Though it is true, it is possible to make money online for free, most adverts and sites promoting products that promise people that they can earn money online almost overnight and without breaking a sweat are exaggerating. So... let's make something very clear, early on so that you don't waste your time. Making money online for free is possible and almost anyone can do it, but it isn't easy and it takes dedication and some hard graft from YOU! No one is going to give you money, if you can't give it your all and be 100% committed to learning how to do it properly... leave now! Some of the most successful marketers took years to become successful and they will all tell you, it was worth every bit of the effort they put in. Financial freedom on your terms is the best kind of freedom. I love it and enjoy every minute of my working day and when I don't feel like it or I have stuff I need to do with the kids, I do it! So if you are ready to have a go and give it your all, PotPieGirl and I will help you succeed! Apologies for coming across a bit strong but there really isn't any get rich quick schemes and you are kidding yourself if you think there is, but you can make a great living and even get rich with some serious effort and determination and the right knowledge and skills.