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Do you want to give your children a head-start on life and a good education? Want to find out how easy it is to homeschool your children? We can teach you!

When we tell people we homeschooled our children they say things like:

"WOW I could never do that"
"I wish I could do that but don't know where to start"

Homeschooling Professor is here to show you how easy it can be to Homeschool your children!

Schools today tend to FAIL.......

Our children don't feel safe at school like we use to, many years ago. Our worst fear at school use to be the bully on the playground, today it is guns, drugs, sexual harassment and a host of other terrible crimes at school.

In Schools today:
85% of Public Schools recorded at least one violent crime, theft or other crime occurred at their school in the past year Only 46% of those Public Schools took disciplinary action against those students, including suspension lasting 5 or more days Between 2007-2008 there were 21 homicides and 5 suicides of school age children between 5-18 Schools still pass children who can't read because they are not labeled with a "learning disability" Schools expel children who cause disruptions Schools send children to detention school that only runs 2 hours a day and home after that and that's punishment?
Some of these children could improve in school with a little more attention and creative teaching and yet the schools tend to just throw them to the side. The schools will tell you they don't have the funds to give the extra attention to every child, unless you are labeled by a doctor with a "learning disability". So that leaves those with no learning disability where?

"My son was having problems in school, he hated going and the teachers couldn't give him the special attention he needed to grasp the concepts, they would say he was distrubting class and send him to the principal. I found this amazing book and now my son loves school and will be graduating early" S. Torres, California



Teachers today are asked to deal with more in the classrooms that take time away from teaching. They don't have the time to do one-on-one work with students who need that attention.

Do not let your child be thrown to the side, help them get the education they deserve! We can show you how!

The education of our children is an important task that every parent should take some part in, especially in today's world. It is part of every parent's job to help their child make it through graduation and on to adulthood, if homeschooling helps to keep your child out of these dropout numbers wouldn't you want to do it?

Dropout rates:
2007-08 School Years the National dropout rate was 4.1% that is over 600,000 students out of 14,808,821 enrolled during 9th-12th grades. Out of the 600,000 students: 126,057 were 9th graders 135,244 were 10th graders 139,144 were 11th graders 203,630 were 12th graders From 2002-2008 the National dropout rate has hovered at 4% of the total enrolled Dropout amounts are split fairly even between male and female students

"Our daughter was ready to drop out of high school due to harassment from other students and not understanding what was being taught, teachers had no time to spend one on one with her; we did not know what to do. Then we found Homeschooling Professor and it changed our daughters life." Linda S., New Mexico


Let us show you how to keep your child interested in school and graduate at the top of their grade!

Whether you have been homeschooling for years, just starting out or thinking about starting your own homeschool, we have what you need! As homeschool parents ourselves we found we had to do a lot of research to find the curriculum that worked for elementary school, middle school and high school levels for our children as they grew. We had to use creativity and learn to think out of the box to teach our children. Let us show you the easy way to get started quickly at homeschooling your children.

It is important to make learning fun and enjoyable for your child.

It will keep them interested in what is being taught as well as easier to learn if it is made to be fun. Let's face it, no two children learn the same, yet schools want to fit all our children into their square hole learning and it does not work that way; many children are round pegs or star shaped learners and this is why so many children are just left to the side or drop out of school early.

Teach your child at home and give them a better education, Homeschooling Professor will show you how!


"When my wife and I got married we decided at that time we wanted to homeschool our children when the time came.But we did not know what to do, Homeschooling Professor made it so easy. My wife is homeschooling all 3 of our children now and it is so easy!" Thomas M., New York


Some of what you will learn in the book:
Do I have to give end of year tests? What do I have to teach? Do I have to buy all kinds of curriculum books? My child wants to learn to speak Chinese; can I include that in the daily learning? We want to teach religion as part of our school, can we do that?

Package #1 - $75.00
Super Star Learning - Homeschooling made easy! ($10.95 value) Web Safari's - Scavenger hunts on the web ($35 value) Homeschool Transcripts Kit ($40 value) 1 year of Personal email support to help you with any specific homeschooling questions ($197+ value)


Package #2 - $29.99
Super Star Learning - Homeschooling made easy! ($10.95 value) Web Safari's - Scavenger hunts on the web ($35 value)



Package #3 - $28.99
Super Star Learning - Homeschooling made easy! ($10.95 value) Homeschool Transcripts Kit ($40 value)


Individual Learning books
[Super Star Learning - Homeschooling made easy! ($10.95 value) - $9.95](http://5.hmsklprofr.pay.clickbank.net) [Web Safari's - Scavenger hunts on the web ($35 value) - $30.00](http://6.hmsklprofr.pay.clickbank.net) [Homeschool Transcripts Kit ($40 value) - $25.00](http://4.hmsklprofr.pay.clickbank.net) Coming soon - workbook "From Chalkboard to Computer learning", teaches MS Word, Excel & PowerPoint at the basic level for all ages also includes the differences from MS Home version to MS Professional ($150+ value) - NOT YET FOR SALE


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