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When you finally get tired of your dog training you ...

...download the one eBook that shows you how to quickly, easily, and painlessly train your dog by making him or her WANT to obey you!
And it's easier than you think.
Dear Fellow Dog Owner,

Does your dog come when you call? Does your dog lie down on command, heal, fetch, stay, and stop barking without you throwing an old shoe at him or her?

Do you control your dog or does your dog control you?

Let me tell you something about dogs that you may not know. Your dog WANTS to obey you. He or she wants to please you in every way. In fact, the desire to obey and please is genetically bred into your dog. Here's how it works...

You know how you try to please important people in your life? You go out of your way to accommodate your spouse or life partner, you help your kids as best you can, and, most importantly, you'll move heaven and earth to please your boss.

Well dogs are the same way. They try hard to get along with their peers and they'll move heaven and earth to please their boss. You see, dogs are "pack animals" and packs have a definite hierarchy of power that runs from the Alpha Male (the boss), all the way to to the very last dog in the pack. The role of Alpha Male is all powerful. He eats first, he mates first, and just a short growl in another dogs direction can a weaker dog currying.

Dogs NEED an Alpha Male. If they don't have one then their entire being is disrupted. They don't know how to behave so, just like unsupervised children, they misbehave.

If a particularly willful dog looks around the pack and doesn't see an Alpha Male, then he's going to assume that HE's the Alpha Male, and that can spell real problems in your home.

Dogs have no concept of humans. Dogs think in the terms of "other dogs", "prey", and "enemies". To a dog, you and I are simply dogs that don't look or smell quite right. However, since your dog doesn't have any other "pack" to belong to, your family will do just fine. Now, the only question is: Who's the Alpha Male. If it's you, and you exert your authority, your dog obeys. If it's him or her, then you've got an out of control dog on your hands.

And don't let the term "Male" throw you off. A female dog will assume the Alpha position if there is no other dog to assume it, and you can be the "Alpha" whether you are a male or a female.

The important thing is that someone is going to end up being in control. Will it be you or your dog?

Once you are comfortable with assumiong the leadership position, training your dog will be a natural occurrence for him and her. All you have to do is know the rules. And that's what I'm here to tell you about. All of the rules are in a book called...

Want to teach your dog to heal? It's on Page 15. Want your dog to drop to the ground and stay on command? Read Page 20. Trying to teach your dog to fetch and retrieve? It's all on Page 29 Looking to have your dog protect you and your family? Read about "holding" on Page 32.
The Complete Open Obedience Course is 94 full pages of dog training wisdom broken down into bite-sized, illustrated steps that anyone can handle.

I'm an avid reader of dog training books. That's because I'm always on the lookout for better ways to get the most out of my dog. One thing that pains me so much about the average dog training book is how many words and pages the author takes up just to explain how to teach your dog a new command. Most authors feel compelled to tell you stories about all of the dogs in their lives and then spend more time telling you what great trainers they are. The Complete Open Obedience Course has none of that nonsense. It works like this:
Here's the desired action Here's the diagram Here's how you do it Next lesson
You won't waste time and you won't get bogged down in unnecessary details. The Complete Open Obedience Course is well named because it actually IS complete. There's nothing else you need to read. Everything you need to know about the most commonly used commands are all there in just 94 pages. Now THAT'S my kind of book. [Click here](http://1.dogobeys.pay.clickbank.net) if you're ready to get started.

The Complete Open Obedience Course doesn't assume that you already know the basics. It doesn't leave you guessing at what some term or concept is about. Each command is a self-contained mini-lesson that gives you all of the information that you need to teach your dog how to perform the desired action.

Once you master one command you can move on to the next. Although you are free to teach new commands to your dog in any order that you want to, the Table of Contents is laid out in a natural progression so that each command builds on your dog's mastery of the command that came previously. So not only is the book easy for you to understand and follow, it's easy for your dog to follow too! Now how's that for being a "Dog Whisperer?"

