You don't like your anger...because it doesn't match up with who you want to be! It's hurting you, and it's hurting other people--it's time to deal with it.
I've helped thousands learn to control their anger over the past 35 years. Read on to find out how I can help you.
I've watched it happen over and over again ...
Really good people, just like you ...whose anger takes over. Then, when the anger is in charge (not a good thing) it takes on a life of its own! You want to know something a lot of people don't know? Anger is not smart--but you are!
And that's why you're here--you are smart enough to know you have a problem, and now you have found the solution.
You won't need a sledge hammer to work this out. You've already got the tools you need--your good heart and mind working together will give you the ability to deal with your anger before it deals with you.
Over the years, I have discovered what causes anger problems, and what it takes to deal with them. Medicine treats symptoms--and you're going to learn to get to the roots of your anger problem and resolve them once and for all!
We're going to start with your heart, because that's the most powerful part of you. If you could have talked yourself out of your anger, you would have already done it by now. The head stuff--using your brilliant mind--comes after the heart.
So, what does that mean--start with the heart? It means this: the good person you really are is more about what's in your heart than what's in your head. Your healing will come from your heart, then you will learn how to stay healthy using your head.
About Dr. William DeFoore
My name is Dr. William DeFoore, and I've been helping people solve their anger problems for over 35 years. This is a passion of mine, because I see so many suffering so much--and it just doesn't have to be that way! I love seeing people get better, improve their lives, and start creating great, healthy relationships.
You know better than anyone how much anger hurts. And you know how much you want that to change. And I know how to help you. That's the winning combination!
I have all the degrees (B.A., M.A. and Ph.D.), but that's not where I learned how to help folks with their anger. It came from a lot of reading, trial and error and life experience. I learned by doing--and that's how you're going to learn too.
You Will Become The Master Of Your Anger
If your anger is dealing with you, then it's the master--not good! You are going to become the master of your anger, by:
Becoming very clear about where your anger comes from . Realizing that you are a good person--and that's why you don't like all of this anger! Using the power of your good heart and physical body to get emotional and physical relief! Yep, anger lives in your body, have you noticed? Understanding how anger can become addictive and how to prevent it. Learning the physical exercises for releasing and mastering your anger, so that you begin to know what it's like to be in charge of your emotions.
I have seen these methods work for thousands of people! This is how I know my methods for dealing with your anger before it deals with you really work:
I see people getting immediate relief I see people relaxing as they realize they can master their problem I see people becoming more open-minded, loving and kind as they connect with their good hearts I see people willing to take responsibility and act responsibly I see them breathing deeper and remembering how to smile
As you know, a lot of anger problems come from relationship problems. This is what I've seen in relationships between spouses, partners, parents and children and co-workers:
More empathy--the ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes. The fighting stops--yes, it really does! Couples are able to save their marriages. Homes become safer and happier--people stop hurting those they love. People become the good folks they really are inside!
All of this is within your reach!
You Just Want Things To Get Better
You can't stand what's going on, or you wouldn't be reading this. Things are out of control, and somebody's gonna get hurt--or maybe that's already happened. That's how it is with out of control anger.
You don't have to be at war with yourself. I've been counseling with folks for 35 years, and I've discovered something...want to know what it is?
Angry people are good people too. You are here because you're a good person inside, and you don't like things being out of control. You're ready for things to get better! Fighting your anger won't work--or you would have won the battle by now!
Maybe you love someone who is angry, and you don't want to lose them--or you are hurting someone you love, and you don't want to drive them away. Either way, I can help you save your good relationships, and figure out when it's time to call it quits!
You've already tried to fix this--it's just not working. It's time to get to the heart of the matter, and get yourself healthy once and for all. You're either moving forwards or backwards--there's no standing still in this life.
Ready to move forward? Great--let's go...
I've found the keys to mastering anger, and it's right here at your fingertips. It's called Anger: Deal With It Before It Deals With You. We know you can't take these anger problems any more--so why wait?
[TRY IT FOR A FULL 60 DAYS WITHOUT RISK!](http://1.anger4cb.pay.clickbank.net)
With This "Once And For All" Program, You...
Get immediate relief when you realize that you're not a bad person.
Gain control over your anger, with tools and techniques that really work, by getting to the causes of the problems.
Breathe a little easier as you master the skills needed to control your anger and stop the damage to your relationships.
Start feeling better about yourself, as it becomes more and more clear that you are truly a good person.
Expand your mind by educating yourself about your emotions and how to make them work for you instead of against you.