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“Who Else Wants to Understand more about Dyslexia and be Able to Take Positive Action  ...Guaranteed?"

Dear Friend:

Welcome to DyslexiaHealth.com

My name is Dee Henry and I have gathered the most comprehensive material available on Dyslexia. I am dedicated to helping others save the frustration that I have had in understanding this condition and taking positive steps to deal with it, so I'd like to share my knowledge with you, free of charge.

Browse the links on this site for more information about Dyslexia, or sign up for my short  Dyslexia email course below, where you'll receive one lesson per day in your email box.

Pinpointing what Dyslexia is and isn’t
History of Dyslexia Self Diagnosis for Dyslexia
What to do if you or someone you know has Dyslexia
Testing for Dyslexia
What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? 5 things to do at home to help your Dylexic child
Five Tools for Making a Dyslexic Teen’s Life Easier
Much, much more!
To get this amazing one-of-a-kind email course on Dyslexia, simply fill out the box below, and we’ll deliver the first issue in your email inbox immediately!

Name * Email * (*) = required field

You Will Receive the First Lesson in Your Inbox Immediately.

Privacy Assured: Your email address is never shared with anyone.

We’ll send you your first email lesson as soon as you sign up, and we’ll talk to you soon.

All the best,

Dee Henry 

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