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How To Lose Weight And Stubborn, Ugly Stomach Fat Forever!
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The video on this page details exactly how I lost over 70
pounds of stubborn fat... got rid of those ugly pockets of belly fat,
arm fat, and ‘love handles’... and how I did it by eating my
favorite foods each and every week! This is not a gimmick... this is
rock-solid science combined with common sense. I got tired of being
overweight, too fat, and having no energy at all. I tried Atkins,
Protein Power, Body For Life, and all kinds of low-carb diets with no
success. And I found out why diets always let me down... and a better
way to get it done. I also tried stomach exercises and they did
nothing. Then I discovered this incredibly powerful “body trick”
that worked almost like magic. If you are ready to get the body you
have always wanted, then my “calorie/carb rotation plan” is ideal
for you. But you have to watch the entire video to find out exactly
how I did it... and how thousands of others have done it too... and
how you can join us and have a blast doing it. REMEMBER: WATCH THE

Now Featuring The Ultra-Easy SNAPP® System! “This
Is The Perfect Plan If You Hate Dieting And You Absolutely Demand To
Enjoy Life But Still Want A Lean, Trim, Healthy Body!” “No
Pills...No Starvation...No Fancy Foods... No Boring Workouts...Just
Results...All By Eating The Foods You Already Love!” Dear Friend,
Wouldn't you love a diet that encouraged you to eat your favorite
foods just about every day and still lose weight? Wouldn't that be a
dream come true? Even better: what if this wonderful new System
required food that anyone can afford—and even saved you money every
single week? It gets even better. Just imagine never being forced to
count calories or grams of fat ever again. Would that give you more
freedom and peace of mind? This is not just a dream. This is as real
as it gets. Read on and discover what thousands of folks just like you
are discovering every single day... A Proven System That Sets You Free
From Counting Calories Forever From this day forward, you are
forbidden to count calories! It's a painful process that usually leads
you down the road to more frustration. Always looking at the labels
and using a calculator to figure out how much food you can eat is just
no fun at all. What's more...it doesn't work. Did you know that people
who count calories are some of the least successful dieters? We want
to show you a new method—an exciting new way to look at food. Using
our SNAPP! System of Eatingâ„¢, counting fat grams and calories will
become a distant memory. Plus the SNAPP! System of Eating is so simple
a child can do it! Break Free From An Unhealthy Relationship With Food
Man or woman, it doesn't matter. You are probably an emotional
eater—and all emotional eaters have a “love-hate” relationship
with food. We understand. We were emotional eaters too until we
discovered what we are about to share with you. We found a great new
way to fall in love with food and to embrace it as our friend and a
path to get where we want to go. When your emotions control what you
eat, you feel imprisoned by circumstances and by food. When this
happens, both your body and mind suffer the consequences. Emotional
eating results in those two sets of clothes so many of us have—the
clothes we want to wear and those ugly, baggy sweats with elastic
waistbands. Emotional eating is the reason you may have a fear of food
and always worry about every little morsel you put in your mouth. We
know you are ready for something better—and it all begins by tossing
guilt out the window! The Absolute End To Feeling Guilty And Creating
A New Love For Food! Diet disaster is caused by two things: stress and
fear. Most diets are designed to increase your level of stress. And
almost every diet makes you feel fear. You know that dread of falling
off the dietary wagon? We hated that! It's no fun to live your life
worried about cheating on your diet and focused on food all the time,
is it? You need a diet that makes you feel good, inside and out. One
that can give you... A body that is lean, healthy and strong; That
special sense of freedom where you are in control; A lifelong healthy
relationship with food; The pleasure of enjoying your meals and the
loved ones you share them with; A great feeling of peace within
yourself! You need an answer that offers real hope. Real solutions.
Real results. No More Feeling Like You're Stuck On A Diet Or A
Super-strict Plan Only A Robot Can Follow! We have more good news for
you: We don't want you to eat like a fitness fanatic. Or a machine
without feelings. We won't ask you to eat celery all day long either.
That's because our System was designed for real people who live real
lives and enjoy real food. What a relief! Most diets just assume you
are some kind of robot designed to live in the kitchen or, even worse,
live on salad all day long. How boring is that? You don't want to live
like that to get the body you deserve. Why? Because you will hate
every minute of it. If you don't love what you eat you will never eat
it for very long. That is why almost every diet fails eventually.
