sign up for my 10-part email mini-course and you’ll receive a free lesson each day in your inbox.


In my FREE Mini-Course, You’ll Learn:


Are You Ready For Backyard Beekeeping?

Four Sure-Fire Ways to Establish a Great Relationship With Your Neighbors

When Is It a Good Time To Visit Your Honey Bees?

Avoid Bee Stings Like a Pro!!

What to Look Out For When Ordering Bee Colonies…

How to Inspect Any Beehive With Confidence

Avoid Potential Disasters When Relocating a Beehive

Discover the Reasons Behind Swarming Behavior

What to Expect During Winter and the Clustering Time for Bees

The Best Time to Inspect Your Honey Bees

Much, much more!!


To get this amazing one-of-a-kind news letter on caring for your bees, simply fill out the box below, and I’ll instantly deliver your first issue in your email inbox right away!


YES, Scott! I Want to Learn the Secrets of Keeping Happy, Healthy Bees That Will Produce Magnificent Honey Each and Every Season!

Send Me My 100% Free Top 10 Beekeeping Tips
Mini-Course Today!
Name: Email:
You Will Receive the First Lesson in Your Email Inbox Immediately.

Privacy Assured: Your email address is never shared with anyone.

100% Spam Free! I Value Your Email Privacy. You may unsubscribe at any time.


And if you think my FREE Mini-Course has helped you out, it’s just the tip of the iceberg!! My brand new amazing eBook all about setting up and maintaining a beehive can help you with so much more!

Plus you can…

Discover The Secrets To Making A Profit From Selling Your Honey In Just 7 Days!!




Because, every bit of my eBook is packed with the latest cutting edge information on keeping bee colonies and it took over 1 year to research, gather the data and compile it into this amazing new eBook.

Here’s What You’ll Discover in The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide eBook:

How to understand the anatomy of bees…

3 little known, yet simple ways to identify the different bee species…

Secrets from expert beekeepers that few people ever know about…

3 proven steps to understanding the life cycle of the honey bee and how bee societies function…

2 simple methods (that are right in front of your eyes) to setting up your property to house bees efficiently…

WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes beekeeping…

You’ll discover in just a few short minutes how to work with your bees safely…

6 time tested and proven strategies for inspecting the colony and ensuring your bee’s health…

The right time to seek professional help when it comes to your bee problems…

7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for choosing the correct beehives…

A cost-cutting approach to extracting your honey and selling it for a profit…

How often you need to supplement your bee’s diet…

How to avoid swarming and what it means to your colony…

The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to care for your bees properly during every season…


But that’s not all…because that’s just a small tiny fraction of the amount of information you’ll discover in this jam packed eBook that you can download within 5 minutes in the comfort of your own home.

If you like what you’ve read so far than here’s what to do…

You can get your hands on this eBook in 5 minutes (or less) by ordering your copy through Click Bank, just follow the order link below…

[Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank](http://1.djh1973b.pay.clickbank.net)


(All you need is a credit card, no special internet accounts or anything like that. And it’s 100% safe & secure. Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access to your sensitive information.)


Honestly?…What’s All This Worth??


Let’s be straight here…You can have someone go out and spend countless hours doing research for you, gathering information, interviewing the professionals, and wouldn’t even get close to the amount of information that’s jam packed in this eBook…

And that alone would cost you an arm and a leg…

Because you see…This isn’t some off the wall pieced together eBook!

In Fact – This eBook Is So Exclusive That You Can Only Get It Online Through This Web Site


But best of all…this eBook, The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide, is written in plain, easy to understand English (this means that you won’t find any super complicated technical jargon here). It’s written to be dead-easy to read and understand and it’s laid out so you can effortlessly follow it.

That’s why The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide is truly a bargain at just $24.95!!!

Yes, you read right…that’s just a fraction of what it’s really worth and the cost to put this eBook together (countless hours interviewing experts, doing research, and double checking to make sure that the information included is the most cutting edge up to date information there is).

And, for a limited time only, I’ll be giving you a $15 discount!!


Usually, I sell my book The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide for $39.95 but I’m giving it to you for $24.95!!


Why am I making this so affordable? Simple, because you see…since it’s a digital eBook my costs to deliver it to you are small compared to if I had to actually print it out (which would raise the costs to be significantly higher than $24.95).

But this is an eBook (Electronic Book) that you can download to your computer within minutes (usually less than 5 minutes).

That means that you can get your hands on this latest cutting edge information about setting up your own beehive and start within than 5 minutes.

But listen…

This is the bargain of a life time…and honestly, I will have to raise the price from $24.95 to at least $59.95. Once a few more overly satisfied customers email me with their testimonials (feed back).

Yep…I will raise the $24.95 to $59.95, and I have to – Because the demand is growing so fast.

So if you want to order now you can save yourself some money.

You can order quickly and easily that’ll take you less than 5 minutes by following the blue link just below.

[Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank](http://1.djh1973b.pay.clickbank.net)


The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide is a fantastic investment considering what secrets you’ll discover in this amazing new eBook.

