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Lose Excess Weight and Body Fat
the Safe and Simple Way

Reduce Your Risk of Permanent
Cosmetic Damage Such As
Excess Loose Sagging Skin

Simple Slimming
NO calorie counting
NO need to weigh food portions
NO need to avoid your favourite food items
NO confusing dieting or eating rules
NO pre-workout/ post-workout eating rules
NO fad dieting techniques
NO need to fast and no need to starve yourself
NO suppliments pills or tablets
NO complicated exercise routines
NO need to worry about reps and sets
NO need to worry about muscle groups
NO equipment needed
NO need to measure your fat percentage
NO need to weigh yourself
NO need to measure your waist
NO confusing or complicated formulas

Get the Benefits of a Fad Free Diet


Animals in the wild do not eat pre-workout meals before play fighting or protecting their territory; they do not use heart rate monitors to ensure they are play fighting or protecting their territory at just the right heart intensity; and they do not eat post-workout meals after such activities.


Furthermore, animals in the wild do not stand on bathroom scales every morning measuring their weight and body fat percentage. They do not measure their waist size every day. They do not look-up nutrition tables, measure portion sizes on kitchen scales, drink protein shakes, swallow fat burning pills, read fad low carbohydrate diet books, and they certainly to not feed on fast food. Unsurprisingly, animals in the wild do not suffer from obesity!

Even our ancestors did not do such things—and our ancestors did not suffer from obesity.

Everything to do with dieting, exercise, fat loss, fitness, slimming, and weight loss has been overcomplicated.

Most people these days are completely confused with regards to what they need to do to lose excess weight and body fat efficiently, and keep it off long-term. This is a major reason why people keep getting fatter. Obesity rates keep rising every year because people keep doing the wrong things.

By following fads instead of facts most people are putting their health at risk. Furthermore, many people follow extreme, fast, or rapid weight loss programmes and end up with permanent cosmetic damage such as excess loose sagging skin.

What works—what really works is getting back to nature—the way the brain and body were designed to operate.

"Forget Fads Focus on the Facts"

Lose excess weight and body fat naturally and efficiently without any equipment, fads, or gimmicks. Clear up the confusion and get long-lasting results.
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"Although losing excess weight and body fat may sometimes appear to be impossible, it is in fact an extremely easy and natural process"

Nature provides the perfect example of how easy and natural the fat loss process can be in the way of hibernation; hibernating animals are able to lose their entire winter fat simply by sleeping

Even in human beings, lasting weight and body fat loss is not impossible—you can achieve life-changing results

The most efficient way to lose excess weight and body fat is by using a balanced diet and low-to-moderate intensity exercise.


It is also possible to lose excess weight and body fat by using diet alone; this technique is useful during times of injury, when exercise is not an option. [Buy Now ](http://333.esecurepay.pay.clickbank.net/)[](http://333.esecurepay.pay.clickbank.net/)

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About This Book

The Big Yellow Fat Loss Book is a foolproof, fact-filled fat loss guide that is simple, easy-to-follow, and concise; it gets straight to the point—fast.

Although brutally simple, this book is extremely powerful and the information contained within its bright glossy yellow pages will produce real, tangible results when applied fully and properly.

This book can help you to transform your body into one that is stunning, proportionally attractive, and functionally fit. It has the power to give you the kind of slim, toned, and fit physique that makes heads turn and jaws drop.

Regardless of your age, gender, genetics, or past attempts at losing excess weight and body fat, you can still achieve real, long-lasting results.

"This book is only about possibilities, facts, and action—not impossibilities, fads, and fiction"


This book may be beneficial and useful to the following groups of people:


Obese and overweight people who have struggled all their lives to reduce their weight and body fat levels

People who want to reduce their risk of permanent cosmetic damage related to weight loss such as excess loose sagging skin

People who want to become extremely lean and toned

People who need to be slender, slim, thin, and toned as part of their job or career, such as fashion models, fitness models, actors/ actresses, dancers, or media personalities

Anyone who wants to maintain a lean, slender, slim, toned, and healthy body for life using natural and healthy methods

This book is based on fundamental fat loss principles and will work for both men and women.

