* Ulitimate Guide for Playing Games
It's fun to win. Oh, yes it is. What you are about to read is
something that you might find hard to believe. I couldn't even believe
it after I saw the results. I was AMAZED AND BLOWN AWAY BY THE
People assume that there's something "special" about people who are
good at playing games, that they were born as great players or that
they're just "lucky".
I disagree. Let me explain why.
Dragan is a dear friend of mine and really good at playing games. I
used to marvel his ability to play games and his ability to win in
almost any game. So When I needed some serious competition to test out
the secrets I had discovered I arranged a match.
We played our first match in Battlefield Bad Company 2 and he
instantly noticed how I had grown. He was used to see me lose and
never perceived me as a treat. Now I made him sweat and he started to
look worried. He asked me how I had become so good at playing games. I
looked at him and said "Oh, nothing I just practiced at home". I was
holding my breath hoping that he would not see through me. We kept
playing and I won almost all the time.
We played other games such as Halo 3, Need for Speed and Just Cause 2
and I still won.
Now you should know that Dragan is not a guy used to losing so he was
somewhat irritated. I on the other hand had a smile on my face you
could spot a mile away. He laid down his console controller on the
table and said "I think there is something wrong with me today. I
can't understand why I'm loosing".
I never revealed my secret to him. Then months later I finally
decided to tell him. What I told him shocked him and when he tried it
out he was stunned. He asked me why I had not told him about this
before; I kindly replied "because I was enjoying beating you up in
every game".
Now I was not born as a great video gamer and I was certainly not
lucky in games. I had hard time beating average gamers until the day I
discovered the blueprint of gaming.
Now you might be thinking that maybe my friend is not that good at
playing games after all. I respect your intuition. But let me tell you
this, it's really a shame that he has not tried to build his own team
and play pro. That