Now I don’t want you to worry…Because if for any reason you’re not 100% happy and in love with this eBook, then I will give you a 100% RISK-FREE money back guarantee to protect your investment.



Hey…it’s only fair…

You’re my customer after all and I truly care about if you get the kind of results you want to achieve.

And if you don’t achieve those results then I take that personally, so that’s why I don’t want to keep one cent from you – unless you’re 100% satisfied with this eBook.

In fact…one of the reasons so many people buy is that they know there’s true integrity and honesty behind this product.

But…you can keep the eBook no matter what,
as my way of thanking you for having faith in my product.


As you can see…this is as far as it gets…


But here’s something else to ensure that this is the best investment you’ll ever make when it comes to maintaining a productive beehive!

I will include FREE BONUSES that are worth more than what I’m selling my eBook for!!

You can already receive my FREE Mini-Course (which is worth $19.95 on its own) that will give you 10 Valuable Lessons on Caring For Your Bees.

And this is a list of the free bonuses you’ll receive when you buy The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide!!:


FREE BONUS 1: The Hive Heirarchy Booklet ($13.95)

This fantastic booklet will explain to you the complex inner workings of the colony!!

You’ll discover great “inside” information on:

How the Caste Functions!

The Queen Bee and her Extraordinary Egg Laying Ability!

The Astounding Work-Rate of the Worker Bee!

The Drone Bee and its Only Useful Function!


And that’s not even the best news, because you’ll also get…


FREE BONUS 2: A Beekeeping Getting Started Checklist ($12.95)

You don’t know it yet but, at the end of this bonus you’ll know everything about how to get started with your hobby and more importantly – the 7 most crucial steps in correctly preparing for and establishing your hive!!

Here’s a sneak peak into what this free bonus contains:

Inside Tips on Getting Started!

How The Location and Size of Your Property is Crucial!

Knowing the Exact Equipment You’ll Require!

How to Install Your Colony!

How To Inspect Your Hive!

How To Capture a Swarm!

How To Harvest Your Own Honey!


They’re worth more than I’m selling my eBook for, but they’re yours to keep. Even at a higher price, it’d be a bargain!


But honestly…I’m not sure how long I’ll keep these bonuses here, because people have been emailing me asking to buy them individually ($13.95 and $12.95).

But I figured that since it’s part of a marketing test I’m doing right now to spread the word on the The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide eBook, then it’s certainly well worth it.

But just keep in mind that I could take them down forever at any time, so get them now for free while they’re still here.


You have absolutely no risk…and everything to gain!


And I don’t want you to take my word for it…

Just Take A Look At What These People Are Saying About The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide…


Mini-Course Subscriber & eBook Buyer
Sondra Clarke

The Results Were Incredible!!

“Hi Scott,

Thank-you! Your emails initially gave me some great tips that I was able to use straight away! Within a month of buying my first hive, I had problems with mites and other issues. I had no idea how to fix it and it just got out of control. I’m so happy to report that the hive is back to normal and the bees are going great – not to mention the honey!”

- Sondra, Sydney, Australia

Mini-Course Subscriber & eBook Buyer
Ty Batterham

I Was Amazed!!


Your book’s so comprehensive – within 2 weeks of buying it my hive is now booming! I couldn’t believe that I didn’t even have all the right equipment…

Thanks so much!”

- Ty, Sydney, Australia

That’s just a couple of the countless testimonials I get every day from super satisfied and super happy customers…just like you’ll be!! (and I want you to send in feedback too – you can do this by clicking the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of this page).

Here’s the deal:

For just $24.95 (a fraction of what the professionals cost) – You’ll get more information than you can handle – PLUS more. But also keep in mind that this is also $15 off the normal price of $39.95, and the only place you can get your hands on this product right now (you can instantly download it).

[Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank](http://1.djh1973b.pay.clickbank.net)



Scott Harvey

P.S. – Remember, you’re getting The Art of Beekeeping: The Inside Guide for just $24.95, which is normally valued at $39.95. And remember, I’ll be raising the price soon to $59.95 – so get in quick!! Just click the blue link below and you can order securely through Click Bank.

P.P.S. – Not only are you getting my FREE Mini-Course worth $19.95 that contains 10 Fantastic Lessons in keeping bees, you’ll also receive 2 FREE BONUS products worth $26.90 – for absolutely nothing!! That’s over $85 in value for just 24.95!!

P.P.P.S. – And you’re completely covered by my 100% no questions asked money back guarantee. You’ve simply got nothing to lose…

Sign Up for Your Free Inside Beekeeping Secrets Mini-Course Now!

Yes Scott! I Want To Care For My Beehive

The Right Way!!
Your First Name: Your Email:
You Will Receive the First Lesson in Your Inbox Immediately.

100% Spam Free! I Value Your Email Privacy.
You may unsubscribe at anytime.

[Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank](http://1.djh1973b.pay.clickbank.net)


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