Sure, you can “will-power” your way to some weight loss, but
eventually you just gain it all back. Sound familiar? Why Did Your
Last Diet Fail You? Take Our “Diet History Survey” You do not fail
a diet—a diet fails YOU. We want to know why. How did your last diet
let you down? Find the reasons you relate to the most: “I lost
interest faster than I lost weight!” That's probably because you
weren't given enough variety. We all need variety, and that includes
the foods we love to eat. Our solution allows you to enjoy the foods
you love the most every single week...even every other day! “I felt
trapped, as if every meal was a chore.” We know that feeling really
well! Here is the good news: a healthy weight-loss meal plan does NOT
have to be a chore when you use our System. In fact, every meal can be
one you look forward to. We will show you exactly how to manage your
meals so you are never more than a few hours away from any food you
want to eat...and yes, you will still lose weight! “I could not
stand the thought of dieting like that for the rest of my life!”
None of us like the thought of having our future limited and that's
exactly what most diet plans do. They limit your choices, they limit
your eating times, they limit your appreciation for food, and they
make you feel guilty for enjoying all that life has to offer. With our
solution you will learn how to have your diet work for your life and
not against it! “I had serious food cravings that drove me nuts!”
Many diets fail because they don't address the seriousness of
cravings. This is because most diet creators have never had a real
craving and they don't know how addictive high sugar foods can be. Our
system was designed by us, the formerly obese. We know what it's like
to have those cravings—and on our plan you never miss those foods.
That makes it a lot easier to eliminate cravings! “I didn't like the
feeling of not fitting in socially!” The pressure to eat in social
circles is huge. Many diet programs create a wedge between you and the
world you live in by telling you to “just say no.” With our
solution, you can say YES! In fact, you should say yes. No one likes
to be the one at the birthday party who says “I can't” to the
birthday cake. From now on it's, “Yes, thank you!” This May Sound
Crazy, But We Think Food Should Be Something You Enjoy! You want
eating to be fun—and it should be! Your meals should be tasty and
provide you with enough flexibility that you can easily lose weight
for life. The bottom line is you want to lose all the weight you want
and keep it off. You probably never want to be ordered to eat
“salads or shakes 3 times a day” or keep track of all those grams,
ounces and calories while your eating out. Who can blame you? We
didn't want to do that either. No one wants to! So if you are tired of
strict diets, emotional eating, and counting calories—and you want a
permanent solution to weight loss that is fun and effective—this may
be the most important letter you will ever read. “How Can You Be So
Sure I Will Lose Weight So Easily?” How? Because we've been where
you are right now. We lost over 170 pounds of blubber between JUST THE
TWO OF US using the same principles we're about to teach you. And we
are no different than you are. We are not genetic “freaks” who
lose fat easily. Just take a look at our before pictures below for
proof! The photos below show our former bodies before we started doing
what were about to show you. The after pictures are the result of
eating on a plan we totally love that gives us all the energy and
results we want! Plus we've helped thousands of folks just like you do
the same thing we did: lose the weight and keep it off for life! My
name is Jon Benson. I am the author of numerous best-selling fitness
and nutrition books including Fit Over 40 and Simply Eat! I'm joined
by not one but TWO fitness and nutrition professionals: Holly Rigsby,
CPT and Daniel Topkis, M.S. Holly is the author of the smash hit The
Fit Yummy Mummy System! and Daniel is the author of the amazing book
Slim Healthy Secrets! We are degreed fitness professionals and,
between us, we have certifications a mile long. We are publlished in
all types of fitness and nutrition journals and ezines all over the
world. But none of that matters. Why? This Is All About You! Let me
ask you a simple question: Unless we have been where you are, how can
we relate to you? How can we help you get to where you want to go?
This is the problem with almost every diet book—they are not written
from personal experience. Sure, you can pay any doctor who is 40
pounds overweight to write a diet book. But does he or she know what
it takes to get lean? They know what everyone else knows—and, as you
have probably already experienced, that “canned approach” doesn't
work for the majority of us in the real world. Just take a look for
yourself—I used to be obese. I'm not talking about a few pounds
overweight. I'm talking 75 pounds and 36% bodyfat! Holly gained over
60 pounds during her pregnancy and was once a “certified couch
potato.” Then we educated ourselves in the real world—the diet
trenches. We learned a lot in school, but most of what we discovered
on how to lose fat and keep it off cannot be found in a college
textbook. We learned all the little tricks and discovered all the
tasty secrets to permanent weight loss. We transformed our own obese
and unhappy bodies into “cover model” physiques! I guess you could
say we got a little carried away. : ) “Yeah, But You Guys Probably
Eat Rabbit Food All Day To Look That Good!” Since all three of us
are really fit, you probably think we live on egg whites and salad or
exercise for hours every day. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We don't have to because we have found the secret to staying slim
without sacrificing the lives we love. None of our clients want to
live on “rabbit food” and some don't even want to go to a gym,
much less stay in one for hours a day. They just want to lose their
excess weight and feel good and trim in their “skinny clothes.”
