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Socket Workbench

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[](#ctl00_PageTitle_Breadcrumb1_SkipLink)Socket Workbench


Socket Workbench is the definitive tool for analyzing TCP socket communications.


Socket Workbench can be configured to run as a socket client or as a socket server. You can send and receive both text and binary data that you have typed in or read from a file. It can be used to "stress test" servers and clients.


Socket Workbench is ideal for analyzing HTTP and SMTP and as it includes a library of common protocols.


[More information...](/Features.aspx)





Features of Socket Workbench include: the ability to send data at regular intervals; the ability to analyze data in either raw, binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal format; logging of incoming and outgoing data using time stamps; logging of socket state transitions and events; filtering of incoming data; and more...


[More information...](/ScreenShots.aspx)





Socket Workbench is a windows application that will run on Windows 98 or later (including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7).


[Download Socket Workbench](http://download.socketworkbench.com/download/swb4.exe)


Socket Workbench is fully functional for 30 days although during this time you will be reminded that you are running in an evaluation mode.  Thereafter you are invited [to purchase a licence](/Purchase.aspx).  Once the licence is purchased you will be issued with a registration key within 24 hours via email that will unlock Socket Workbench. 





A licence for Socket Workbench is US$200.


A licence for Socket Workbench can be [purchased from our online store](http://1.dja99.pay.clickbank.net/). Alternatively, visit our [Purchasing page ](/Purchase.aspx)for more information.





If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at [support@socketworkbench.com](mailto:support@socketworkbench.com) or visit our [Support page](/Support.aspx) for more information.




-- the Socket Workbench Team






Contact Us
E-mail: [support@socketworkbench.com](mailto:support@socketworkbench.com)

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