The Complete Open Obedience Course is the best dog training book I have ever encountered. And it's not just about "Sit, Heel, Stay, and Fetch" either. The author shows you how to teach your dog to jump over hurdles and perform other activities while responding to hand commands. I'm telling you, this is the ONE dog training book that you absolutely must read if you are serious about being the leader of the pack in your home. [Click here](http://1.dogobeys.pay.clickbank.net) and start taking command today.

I could tell you all day how complete this book really is, but I know that you'd rather find out for yourself. Take a look at the Table of Contents and you'll see that everything you could ever want to teach your dog has been simplified and condensed into just 94 pages! You can read the entire book in just one evening and start seeing real results from your dog the next day!
TABLE OF CONTENTS The Dog In Training................................................................................................. 3
Open Class Equipment............................................................................................... 4
Training Suggestions................................................................................................. 7
Heeling.......................................................................................................................... 10
Free Heeling................................................................................................................ 14
Heeling Problems—How To Overcome Them..................................................... 15
Drop In The Distance................................................................................................. 20
Drop On Recall............................................................................................................ 22
Things To Remember When Teaching The Drop In The Distance And The
Drop On Recall.................................................................................................... 23
Drop On Recall Problems—How To Overcome Them....................................... 25
Retrieve In Play......................................................................................................... 29
Things To Remember When Teaching The Retrieve In Play..................... 31
Holding On Command............................................................................................... 32
Things To Remember When Teaching Holding On Command...................... 35
Carrying On Command............................................................................................ 37
Things To Remember When Teaching Carrying On Command .... 39
Jumping (The Hup!-Heel Exercise)....................................................................... 40
Recall Over Three Hurdles....................................................................................... 42
Things To Remember When Teaching Jumping................................................ 44
Jumping While Carrying.......................................................................................... 45
The "Take It!" (Reaching On Command)............................................................... 46
Things To Remember When Teaching The Take It Exercise...................... 48
Reaching For The Dumbbell While Walking.......................................................... 49
Things To Remember When Teaching Reaching For The Dumbbell While
Walking................................................................................................................. 51
Picking Up The Dumbbell From The Ground...................................................... 53
Things To Remember When Teaching Picking Up The Dumbbell From
The Ground........................................................................................................... 55
Picking Up The Dumbbell On Command While Heeling.................................. 56
Things To Remember When Teaching Picking Up The Dumbbell On Command While Heeling.......................................................................................... 57
Retrieve On Flat......................................................................................................... 58
Things To Remember When Teaching The Retrieve On Flat...................... 62
Retrieve On Flat Problems—How To Overcome Them.................................. 63
Retrieve Over Hurdle................................................................................................. 67
Things To Remember When Teaching Retrieve Over Hurdle...................... 71
Retrieve Over Hurdle Problems—How To Overcome Them.......................... 72
The Broad Jump....................................................'.................................................... 76
Things To Remember When Teaching The Broad Jump................................ 78
Broad Jump Problems—How To Overcome Them............................................ 78
Sit- And Down-Stays................................................................................................ 83
Sit- And Down-Stay Problems—How To Overcome Them........................... 83
General Problems—How To Overcome Them..................................................... 88
Suggestions For Those Who Exhibit In Open Obedience Classes .... 94
Do yourself a favor. Break the "Good Dog - Bad Dog" cycle by getting your hands on a copy of The Complete Open Obedience Course right now. It's just {price} and it's available for instant download. There has never been a faster and easier way to train your dog, without using cruel choke collars or physical violence, than the techniques that you'll discover in The Complete Open Obedience Course. I guarantee it!

Here's my 100% Ironclad Satisfaction Guarantee

If you don't agree that The Complete Open Obedience Course is everything that I say it is.

If you don't agree that The Complete Open Obedience Course is everything that you HOPE it is, just send me an e-mail to that effect and I'll give you every penny that you paid back. You can keep the book either way.

Now that's a risk-free guarantee if I've ever seen one.
[Get your copy](http://1.dogobeys.pay.clickbank.net) of The Complete Open Obedience Course now for just $38.95
and start getting the best from your dog tomorrow.
It's that easy. I GUARANTEE IT.


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