You too, right? Gain your energy and self-esteem back for good? Then
that isn't going to require you to work out for 8 hours a day or to
resent the foods you eat. If you are not loving life, then it is not
worth it! This is the System I created for my most frustrated friends.
People I work with and care about who were all just about ready to
call it quits when it comes to getting the body they want. My Second
Edition and the SNAPP! System was created for folks who would rather
sleep on a bed of nails than go on another diet. YES—there is a
common sense, every day, real-world solution...and it starts with a
simple idea. Ready? No One Who Is Lean For Life Counts Calories! Real
successful dieters are the ones who never count calories. Discovering
this fact enabled me to create the SNAPP! Sytem in The Every Other Day
Diet so no one would EVER have to count a single calorie...ever! Face
it—none of us want to count calories. But I bet you want to have a
flat tummy, smaller hips, and more energy. Does this sound like you?
Then it's time to FORGET about counting calories and discover a
super-easy new way of managing the food you eat every day. It takes
less than a minute to learn...and you will wonder how on earth you got
by without it. “What Do You Mean By 'Every Other Day'?” One day
you'll be eating super-healthy high-protein foods that are easy to
fix. The next day you'll “rotate” and eat other tasty foods
like... Pasta dishes Burgers Sandwiches Snacks Pizza Even Desserts!
Whatever you want...and yes, you'll still lose weight. In fact, our
mind-blowing system DEMANDS you eat high-calorie foods! The
fat-burning power will not be unleashed without it. Now, we're not
crazy—and we know you're not either. You are a smart, savvy consumer
who may be thinking right about now...“No way. This sounds too
good.” You're right. It does sound too good. But it's true. And just
like anything that works YOU have to be willing to work with this
amazing System in order to see the greatest benefit! If I told you
that you could eat unlimited quantities of junk food and lose weight,
you better call the funny farm and have me committed!! No one who is
leveling with you would ever say that. What I am saying, loudly and
boldly, is that you can enjoy your favorite foods every other day and
lose weight. Period! You just have to learn HOW to eat these foods and
WHEN. It's so simple my grandmother can do it. (I have an adopted
grandmother...and she DOES IT!) Why not you, right? Doctor-Approved
and Real-World Smart This really IS a revolutionary new way of looking
at weight loss. One that is designed to be easy, fun, and tasty. And
lets you eat the foods you enjoy while forcing your body to burn off
ugly body fat. Our doctor-approved one-of-a-kind System is also
guaranteed to work for you without question or you don't pay us a
dime. That is how confident we are that you will... Lose all the
weight you want to lose Regain your energy and vitality Feel fit and
trim in your clothes Knock 5, 10, even 15 years off of your looks And
eliminate the stress that all diets cause! Progress...Not Perfection!
Most men and women today don't care about being 5% body fat. Many
would be happy to be less than 20%. Most of us don't want to be
bodybuilder either. Most just want the basics: To look good in your
clothes To feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror To
feel sexually attractive and confident To eat yummy food often, not
just every once in a while To have the energy to make it through the
day and want to do more And not to be forced to re-arrange our already
busy schedules! Guess what? None of the above requires a perfect diet
or exercise plan. Perfection is an impossible standard. You may have
been told to set perfection as your standard in the past, but from now
on, we're focusing on progress rather than perfection. Simple steps
you take every day, all while you learn how you can enjoy food for the
rest of your life and still get the body you deserve. But this isn't
Fantasy Land. Like I said, no one worth their salt can say you can eat
massive amounts of junk food every day and lose weight. But you can
and will eat junk food the right way at the right time and lose weight
and become more healthy. We All Secretly Know The Truth...Ready?
