Long Hitter Golfer, Sand Wedge, Amateur Golfer, Swing Technique,
Learn Golf, Download Golf Technique
Golf - Success.com
Here in this training manual yow will find a comprehensive idea of
playing better golf.
* How to set up.
* How to position ball .
* How to take swing.
* Bunker shot .
* Chipping.
* Pitching.
* And much other technique including mental training.
Learn the best golf in two weeks time An incredible distance and cut
your handicap by 12 - 16 strokes by this manual.
Dear friends,
How many times you visited golf pro for training and they charge you
100 $ . But you end up with nothing. They tell you to practice and
nothing concrete shows up they tell you to work hard.
My goal is to shed off 12-16 strokes. It is technique of playing and
I have written this manual for average and below average golfer.
I have priced this book for us dollar$ 35.
Golf is simple if you know how to do it You will see .I guarantee
For Any Enquiry Regarding Purchase
Contact Email : brchoudhuri@rediffmail.com
All right reserved B R (c) Choudhuri 2009