The Things You Will Learn Will Change the Way You Diet and Live Forever
No Fads
Just Facts

Fast Fat Facts

1. Saving up calories all day to have a big meal at night will make you fat
Starving yourself all day in order to enjoy a big fattening restaurant meal in the evening will make you fat. Just because you think in your mind that you have saved up your entire day's calorie allowance by going hungry all day, does not mean this is how the body works. Eating a big fattening meal at night after starving all day is a sure way of becoming obese very fast. The body does not calculate how much you eat on a daily basis; it calculates how much you eat on a second-by-second basis. It calculates how much you eat every time you eat or drink anything—it does this by monitoring how much blood-glucose or blood sugar is in your blood (from digested food or drink) and uses hormones like insulin and glucagon from your pancreas to control your fat storing and fat burning system. If you overeat at any meal, you will put on fat—guaranteed. So do not think you can save up your calories all day long by starving so that you can enjoy a fattening meal at night—it just does not work that way in the body (only in the mind)! This is also why eating five to six small meals per day reduces your chances of storing fat and why eating two to three big meals per day makes you fat.
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2. Extreme, fast, or rapid weight loss can produce excess loose sagging skin (which is often permanent)
Rapid weight loss programmes, also called extreme or fast weight loss programmes can cause permanent cosmetic damage to you in the form of excess loose sagging skin (they can also damage your metabolism, making you regain weight rapidly). Starvation can also cause rapid weight loss. Human skin is extremely flexible and elastic; it is possible to stretch skin permanently, to extreme proportions. For instance, some traditional tribal groups deliberately stretch their lower lips and ear lobes by using clay and wooden plates and discs. Once stretched, their skin will never return to its original size. When a person puts on excess body weight in the form of fat, the skin grows and stretches to accommodate the excess fat mass underneath. As the skin stretches, damage occurs to the supportive, elastic, connective tissues of the skin, causing them to split. This produces red or pink stretch marks. The stretch marks may also appear to be translucent or white in places. Sometimes the damaged and stretched skin takes on the appearance of the surface of a golf ball or an orange with dimples all over it. The faster a person gains weight, the more damaged the skin becomes. Rapid weight loss also produces rapid weight gain; this cycle makes the damage even worse. When an obese or overweight person goes on a rapid weight loss diet and rapidly or suddenly loses weight extremely fast, their stretched and damaged skin has no time to shrink naturally. Therefore, the excess stretched and damaged skin simply hangs as excess folds of loose, sagging skin (especially on the chest, stomach, gluteus area, and inner thigh area). The damage is usually permanent. If you truly want to enjoy your new slender, slim, and toned body without permanent cosmetic damage, then it is important that you never use any type of rapid, extreme, or fast weight or fat loss programme or system. Loose skin is not a myth it is very real! 
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3. Eating a cake on Monday will not make you  fat by Tuesday
If you are increasing or decreasing your calories, it takes the human body around seven to ten days to register and respond to the fact that you have increased or decreased your food amount or calories. If you are very fit, it can take up to 14–21 days to see signs of fat gain. The reason for this delay in the body registering and responding to the fact you have started eating more, or reduced your food intake is because the body already has a buffer of stored energy such as fat stores, muscles stores and carbohydrates stores called glycogen. Only after the body has started to use some of the stored food will it then register and respond to the fact that you are eating too much or too little. Therefore, if you eat a cake on Monday, you will not suddenly notice extra fat on Tuesday. However, if you ate a cake everyday, then at the end of seven to ten days you would notice extra fat being added on. If you are very fit, it will take longer to notice fat being added on because very fit people have higher metabolic rates due to more lean muscle tissue.

