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[Mayan Chakras](http://myrasri.com/mayan-chakras)
July 2nd, 2010  / Author: admin

New Chakra Balancing Healing – Mayan Chakras

The Mayan Long Count Calendar is creating a pivotal point for many, and has been for some time.  We are on the Brink of 2012.

With the end time date of December 2012 looming, many are looking for the meaning of this date and the meaning of the times that we live in.  [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/mayan-chakras#more-805)

Tags: [2012](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/2012), [7 chakra system](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/7-chakra-system), [ancient egypt](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/ancient-egypt), [ancient energetic times](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/ancient-energetic-times), [carbon-based life-form](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/carbon-based-life-form), 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[The Cosmos, Science, ManKind](http://myrasri.com/humanity-science-appreciatio-wonder)
May 30th, 2010  / Author: admin

Please Click on this Video

and Watch this entertaining video of Carl Sagan.

What you see is not always what you get, and looking at the video’s first frame doesn’t prepare you for the delight contained in it.

His uplifting and insightful words are put to some great music – This is NOT a lecture or a sermon, but is a relaxing, absorbing, and entertaining moment.  Carl Sagan is no longer alive, but his contribution to Humanity and Science are still greatly remembered and appreciated by myself and many others.   Watch and Listen in Wonder…

I hope you feel uplifted by it.  Feel free to comment on how much you enjoyed it

Tags: [appreciation](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/appreciation), [Carl Sagan](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/carl-sagan), [Science & ManKind](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/science-mankind), [science & the Cosmos](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/science-the-cosmos), [wonder](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/wonder)

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[Oils in the New Energy Waves](http://myrasri.com/essential-oils-in-the-new-energy-waves)
March 22nd, 2010  / Author: admin

Oils And Their Application In The New Energy Wave

New subtle body anatomy is evolving that has always been present, yet was dormant, so that we can now anchor the new incoming energies appropriately in these current times.

It is my opinion, observation and experience that the use of Essential Oils is changing.  We are expanding on our understanding and use of them, and their use in self help healing is becoming not only more popular, but more comprehensive.  It is so easy to enhance your energy fields, energy, sense of well-being and your aura with this simple healing technique.

As the Planet shifts on her axis, and moves slightly differently through space we move into different wavebands and frequencies.  Some of this is quite new for humanity in relatively recent evolutionary experience.  And we are relating to nature and our position in space-time slightly differently.

A New Role in Energy Healing – Essential Oils and [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/essential-oils-in-the-new-energy-waves#more-235)

Tags: [5 steps - opportunities](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/5-steps-opportunities), [aromatherapy](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/aromatherapy), [energy healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/energy-healing), [Essential Oils](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/essential-oils), [new energy wave](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/new-energy-wave), [new subtle body anatomy](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/new-subtle-body-anatomy), [oils - lemon myrtle essential oil](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/oils-lemon-myrtle-essential-oil), [oils in the new energy waves](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/oils-in-the-new-energy-waves), [self help](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/self-help), [self help healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/self-help-healing), [subtle body anatomy](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/subtle-body-anatomy), [vibrational healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/vibrational-healing)

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[A Brand New Year! Welcome 2010!](http://myrasri.com/a-brand-new-year-welcome-2010)
January 31st, 2010  / Author: admin

On the Brink of 2012

We have survived the trials and challenges of 2009, and other recent years, together with the shifts and changes. And we are now poised to move even closer to the landmark year of 2012!

The energies of this year are already being felt, as we move closer to the Center of the Milky Way and the energy systems, including the equator belts buried in this system.  The alignment of several major planets not experienced for many many years (quoted as 26,000) are said to create quite an energetic challenge for us… I see this as the full cycle of an era, when major structures not working for us and out of alignment will collapse, or lead to new innovations and supportive creative systems. [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/a-brand-new-year-welcome-2010#more-15)

Tags: [2012](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/2012), [Brink of 2012](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/brink-of-2012), [Center of the Milky Way](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/center-of-the-milky-way), [familial matrix](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/familial-matrix), [light frequencies](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/light-frequencies), [the Milky Way](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/the-milky-way), [trials and challenges](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/trials-and-challenges)

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[5 Steps – Opportunities](http://myrasri.com/5-steps-challenges-to-opportunities)
February 9th, 2010  / Author: admin

Turn Obstacles / Challenges Into Opportunities

Finally I have taken heed to the inner promptings, and I sit here writing to you in my first posting for my newsletter. [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/5-steps-challenges-to-opportunities#more-41)

Tags: [affirmations](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/affirmations), [challenges](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/challenges), [change](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/change), [desired outcome](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/desired-outcome), [disconnected](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/disconnected), [energy healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/energy-healing), [healing protocols](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/healing-protocols), [Higher help](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/higher-help), [kinesiology](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/kinesiology), [law of attraction](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/law-of-attraction), [law of resonance](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/law-of-resonance), [off track](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/off-track), [opportunities](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/opportunities), [secret law of attraction](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/secret-law-of-attraction), [self criticism](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/self-criticism), [shaken up](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/shaken-up), [spiritual guidance](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/spiritual-guidance), [spiritual pursuits](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/spiritual-pursuits), [spsiritual guidance](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/spsiritual-guidance), [the secret](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/the-secret), [true desired outcome](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/true-desired-outcome)

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[A New Dawn…](http://myrasri.com/new-dawn-planet-earth)
March 4th, 2010  / Author: admin

A Glorious Galaxy-Rise

As we move through our tiny tip-tilted space in the galaxy, experiencing some unsettling events, yet some of us also being complemented by unexpected blessings and awarenesses, I am reminded yet again of what an amazing experience it is here on Planet Earth.

