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"Success Strategies to Build Massive Income As a Freight Broker" The Real Secrets to Creating Substantial Success - 26 pgs

eBook - $12.00
This eBook is in PDF format and is available for immediate download.

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Have you been wondering what it takes to succeed as a freight broker? You won't have to look any further. Grab this eBook now!

Find answers to these questions and more .....

Who can become a freight broker's customer? (pg 3)
How is freight brokering different than other types of brokering? (pg 3)
What two requirements are at odds with each other? (pg 3)
Why you need to know more than just how to broker freight (pg 4)
What are the reasons for failure? (pg 4)
What do you want to be doing different from your competitors? (pg 5)
How are different freight brokers motivated? (pg 7)
Why being "good" may not be just good enough (pg 7)
Three skill sets that you must master (pg 8)
What is it that confuses freight brokers the most? (pg 8)
What two things must every freight broker be building (and it's not shipper and carrier lists)? (pg 10)
What is the essential element that binds everyone together? (pg 11)
How to evaluate your potential customers (pg 12)
What are the two best solutions to avoid collection problems? (pg 12)
Several powerful options for finding shippers (pg 14)
What is the best method to uncover potential customers? (pg 15)
Three keys to building successful relationships with carriers (pg 15)
Three skills and resources to help you function in high gear (pg 16)
Two approaches to take when dealing with customers if you are a new broker (pg 17, 18)
One important question you want to be asking your customer (pg 19)
Two things to focus on to "get results" (pg 20)
Which business fundamentals do you want to zero in on like a hawk? (pg 21)
What is the most important thing that needs to be done to become a successful freight broker? (pg 22)
What is your income potential? How do you determine it? (pg 23)
What else besides the income can you expect to benefit from? (pg24)
Plus much more .....

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.atexfbtrng.pay.clickbank.net)
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Atex Freight Broker Training, Inc.
7101 N. Mesa St. #219
El Paso, TX 79912
888-526-ATEX (2839)

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