Home - TAP INTO LOVE - Your Universal Toolbox for Creating
the Love of Your Life
TAP INTO LOVE - Your Universal Toolbox for Creating the Love of Your
If you are tired of not having the romantic relationship you desire
then TAP INTO LOVE is for you! TAP INTO LOVE shows you step by step a
process that combines EFT and the Law of Attraction to help magnetize
yourself and attract the love of your life.
You will be given easy to follow instructions for using EFT to
release any blocks or limiting beliefs you might have to attracting
the love you desire. This process will "clear the way" for your
romantic partner to come to you.
Whether the source of your emotional blocks to romantic relationships
is trust, fear, feelings of inadequacy or anything else, TAP INTO LOVE
will help you "tap away" these issues so the relationship you desire
can come to you.
TAP INTO LOVE will introduce you to five fun and easy games that will
activate the Law of Attraction to bring you the romatic relationship
you desire
TAP INTO LOVE will help you focus your thoughts and define your
desires increasing your ability to attract what you want.
I loved this. If anyone has wondered how to put EFT to work to
actually get the changes promised by this method, this book is your
road map.
Simple, concise, easy to read and use, this book will show you how to
get the relationship of your dreams. Skye Frank has tapped in, (no pun
intended), to real genius with this book and teaches us how to access
it too.
-- Lisa Hayes, Author ">__
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TAP INTO LOVE - Your Universal Toolbox for Creating the Love of Your