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4. There is no such thing as permanent fat loss
There is no such thing as permanent weight loss or permanent fat loss. The body is constantly in a dynamic state of change. If you stop exercising even after losing weight and start eating unhealthily, then it will make you fat again (you will start to see the first signs of fat being added to your waist within around 7–10 days). You need to make healthy eating and exercise part of your lifestyle if you want to stay lean for life.
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5. There is no such thing as permanent muscle
There is no such thing as permanent muscle. Muscle is constantly being broken down, lost and re-built. If you do not use muscle, it will waste away and you will lose tone—this is called disuse atrophy. When a bone is broken, such as an arm bone, and the arm is put into a plaster cast for six weeks to heal, at the end of six weeks, the arm muscles would have shrunk as they would have not been moved and used. There is no such thing as permanent muscle. The only way to maintain lean muscle and a toned physique (up to a certain genetic point) is to use your muscles everyday. If you stop using your muscles, you will notice the first signs of muscle loss within around 14 days. If you starve yourself, you will notice your muscles waste away at an even faster rate.
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6. Low carbohydrate diets can make you fat
It is a myth and misconception that all carbohydrates are bad. People have been misinformed to think that carbohydrates are bad because they raise insulin and insulin stores carbohydrates as fat. The truth is proteins also raise insulin not just carbohydrates. Furthermore insulin does not make you store carbohydrates as fat if you eat just the right amount that your body needs. Any food you eat will be stored as fat if you eat more than the body can digest and use at any given time. Overeating makes you fat not eating carbohydrates. As you read in fact number one above, the body does not calculate how many calories you eat on a daily basis, it actually calculates how much you eat (or overeat) on a second-by-second basis. So if you overeat at any time during the day or night you will store your meal as fat regardless of whether your meal is made of proteins or carbohydrates.The body and brain need carbohydrates. The brain needs a lot of carbohydrates every day just to think and function (and requires more than usual if you are studying for an exam). The brain uses around a third of the energy that you eat (in the form of glucose). That is a lot of energy! Without carbohydrates in your body, you will feel hungry, lethargic, light-headed, sleepy, and tired. Your moods will get affected, and you may even get migraine headaches due to hunger and low blood sugar levels. In addition, carbohydrates release insulin when digested, which prevents muscle tissue from being broken down, especially at high intensity activity levels such as running for a train. Without carbohydrates in your diet, if you try to do any high intensity activities, you will not just burn fat; you will burn fat and muscle. Any loss of lean muscle will make you look more soft and rounded. Furthermore, a loss of muscle will make you fatter when you eat at your regular levels because a loss of muscle slows your metabolism or fat burning capabilities. Low carbohydrate diets are some of the most popular diets in the world, yet, obesity keeps increasing every year. Low carbohydrate diets do not work. There are however good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Good carbohydrates have a lot of fibre that makes them digest slowly, preventing you from getting fat. They are called wholegrains and are low glycaemic meaning they raise your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels slowly. A point to be aware of is that not all low glycaemic foods are good. For example fruit juice is rated as a low glycaemic item, yet it is one of the worst things you can drink. Fruit juice is full of fructose sugar that is converted to glucose by the liver and stored as fat. Fruit juice does not have any fibre and is digested rapidly causing the body to store it as fat. Fruit however has fibre, slowing digestion and does not make you fat when consumed in moderation throughout the day.
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7. Comercial low fat foods are full of sugar and make you fat
People think low fat diets work—they do not. If you do not eat a little fat everyday, you can damage your hormone system because your hormones are made from fat. Furthermore, without fat, you cannot absorb important vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K. It is important to eat a very small amount of fat every day—but never too much. Another misconception is that it is ok to eat lots of good fat like unsaturated fat, olive oil, and fish oils. This is not true. Fat is fat—period! Too much fat will make you fat. Too little fat will make you ill. Another point to note is that sugar has zero fat! However, sugar is turned into fat by the body if you eat too much in one sitting. Many low fat meals in the shops and supermarkets have a very high sugar content—that is why low fat food makes people fat—because the high sugar gets turned into fat by the body.
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8. Low intensity exercise burns fat
Remember, animals that hibernate do not lose their entire winter fat by running fast on a treadmill; they lose it by going into a deep sleep, and burning fat slowly to keep them alive during the bitter, harsh winter months. Human beings also burn mainly fat while resting and during low intensity activities such as walking. During low intensity activities and at rest the body mainly burns stored fat. This is because fat takes longer to be taken out of storage and used by the body. At high intensity activity levels, the body will be working far too quickly for fat to be taken out and used, so it relies on quicker, faster fuels. At medium to high intensities of activity or exercise, the body mainly burns stored glucose called glycogen. This is because it can be released and used by the body faster than fat can. As a person exercises at very high intensities, the body relies on burning rapid burning fuels called creatine phosphate and ATP Adenosine Tri-Phosphate.
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9. Cycling your calories can disrupt your endocrine system (hormone system) and may make you fat
Cycling your calories between low and high levels, or alternating your carbohydrate and protein intake may disrupt your body's hormone system. Furthermore consuming a diet of only fish and fruit is also not healthy. If such fads are continued for long periods they may make you regain extra weight as body fat. Some of these fad dieting techniques cause an extremely fast or rapid loss of weight. The weight loss is usually lean muscle tissue weight not fat weight. Any loss of lean muscle tissue increases your risk of rapid fat regain and slows your body's metabolism or fat burning capabilities. A loss of lean muscle tissue also makes you look more rounded and less toned. Furthermore, any extreme, fast, or rapid loss of weight increases your risk of permanent cosmetic damage such as excess loose sagging skin.
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10. You cannot confuse, fool, or trick the human brain or body regardless of what fad diet books tell you
The human body has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Its complex systems operate using finely tuned electrical and chemical functions that operate at the cellular level. The human body maintains a state of balance called homeostasis. The brain and body maintain a fine balance at all times and in all environments. It is not possible to confuse, fool, or trick the brain or body at all. Most fad diet books (especially eBooks) are not written by medical experts or doctors. Most fad diet books and eBooks are written by lay people who do not have any medical knowledge at all. Furthermore, due to the growth of self-publishing, most eBooks are of an extremely low quality sold via suspicious looking one page sales letter websites and cannot be trusted. Following fad diet information can seriously harm your health and may cause permanent cosmetic damage to your body. Most medical experts will warn you against following fad diet information. The truth is there is no one specific solution to losing fat. Successful weight loss and body fat reduction is really a combination of several things that amongst numerous others include eating a healthy, balanced diet, and taking regular exercise.
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Simple Slimming!
This book will tell you practically everything you could possibly need to know about successful weight loss in an easy-to-follow step-by-step way to help you get results safely, easily, and efficiently

