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FREE E-BOOK On Emotional Healing

Emotions are not the problem! In fact, your emotions don't need healing at all. They're doing their job. What needs healing is the relationship we have with our emotions. Emotions are the source of your power. They come into you through your emotional wellspring. You have a constant flow of feelings, just like your constant flow of thoughts. Learn how to heal your relationship with your emotions - so you can start USING their power (rather than being burned by it). I explain it all in the free e-book. (See left margin of this page.)


Videos to watch
[](/videos/47-emotional-healing-the-first-step.html) [](/videos/48-emotional-healing-step-2.html) [](/videos/49-emotional-healing-step-3.html) [](/videos/50-emotional-healing-step-4.html) [Emotional Healing
The first step](/videos/47-emotional-healing-the-first-step.html) [Emotional Healing
Step 2 ](/videos/48-emotional-healing-step-2.html) [Emotional Healing
Step 3 ](/videos/49-emotional-healing-step-3.html) [Emotional Healing
Step 4 ](/videos/50-emotional-healing-step-4.html) [](/videos/51-emotional-healing-step-5.html) [](/videos/52-forgiveness-a-few-key-points.html) [](/videos/53-consulting-program.html) [](/videos/54-personal-consultation.html) [Emotional Healing
Step 5](/videos/51-emotional-healing-step-5.html) [Forgiveness
A few key points](/videos/52-forgiveness-a-few-key-points.html) [Consulting
Program](/videos/53-consulting-program.html) [Personal Consultation
What I do](/videos/54-personal-consultation.html)

Self-Improvement Products

Audio Download Meditations

[Create Your Own Reality](http://www.create-reality.com)

Explains the facts behind reality creation - how it really works. Guides you to take control of your life. Helps you find and remove your own unique hidden obstacles to success. Small changes start the very first day.

[Creative Visualization](/creative-visualization-audio-meditation.html)

I love this meditation! And I've had great success with it. After years of practicing meditation and working with visualization exercises, this is my favorite meditation for programming what I want.

[Reduce Fear Escape Anxiety And End Panic](http://www.reduce-fear.com)

Quickly starts to bleed off fear. Then digs down to the root cause of all fear, panic and anxiety. You don't have to suffer attacks any longer.

[Removing Blockages](/removing-blockages.html)

I designed this meditation to remove a blockage I had around love. I wanted to feel more love, but no matter what I did, I kept bumping up against an invisible barrier that kept me from feeling it.

[Self Esteem Secrets](http://www.self-esteem-secrets.com)

Reveals the 7 steps to a powerful new self esteem; which gives direction and motivation for life. Changing your self esteem is the easiest way to change your thoughts and feelings.

[Working With Your Shadow](/working-with-your-shadow-meditation.html)

Your shadow is real. While other parts of you might be influencing your life - your shadow absolutely is having an effect on you right now and every day of your life.

[Release Your Emotions](http://www.release-emotions.com)

Teaches your subconscious mind to help you release the hurt, sadness, and other painful emotions trapped inside. I felt 10 pounds lighter the first time I did this meditation.

[Working With and Healing Your Inner Child and Your Inner Adolescent](/working-with-your-inner-child.html)

When you were about 5 or 6 years old, a part of your consciousness branched off from the rest of you. And the more intensity, the more pain, the more shame you were going through at the time, then the more of your consciousness stayed behind.

[The Magic Of Forgiveness](http://www.forgive-yourself.com)

Step-by-step process releases burdens of the past and emotional pain of the present. Stop beating yourself up. Stop holding on to the pain. It's time to let go!

[Healing The Critical Parent](/healing-the-critical-parent.html)

If you constantly hear a nagging, critical voice inside your head, a voice that's always putting you down, then it's most likely the inner critical parent. While your ego also can put you down, it's not quite as singularly-focused as the critical parent.

[Remove The Wall](http://www.healing-emotional-pain.com/page2.htm)

Gently removes the wall we built many years ago to protect our heart; (which became the source of our pain.) Like a breath of fresh air - now you can let in the love!

[Healing Your Ego](/healing-your-ego.html)

Your ego was born when you were born. And it will be with you your entire life. It's the closest part to you compared to any other aspect of your consciousness. It goes with you everywhere. You NEED an ego, just to survive. You would die without it.



Let Me Help You End Your Biggest Problem

With A Private, One-On-One Personal Phone Consultation

When you're consumed with a problem, it robs you of the very power you need to solve that problem. I can show you how to start taking your power back in a matter of minutes. Plus, emotional problems are rooted in the past. Getting to the root of the problem is a specialty of mine. [Let me help you.](http://www.join-the-fun.com/consult-with-me.html)


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Healing eBook
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[ dl test](/videos/57-dl-test.html) [ Personal Consultation](/videos/54-personal-consultation.html) [ Consulting Program](/videos/53-consulting-program.html) [ Forgiveness - A few key points](/videos/52-forgiveness-a-few-key-points.html) [ Emotional Healing - Step 5](/videos/51-emotional-healing-step-5.html)

[ Emotional Healing - The First Step](/videos/47-emotional-healing-the-first-step.html) [ Emotional Healing - Step 2](/videos/48-emotional-healing-step-2.html) [ Forgiveness - A few key points](/videos/52-forgiveness-a-few-key-points.html) [ Emotional Healing - Step 3](/videos/49-emotional-healing-step-3.html) [ Emotional Healing - Step 5](/videos/51-emotional-healing-step-5.html)

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