Online training | elearning | e learning | Peak Performance
Module 1
Professional Attitude
To understand how desire; positive outlook; commitment; control and
overcoming fear of failure can skyrocket your performance.
1. Enhance your mental toughness
2. Attract others to your success
3. Look and feel the part
4. Opportunities come to people who are ready
Module 2
Goal Setting
To learn how to set the correct type of goals that will not only
drive you forward but will also ensure that you succeed in the
1. Acquire incredible motivational levels
2. Success becomes habit forming
3. Earn achievement respect
4. Discipline is your middle name
Module 3
To acknowledge the feeling and joy in life of being motivated to do
and achieve everything that you set out to do in your journey.
1. Have an abundance of energy
2. Get the winner takes all feeling
3. Be driven in everything that you do
4. Be attractive to those around you
Module 4
This module identifies the negative feelings and emotions that are a
result of not managing your intensity levels. Too little and you fail,
too much and you fail and be ill.
1. Eliminate stress and anxiety from your life
2. Pump up when you are felling low
3. Take your relaxation to deeper levels
4. The state for optimal performance
Module 5
Concentration is about the moment. Miss it and you are a loser, if
some people miss it the consequences are dire. Peak performance is all
about being in the moment.
1. Have total focus in anything that you do
2. Distractions are not for you
3. More awareness of everything around you
4. Focused people spot focused opportunities
Module 6
Psychological Preparation
Psychological preparation will teach you routines and how to be
prepared for the expected and the unexpected both before and after
your performance delivery.
1. Never forget anything important again
2. Winners are always prepared
3. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
4. Include consistency in every performance
Module 7
Self Confidence
This self confidence module will define and help you to build self
confidence through a number of self confidence strategies.
1. Have the highest levels of self belief
2. If you do not believe how can others believe in you
3. Let this confidence rub off on those around you
4. Everything comes to the confident ones
Module 8
Emotional Control
This module will teach you the skills that are needed to deal with
the stress stimulii and your responses to it. Anger can kill let alone
ruin your performance.
1. Leave anger in the past
2. Once you lose it you have lost
3. Tap into the helpful emotions for victory
4. Everyone loves a cool customer
Module 9
Mental Rehearsal
Learn the ability to visualise all your skills, talents, strategies
and performances through all your modalities and senses.
1. Change everything with the mind's eye
2. See success and victory anytime
3. Train your brain for winning 24 hours a day
4. Practice even when you rest
Module 10
Positive Thoughts
This module will identify how your thoughts affect your emotions
which ultimately affect your actions, behaviours and performance.
1. Drop the little man on your shoulder
2. Train the voices in your head
3. Self doubt into self belief
4. Build an abundance of confidence
Module 11
Mental Toughness
To understand what mental toughness is and what it is not. This trait
will deliver you victory in good times and times of adversity.
1. Turn things around that are not going your way
2. Make that big decision at the critical moment
3. Have the strength to stay the distance
4. Take the right risk at the right time
Module 12
This module will explain what you and your team members can do to be
psychologically ready for victory on the field, in the boardroom or on
1. The synergy effect of a team
2. Cement your role and motivation within the team
3. Let them help you succeed
4. Team opportunities equals your opportunities
Hottest Mental Skills Strategies