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Evangelism On Fire


Dear Pastors, leaders, and Christians,

If you want to speed up the return of Lord Jesus (Matthew 24:14 "This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.") and abide in Jesus' words you should buy and read "Christian Massive Evangelism Explosion" eBook. Research revealed that 95% Christians are not active to evangelize. This eBook will train the majority of Christians who are inactive to share the gospel to form a habit to witness for Lord Jesus without fear. This will also help the church growth and bring more blessings in the lives of Christians.

Please forward to/share this webpage with your Christian friends.

 [CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.dvdjor.pay.clickbank.net)


Christian Massive Evangelism Explosion

Equipping the Church for Personal Evangelism Without Fear

Most Christians want to play their part in fulfilling the great commission that Jesus gave to His church. The sad fact is though that only about 5% of Christians have captured Jesus' vision and are actually doing any sort of personal evangelism at all! For many Christians they simply have no idea of how to get started evangelizing anyone. The very thought of approaching a complete stranger and engaging them in conversation about God, and their eternal destiny is enough to leave them shaking with fear.


Transforming Personal Evangelism

Christian Massive Evangelism Explosion is an easy to understand guide to transforming your personal evangelism, and starting to reach your family, friends, and neighbors for Christ. This simple manual is packed with the advice and guidance that can revolutionize the effectiveness of Your church or personal evangelism. Practicing the principles outlined in this Christian book has the ability to turn the world upside down.


Personal Evangelism should be a Habit

The author of Christian Massive Evangelism Explosion encourages his readers to form a habit of personal evangelism through practicing plenty of role play combined with regular on the field training. He believes that the saying

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