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Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!




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iGod makes you consider... just about all the big issues in life:

Religion, Christianity, the meaning of life.

Philosophy, theism, deism, atheism, pantheism.

Mythology, spirituality, Gnosticism, astrology, astronomy.

Science, evolution, abortion, ethics, justice, morality, charity, philanthropy, good and evil, beliefs.

Sexism, racism, speciesism, homophobia, bigotry, religious intolerance.

Politics, democracy, economics, sustainability, capitalism, socialism, overpopulation.

Most of all, iGod is about highlighting the need for - and our ability to - change.


Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!

-Albert Einstein


Note: The author will use all iGod-related revenue to pursue his philanthropic and charitable goals.



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