How would you feel if you could open a conversation in Russian Confidently AND Easily? And how AMAZING would it be if you could speak romantically in the Russian language, with romantic Russian phrases.
Learn To Speak Russian teaches you the ground work for the Russian language, with correct grammar lessons (So much more complicated than English, but easy once mastered).
Learn To Speak Russian was created with the idea to teach what no other Russian audio program has ever done before... teach you ROMANTIC Russian too!
Let's imagine you were an English speaking person in the mysterious nation of Russia and you see a beautiful Russian woman or handsome Russian man. What would you say to get their attention? Now, imagine if you could open a Russian conversation, reply in Russian and let them know how you feel IN RUSSIAN!
This is what Learn To Speak Russian teaches you in this fun filled 2 hour audiobook, designed to get you up and running in the Russian language.
BUT, as a gift to you, we have already added some FREE Russian language lessons below, which we believe will help you get started on your journey to learn to speak Russian.
(Note: Lessons on the site only are lower audio quality for website speed).
Below is the entire Russian alphabet for you to master. Listen to it again and again until you memorize it. Russian women will love that you can recite the cyrillic alphabet.
Follow the written words here:
Here you will learn amazing phrases you can use to get the best results from your Russian love interest.
Press play on each of the phrases below. Firstly you will see the written English phrase. The audio contains the Russian translation which you must masterl. Don't worry about mistakes. How long did it take you to mutter your first English words as a baby? Go easy on yourself.
I Want To Kiss You
You Are a Beautiful Girl
I Love You
You Are a Funny Woman
Some Russian teachers will only teach you phrases to help you buy coffee or food. You may learn simple words for door, wall, book, shop, but what you REALLY wanted to learn was the skill to have social conversations and to allow your vocabulary of simple words to grow over time.
Learn the social conversations for making friends and the rules of grammar to minimise mistakes. The better you become at the social conversations, the more the Russian people will want to help you learn. This double CD is designed to help give you the very best chance to learn this amazing language.
Below are phrases you can learn to immediately interact socially with Russian women and men. Once again, practice makes perfect.
Hi, How's It Going?
My Name is...
Pleasure to Meet you
What's your Name?
Perhaps you aren't planning to travel Russia. Perhaps you will visit it's surrounding Russian speaking countries. But also, maybe you wish to find love online with a beautiful russian woman. You can meet Russian women online who will be happy to talk to you, provided you say the right things at the right time.
Trust, you will always worry about what to say and do when you first interact with a REAL Russian woman or man. Generally, they will have a grasp of the English language, but the smart, savvy westerner will take the time to learn her Russian language and meet her in the middle.
The Russian language can be difficult to grasp. Unlike English, the Russian language uses masculine and feminine words to descibe every day items such as a car or shop. It also utilizes formal and familiar words for greeting people you don't know, and people you are friends with.
For example, you would address your Russian girlfriend one way, and her father using a different word that implies greater respect and formality. It is important to get this correct.
I Want / I Would Like
I Have a Gift For You
Where Do You Live?
I Would Like To meet You
Why Don't We Go For Coffee?
How Do You feel?
Would You Like To Go With Me?
What are you waiting for? Your lessons start today!
All the best,
Denis Drosdov
Please note, Learn To Speak Russian is a downloadable product, ready for your car stereo!
Ready To Begin? Get Your Copy NOW!
For more information, please email speakrussian@bilstonaudio.com