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Sport Sharking

Stop Gamesmanship!!
The Psychology of Losing - Tricks, Traps & Sharks

A humorous look at how to protect yourself from ruthless gamesmanship and unsportsmanlike behavior.

By Allan P. Sand

[Book reviews](reviews/book_reviews.htm)

An unscrupulous player, trainer, or coach does not abide by the concept of good sportsmanship. He wants to win and will use any means possible, especially if it is not specifically forbidden in writing.

He will exactly follow the letter of the rules, but not the spirit. Every type of distracting tactic will be used to give any advantage to his side, however small.

The tricks and traps can be subtle ploys applied by an expert gamesman. Many of these will not be immediately recognizable in the heat of battle. Only the consequences of a lost competition will bear testimony of their effectiveness.

Even in the hands of an unskilled amateur, the more obvious attempts can be highly effective. Those efforts will be so obvious that even young children recognize the blatant intention to bend the concept of fair play.

Become educated on the subtle and unsubtle ways of competitive psychology. Once the concepts of gamesmanship are understood, knowledgeable observers (referees, officials, and spectators) can easily spot these attempts. When aware of an effort, effective steps can be taken to nullify, deflect, and even trap the instigator.

[ US $15.00 (PDF)](http://1.allanpsand.pay.clickbank.net) This is for the Adobe Reader.

[ US $15.00 (MOBI)](http://2.allanpsand.pay.clickbank.net) This is for the Kindle Reader.

[ US $15.00 (ePUB)](http://3.allanpsand.pay.clickbank.net) This is for the Sony Reader, B&N Nook, Apple iPhone, or Bookwork version.

[ US $15.00 (LIT)](http://4.allanpsand.pay.clickbank.net) This is for the Microsoft Reader.

If you have questions, you may contact me at: [gamesmanship99@gmail.com](mailto:gamesmanship99@gmail.com)

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