Despite the ups-and-downs of life, the highs and peaks of love and sharing still can make life worth while for many.

When we can move from the details of existence to a larger, grander view, and just take a moment, we can check in on the greatness of being an organism on this sphere of soil and water, that wobbles (ever-so-slightly) through the stellar space-void in this quadrant corner of the Milky Way.

This video set to an interesting track, gives some sense of that.

I hope you enjoy this unique tribute to Carl Sagan and his wonderful gifts and sharing.

Tags: [humanity](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/humanity), [planet earth](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/planet-earth), [travel through space and time](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/travel-through-space-and-time)

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[Winds of Change](http://myrasri.com/winds-of-change)
June 30th, 2010  / Author: admin

Many of us are feeling the winds of change…

Sometimes we get that deeper sense of peace and ‘things are right in the world’, then we can quickly feel again the next influx of energies and the shifts they brings.  Nothing is as settled as it once was for many.  The future is often harder to [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/winds-of-change#more-801)

Tags: [change](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/change), [good energy](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/good-energy), [nature](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/nature)

Posted in [Inspirational](http://myrasri.com/category/self-development/inspirational), [Nature Healing Naturally](http://myrasri.com/category/nature-healing-naturally) | [No Comments »](http://myrasri.com/winds-of-change#respond)

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[Valentine’s Day](http://myrasri.com/valentines-day)
June 29th, 2010  / Author: admin

The day of lovers…

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[‘Spirit of The Sea’ –](http://myrasri.com/spirit-of-the-sea)
June 29th, 2010  / Author: admin

Healing Sound – Inspiring Spirals

Though I could partly understand why they called it the Spirit of The Sea / Singing The Whales Back, it appealed to me for different reasons.  This interesting video reminded me of the inflow and ouflow of energy within the Chakras, of life, of Yin and Yang – I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.  Let the sounds help heal you!

Tags: [sounds heal](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/sounds-heal), [Yin and Yang](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/yin-and-yang)

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[Rosemary Essential Oil](http://myrasri.com/rosemary-essential-oil)
June 29th, 2010  / Author: admin

Essence of Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary is often associated with the meaning – ‘Remembrance’.  One of the origins is claimed to be from the latin for ‘rosemarinus’: ‘mist of the sea’. Used for honoring and remembering at weddings, funerals and special anniversary ceremonies.

Interestingly it is in some ways connected with memory when it comes to its effects as an essential oil.  I would like to offer my interpretation here.

Though Rosemary Essential Oil appears to be about triggering memories, in actuality, its effects are in de-stressing and easing painful memories.  When you inhale the etheric energies, [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/rosemary-essential-oil#more-777)

Tags: [light seekers](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/light-seekers), [painful memories](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/painful-memories), [Rosemary Essential Oil](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/rosemary-essential-oil), [self healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/self-healing), [self healing technique](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/self-healing-technique), [Soul communication](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/soul-communication), [Soul Healing](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/soul-healing), [Soul Memories](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/soul-memories)

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[Inspirational Words…](http://myrasri.com/inspirational-words)
May 10th, 2010  / Author: admin

Words to boost your energy, focus your mind, lift your spirit

Tags: [Inspirational](http://myrasri.com/kinesiology, vibrational medicine, vibrational healing, energy healing, body mind healing, spirtual path, spiritual journey, self help healing/inspirational)

Posted in [Inspirational](http://myrasri.com/category/self-development/inspirational), [self development](http://myrasri.com/category/self-development), [spiritual journey](http://myrasri.com/category/spiritual-journey) | [No Comments »](http://myrasri.com/inspirational-words#respond)

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[Sweet / Orange Essential Oil](http://myrasri.com/sweet-orange-essential-oil)
April 29th, 2010  / Author: admin

Etheric Colors Of Orange Essential Oil

Depending on the particular quality of the Essential Oil, you can expect the following etheric and color vibrations from the Orange family, and in particular from Sweet Orange.

Initial release of vibrational healing color is [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/sweet-orange-essential-oil#more-555)

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[Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil](http://myrasri.com/oils-lemon-myrtle-essential-oil)
March 23rd, 2010  / Author: admin

Essence Of The Month: Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil

As previously outlined, Essential Oils are being used in fresh, new and interesting ways to assist in the vibrational evolution of the planet.  This is Vibrational Energy Healing in its most readily available form.  Read my post on their New Role and Application in [Oils in the New Energy Waves](../essential-oils-in-the-new-energy-waves) – a simple and easy form of Energy Healing and self help healing.

Lemon Myrtle tends to release a range of etheric colours that follow each other as they are released.  Like the ‘notes’ of perfume, you will have a sense of a certain energy, then another, each bringing a differing action into play.

So you can expect the healing energy of the etheric action of Lemon Myrtle [Read the rest of this entry »](http://myrasri.com/oils-lemon-myrtle-essential-oil#more-245)

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