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Scroll and Gun Coming Soon - The Destination For Lifestyle

“Twenty years from now you will be more dissapointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the
bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in
your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”



ScrollandGun.com is dedicated to Men's Lifestyle Design for young
professionals. We explore the following topics:

* Entrepreneurship and Personal Wealth
* Dating Science and Relationships
* Zen and Mindfulness
* Fitness and Nutrition

Yes! Sign me up for ScrollandGun.com now! I'm ready to start
Designing my life. Download the Ebook for $40.00.

I'll receive the following information I'll use to transform my

1.) Expert Content Regarding The Four Essentials:

* Entrepreneurship: Learn and apply business principles from
successful entrepreneurs and internet marketers
* DATING SCIENCE: Inner game building techniques from dating
experts such as David Wygant and Neil Strauss
* ZEN: Learn meditation and mindfulness exercises from Zen Masters
* FITNESS: Muscle building - fat losing fitness tips from fitness
experts such as Steve Jacks

2.) ACTION STEPS: At the end of each module, are action steps that
allow you to practice the skills you learn.

* Entrepreneurship: Do exercises that help you achieve goals in
marketing, product development, sales..etc.
* Dating Science: Field exercises geared towards increasing your
social freedom
* Zen: Apply meditation techniques and practice postures
* FITNESS: Use nutrition and exercise logs to measure your

3.) COMMUNITY: Reach out to other ScrollandGun members to share
resources. Gain access to the ScrollandGun Ning Community or Trial
Membership to the SAG Community Site.

* Entrepreneurship: Find joint venture partners and establish
mastermind groups
* Dating Science: Find SAG members locally to go out with and
practice techniques. Attend SAG live events.
* Zen: Share zen techniques and post videos
* Fitness: Keep a body fitness blog including pictures to share
with other members

A polymath is a man whose expertise spans a significant number of
different subject areas. The idea developed in Renaissance Italy from
the notion expressed by one of its most accomplished representatives,
Leon Battista Alberti: that "a man can do all things if he will." It
embodied the basic tenets of Renaissance Humanism, which considered
all humans empowered, limitless in their capabilities for development,
and led to the notion that people shoudl embrace all knowledge and
develop their capacities as fully as possible. Thus the gifted humans
of the Renaissance sought to develop skills in all areas of knowledge,
in physical development, in social accomplishments and the arts.
ScrollandGun is a thought experiment in self improvement rooted in
Renaissance Ideals.

* Develop inner confidence that carries into your business and
romantic life
* Escape the rat race and earn a monthly five figure income with
zero management
* Utilize dating science secrets to build a social circle of
friends and companions
* Sculpt the body you've always dreamed of. Shed 15lbs of excess
fat in 30 days.
* Discover teh 2,000 Year Old Zen Secret To Feeling Calm, Balanced,
and Positive No Matter What is going on in your life

Self improvement is a lifelong journey. We believe first and
foremost, that you learn through doing, so we focus our modules on
action steps that you can take to practice lifeskills.

Yes! Sign me up for ScrollandGun.com now! I'm ready to start
Designing my life. Download the Ebook for $40.00.

Launch Date


For the past couple of months I've been learning how to become a
confident person thanks to your program. I am more self-confidence
when talking and engaging others, and I will keep practicing how to
approach and create great relationships with women. My life is better,
because I am changing.
London, ON

I am so thankful to find your videos/blog........Bro, can't thank
you enough. - CHUCK M.


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