Most diets are designed for extreme, fast, or rapid weight loss. They can only be followed for short amounts of time before the body forces you to eat at your regular levels. When weight is rapidly lost, you will rapidly regain weight. Furthermore, rapid weight loss can produce cosmetic damage such as excess loose sagging skin which is often permanent. The Big Yellow Fat Loss Book is not a fad diet book. It is an easy-to-follow, simple, healthy lifestyle book that can be followed for the rest of your life, enabling you to lose weight and keep it off long-term. You will find this book to be a refreshing breath of fresh air. Go for it! Take action! Get a body that makes heads turn and jaws drop. You will really love this book and the results it can give you!
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In this book you will discover the exact foods to eat and avoid for successful slimming

You will discover the exact exercises that burn fat extremely efficiently

You will discover what to order in restaurants and on airlines as well as how to make healthy eating part of your lifestyle

This easy-to-follow  simple slimming guide will give you the tools and knowledge to get long-lasting results
You will really
LOVE this Book!
Go for it! Take action! [Buy this book now](http://333.esecurepay.pay.clickbank.net/)  and start reading it moments from now! [](http://333.esecurepay.pay.clickbank.net/)[](http://333.esecurepay.pay.clickbank.net/)

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Some of the benefits of
taking action
and losing fat

1. A significant increase in daily energy levels

2. Less tiredness, lethargy and procrastination during the day

3. A deeper and more restful sleep at night due to better body-temperature regulation and balanced hormonal functions

4. Less joints pain caused by excess weight (especially lower back, knee, and hip pain)

5. Less pain caused by skin sores from excess folds of skin rubbing

6. Clothes fit perfectly

7. A proportionally attractive and symmetrical body

8. Tight, toned, and well defined abdominal muscles

9. Firm, tight, and toned thigh and gluteus muscles

10. More attractive cheekbones and eyes as well as a more attractive jaw line due to a reduction of excess facial fat

11.Reduction of fat and loose skin under the chin that produces a “double-chin”

12. Improved skin complexion due to tighter skin with less sagging and wrinkles

13.  A younger looking face and body due to the anti-aging effects of a healthy, balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper hydration

14. A significant increase in self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect

15. Improved body self-image

16. Better posture, body language, and eye-contact due to an increase in self-confidence

17. Reduced risk of getting cancer, diabetes, heart disease, metabolic disorders, and strokes

18. An increase in the number of compliments that are positive

19. More flattering attention from others


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Get a Body That Makes Heads Turn and Jaws Drop

"Forget Fads Focus on the Facts"

Remember, hibernating animals are able to lose their entire winter fat simply by sleeping. Losing excess weight and body fat is an extremely easy and natural process (even in humans). You can achieve life-changing results.  Go for it! Take action now! Lose excess weight and body fat naturally and efficiently without any equipment, fads, or gimmicks. Clear up the confusion and get long-lasting results. Lose excess weight and body fat the safe and simple way. Reduce your risk of permanent cosmetic damage such as excess loose sagging skin.
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