Virtually every man and woman reading this letter will never stop
eating normal food no matter what the health experts and doctors tell
you do to. You will probably never eat fifteen cups of veggies a day
and cut your dietary fat intake down to 10% in order to be healthy and
weigh less either...right? This does not make you a bad or
undisciplined person. This makes you normal. Normal people want simple
solutions and to be shown how to live in today's world, not as a
dieting outcast. Sure, there are the extreme diets out there. A few of
them may work for some lucky people, but most folks on strict meal
plans end up living for their diets. They live in fear of going out
because of the social pressure to eat and be “normal.” Isn't the
BEST answer one that would allow you to eat these everyday foods in
moderation and still provide you with super-healthy fat-burning foods?
If you just followed this simple and easy plan every other day, don't
you think you'll feel and look better? This isn't rocket
science...it's common sense. The key ingredient that was somehow left
out of most diets. It's also common sense that any diet like this will
require that you give up something in return for all the benefits.
Like I said, I'm not here to lie to you. I'm a straight-shooter. Guess
what it is? Going out to lunch 3 days a week. Let me really shoot
straight—if you're not ready to give THAT up, you're not ready to
lose an ounce of weight! But I KNOW you are ready. That's why you're
still reading this letter I wrote to you. That's I created this
one-of-a-kind System. This is a real-world diet for real-world people.
People like you who do not want to live on salads and vegetables every
single day of the week, year in and year out. But people like you who
also want to lose weight and are willing to BEGIN feeling better and
happier by easing into the waters and make small changes every other
day. Called “The Easiest Diet On Earth!” This Simple Plan Enables
You To Eat The Foods You Enjoy Virtually All The Time! Say
“hello!” to the most practical, sensible, and user-friendly diet
on earth: The Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System! This is not just a diet
book. This is an entire System of Food Management that empowers you
to... Lose all the weight you want to lose Regain your energy and
vitality Feel great in those “skinny clothes” again Knock 5, 10,
even 15 years off of your looks And so much more! I spent years
perfecting this System and making it the easiest to use program for
weight loss on the planet. In fact, we are so confident that you will
succeed—scratch that... you can't HELP but succeed!—that we fully
guarantee your results. Try The Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System for a
full 60 days. If you don't absolutely love the results, we will
politely and gladly refund your entire purchase price. You have
nothing to lose but the weight. There's More...We Literally Support
You For A Full Year With Encouragment and Recipes! How many diet plans
give you a full YEAR of motivation and encouragement in addition to a
foundation that can change your life? That's a heck of a deal! We're
so committed to your success that Holly and I will personally send you
three Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System recipes each and every week for a
full year—just to ensure that you always have a variety of meal
choices! Not only that, but we will also send you weekly motivational
and encouragement emails absolutely free! Just imagine starting every
week with a word of praise, encouragement, and tips on how to continue
and accelerate your success! With The Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System
you get years of experience from two people who have been where you
are now. Holly and I will share everything with you, including the
experiences of other success stories—and that includes our own! This
collection of weight loss success stories will help you along the way
every week—for a full year! There is simply nothing more powerful
than having coaches who have already succeeded sitting in your corner,
helping you each and every week. Three Different Plans For Every
Lifestyle Tailored To Your Individual Goals Because there are three
different levels in The Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System there is a plan
to fit your needs. This System works whether you are a first-time
dieter or a professional athlete. Whether you choose The Primer, The
Lifestyle, or The Extreme Plan, you get an easy-to-follow step by step
system to reach your goals. For A Limited Time You Can Get The Every
Other Day Dietâ„¢ System With A Full Year Of Support! You might expect
to pay hundreds of dollars for this program...and it would be worth
it! You will save hundreds of dollars every year for the rest of your
life just on food costs with the great secrets you will learn. Plus,
Holly and I collected not ONE, not THREE, but NINE outstanding bonuses
worth over $537.00! Most of these bonuses can only be found right here
through this special offer. We had to call in some pretty big favors
to get you all of these great bonuses. We wanted to to be absolutely
certain that when you saw what we had collected for you, and created
for you, that the decision to try this incredible system couldn't be
anything but an enthusiastic “YES!” Because we know you will see
success, we back our incredible offer with a Full 60-Day Money Back
Guarantee! The Every Other Day Dietâ„¢ System will work better and
faster than anything you have ever tried. AND you will love the foods
you eat more than any other diet in the world, or you get your money
back! And, most importantly, you will... Regain your joy of food
without the guilt Lose all the weight you want without counting
calories End the cycle of emotional and binge eating for good Get back
into those “skinny clothes” you love to wear And share this with
everyone you love

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