* Most of my life I battled high blood pressure
(hypertension) and as I grew older my blood pressure continued to rise
despite my best efforts to follow my Doctor's diet and exercise
recommendations. I largely ignored the fact the I had high blood
pressure and went on about my life as if I did not have a blood
pressure problem. I lived in denial because I did not want to be on
blood pressure medicine and have the stigma. If I went on medication,
I thought, I was admitting a major health problem and being sentence
to a shorter lifespan, and after all, I was perfectly healthy.
One day, during a routine eye examine, my eye doctor checked my blood
pressure. It was 193/98. I was shocked and terrified. Further, after
the exam, she explained what the high blood pressure was doing to my
eyes and how, if left untreated, it would ruin my vision.
That was enough for me!! I made an appointment with my MD. At the
exam my blood pressure was still in the 190's / 90's. I was put on
medication that made me lethargic, light headed, and generally not
feeling so well. I did adjust to it but eventually had a severe
allergic reaction. So, it was back to the doctor for some new
medication. Over two years, I was prescribed 3 different medications,
and had 3 severe (one of them life threatening) allergic reactions. I
thought to myself, "There must be a better way". Other than the blood
pressure I was healthy. What could a man do to get his blood pressure
So I started my quest with a single focus. I was going to get my
blood pressure down without poisoning myself in the process. Two years
of research reading, talking to doctors and other health care
professionals, and some trial and error, I did it!! My blood pressure
now averages around 123/65!! It is amazing. I feel great - better than
I have in years, and no more anxiety about high blood pressure.
Interestingly enough, my acid reflux diminished and eventually
disappeared at the same time. This works so well I am convinced it is
a cure. I don't believe I will ever again have high blood pressure. I
am so happy I just had to share it. That's why I wrote the book, "How
I Cured My High Blood Pressure". I sell it for only $10.00 per copy
because I want everyone to be able to have "The Cure". It is simple,
effective, and anyone can do it!! No medications, harsh dieting, or
crazy workouts. And I am not going to tell you that you need to buy
anything else from me for the cure to work. All you have to do is buy
the book, read the book, and follow a few simple steps. As you do you
will see your blood pressure decrease. If you are on medication now,
you will not need it for long. If you are not on it, you will never
need it.
_ONLY_ _$ 14.95_ for the easiest way to lower blood pressure ever
How I Cured My High Blood Pressure
Without Medications, Harsh Exercise or Extreme Dieting