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Advertising Tutorial
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Increase your sales using free and low cost advertising strategies.

Do you own a small business and manage your own marketing? Are you looking for better ways to market on a very small budget?

I created the "Low Cost Advertising" tutorial for businesses just like yours. I poured my 20 years of experience and the latest and greatest ideas into an affordable guide that is packed full of inspiring advertising ideas and practical advice designed to boost your bottom line.

Unlike typical marketing planning books and marketing software packages, this detailed, 120-page tutorial is:

Geared for very small businesses new to advertising or
looking for a refresher--don't wade through what you don't need.

Only focused on effective free and [low cost advertising](low_cost_advertising.html) ideas
such as finding strategic partners, local marketing,
search engine optimization, social networking, email,
generating leads, tracking results and much more.

Advice you can use on creating a winning strategy, defining
your audience and writing compelling selling messages.

The latest and greatest ideas compiled into one place to
save you time.

A practical action plan with strategies, worksheets to guide
you and information on how to get started.

...and as an added bonus, included is a list of 260 resources to the best companies and websites that can help your business grow--a goldmine of information.

Think of where solid planning and INSPIRING IDEAS can take your business. Purchase the Low Cost Advertising tutorial today.


"Low Cost Advertising" Tutorial $69 $29
I am currently transfering this tutorial to use in my interactive, online course in 2010. For a limited time, you can purchase the downloadable edition for only $29. When the online course is ready, this will no longer be available!

The book is deliverd as a PDF document. After you complete payment, you'll should receive an email with minutes that has download instructions.

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.adspark.pay.clickbank.net).
All major credit cards accepted.

60-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don't find that the Low Cost Advertising tutorial can spark a great future for your business, I will gladly refund your money.

TAKE A PEEK Request a sample of the first 10 pages of the Tutorial for FREE at no obligation.

Email Address: *required

Type of Business


Glynns Thomas


[Advertising Ideas](http://www.advertising-ideas.biz) A blog of free tips and advice.

Glynns is excellent! She was quick, professional
and very knowledgeable. It would have taken me ages to gather together what she was able to teach me in a small amount of time. I am very pleased I hired her and would recommend her services.

- Annie Morris, [Physics and Math Tutor](http://www.anniejmorris.com)

As the owner of two small businesses, Kamber Mason Design and Mason Plumbing, Inc., I found the [tutorial] to be an excellent source of information for strategic advertising on a small budget. The information was useful and relevant, well organized, clearly presented with examples I could relate to, and was not overwhelming. So many of us put off writing a business or advertising plan because we are too busy doing business. This [tutorial] explains clearly why we need advertising plans and gives you great tools to get started. It really reminded me that if I spend this time planning now I will get a better return on my advertising dollars in the long run.

-Kamber Mason, [www.kambermasondesign.com and ](http://www.kambermasondesign.com)[www.masonplumbing.com ](http://www.masonplumbing.com)

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