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Arm yourself with information and provide safe travel for you and your family - know the high crime areas!
For just $24.95 you can be alerted when traveling of approaching "high crime" areas throughout the entire US on your TOM TOM GPS.
Travel safe with your own safety informant – Safe-T Informant* and know where crime occurs!
· How many times have you traveled through an unfamiliar area only to look around and realized that the area you are in does not look safe?
· Have you ever been traveling and needed to make a stop for gasoline and wondered what type of neighborhood am I in?
· Or have you questioned whether you should travel on or find somewhere to stay in your current location?
· Lodging overnight in a motel/hotel; are you, your property, vehicle and family safe?
Your GPS is a tool that is intended to provide you the ‘quickest’ or ‘shortest’ route to a destination or more simply, identify the street you are currently on.
What your GPS does not do is inform you when you and your family are in or traveling through a neighborhood where you and your property or personal safety may be at risk!
NOW you don’t have to WORRY and WONDER anymore!
Safe-T Informant provides both visual and audio alerts of known 'High Crime Areas" allowing you to make educated decisions regarding lodging, fueling or rest stops when traveling in unfamiliar areas.
Isn't your safety and the safety of your family worth it?
[CLICK HERE to Buy Safe-T-Informant NOW](http://1.balsamview.pay.clickbank.net) - for Your TOM TOM GPS!
(Safe-T-Informant works with all current TOMTOM GPS devices. You receive access to a downloadable ZIP file that contains simple install instructions and Eastern, Central and Western Safe-T-Informant files for the USA.)
If you have any questions regarding our products please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Copyright © 2009 - Sec-Cured Solutions LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
A product of [Sec-Cured Solutions LLC](http://www.sec-cured.com).