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[ Hypothyroidism Diet ](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/)

[Hypothyroidism Diet](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net)

Hypothyroidism Diet

Does the ideal hypothyroidism diet exist?

Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, can be caused by various factors like birth defects, radiation treatments to the neck, certain synthetic drugs and iodine deficiency. The thyroid gland is found in the lower part of the neck, below the larynx, and is responsible for the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine – two hormones that are vital for the regulation of the metabolism. In the early stage hypothyroidism manifests itself in various symptoms, with unintentional weight gain being one of them; this is why following a proper and well-balanced diet for hypothyroidism is a crucial part of the treatment.

[Go here: to get our recommended Hypothyroidism Diet Guide](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/goto/Go_here_to_get_our_recommended_Hypothyroidism_Diet_Guide/3/1)


If you suffer from hypothyroidism, together with the prescribed medication, you should adopt a diet that compensates for the slowed-down metabolism and the weight gain. Good hypothyroidism diet is not a starvation diet that will cause a rapid weight loss, but rather a long-term natural thyroid treatment that includes the increased intake of certain foods and the avoidance of others; this serves a dual purpose – to aid the production of thyroid hormones and facilitate the maintenance of a healthy weight. When combined with regular exercise like walking, swimming, cycling and jogging, a person that suffers from hypothyroidism can successfully manage her or his condition and lead a fulfilling life.

The ideal hypothyroidism diet is the one that preserves the very delicate balance between taking enough calories in order to stimulate the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and yet does not lead to further weight gain; it should be noted that people that suffer from hypothyroidism cannot lose weight when following even the best mainstream diet, but should rather adopt a carefully designed eating plan.

The food groups that are considered a vital part of the natural thyroid treatment are the iodine-rich foods like seafood, iodized salt, fish oils and cheddar cheese among others. Apart from their direct influence on the thyroid hormone production, the iodine-rich foods help regulate the blood pressure, the heart rate, the body weight and healthy skin. Foods, rich in two other minerals, zinc and selenium, are also believed to be beneficial and should be part of any good diet for hypothyroidism – such foods are the Brazil nuts, tuna, shellfish, sunflower seeds, lentils, all-bran cereals, avocados and bananas.

The amount of daily meals should be increased to five-six meals per day, eaten at regular intervals and breakfast should never be skipped; this helps elevate metabolism and regulate the blood sugar levels.

However, the ideal hypothyroidism diet is much more than eating the right food at the right time and in reasonable quantities – there are certain food groups that should be avoided by all cost since they can interact with the prescribed medication or worsen one’s condition. If you are suffering from hypothyroidism and you are looking for a detailed diet plan that takes out the guess work and will help you maintain optimal weight, then [GO HERE](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/goto/GO_HERE/3/4) and grab yourself a copy of “The Natural Thyroid Diet” book – it is a well-written, step-by-step eating plan that will help you combat the hypothyroidism symptoms and look and feel great!


The eBook is a PDF file and is available for immediate download after purchase @ $27, see privacy policy for contact information

Hypothyroidism Articles

[causes of hypothyroidism](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/causes-of-hypothyroidism.htm)
[control hypothyroidism](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/control-hypothyroidism.htm)
[Explain Hypothyroidism disease to me](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/explain-hypothyroidism-disease-to-me.htm)
[Hypothyroidism: A Textbook Case](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-a-textbook-case.htm)
[Hypothyroidism Can be Confused by Depression or Menopause](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-can-be-confused-by-depression-or-menopause.htm)
[Hypothyroidism Depression](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-depression.htm)
[Hypothyroidism Factors](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-factors.htm)
[Hypothyroidism in children](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-in-children.htm)
[Hypothyroidism Pregnancy](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-pregnancy.htm)
[Hypothyroidism Problems may be Easily Solvable](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/hypothyroidism-problems-may-be-easily-solvable.htm)
[Living with Hypothyroidism](uhttp://hypothyroidismdiet.net/living-with-hypothyroidism.htm)
[Subclinical Hypothyroidism](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/subclinical-hypothyroidism.htm)
[Symptoms of Hypothyroidism](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/symptoms-of-hypothyroidism.htm)
[The Risk Factors of Hypothyroidism](http://hypothyroidismdiet.net/the-risk-factors-of-hypothyroidism.htm)

Hypothyroidism Resources
[hyperthyroidism wiki](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperthyroidism) [hypothyroidism causes](http://www.ehealthmd.com/library/hypothyroidism/HYO_causes.html) [hypothyroidism help tips](http://www.ehow.com/how_4613670_help-control-hypothyroidism-natural-supplements.html) [hypothyroidism natural treatment](http://www.natural-cure-remedy.com/hypothyroidism.html) [hypothyroidism overview info](http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/hypothyroidism-topic-overview) [hypothyroidism pregnancy](http://www.medicinenet.com/hypothyroidism_during_pregnancy/article.htm) [Hypothyroidism Symptoms](http://www.endocrineweb.com/hypo1.html) [hypothyroidism underactive thyroid](http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Hypothyroidism-Underactive-Thyroid.htm) [hypothyroidism weight gain](http://www.womentowomen.com/hypothyroidism/weightgain.aspx) [hypothyroidism wiki](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism) [iodine underactive thyroid](http://www.naturalnews.com/008902_thyroid_iodine_thyroid_gland.html) [levothyroxine wiki](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levothyroxine) [seo firm](http://rebsdorfmedia.com/) [underactive thyroid gland](http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hypothyroidism/DS00353)

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