Excerpt from product page


I Thought Having A Baby Wasn’t Part Of My Destiny... I Had Tried Everything And Spoken To Many Doctors, But All I Got Was A Label Of “Idiopathic Infertility”...

And Then I Discovered A Systematic Approach To Increasing My Fertility That Has Changed My Life! I Now Have A Beautiful 18 Month Old Little Boy, And This Dream Can Come True For You Too!

If You Have Always Longed For A Baby, But Have For Whatever Reason Failed To Fall Pregnant, There Is Hope... It’s Time For You To Take Charge And Become A Fertility Queen!
Fertility problems affect one in seven couples worldwide, regardless of the wealth of the country they come from. In 15% of all cases, the reasons for this infertility cannot be explained!

To get to the bottom of this very difficult and emotional issue, Fertility Queen has developed a [genuine and effective system for understanding and boosting fertility,](http://www.fertilityqueen.com/Pregnancy-Fertility-And-Nutrition.html) without any ‘silver bullet’ solutions, silly secret formulas or crystal-waving hocus pocus...

Fertility Queen will:

Massively increase your chances of getting pregnant

Help you take control over your own fertility

Take you by the hand and help you improve your own fertility

Give you spot-on advice and recommendations that can be tailored just for YOU

Help you solve that tricky ‘fertility puzzle’ – it’s actually much simpler than you would ever dream

Allow you to check that you have done absolutely EVERYTHING possible to get pregnant naturally... and offer you fantastic support along the way!

This website and book contains everything you need to know to transform you into a Fertility Queen!

From the desk of Fiona Ferris

Fertility and Infertility can be difficult and distressing aspects of a man or woman’s life. I should know, as infertility worries look over my days for almost 3 years... more on that later.

Many of us go through life taking our fertility for granted, assuming we’ll easily be able to have a baby ‘when the time is right’. As teenagers and young adults, we worry about accidental pregnancies and the mess a ‘surprise baby’ might have in our life. Then, as we get older, perhaps get married or otherwise settle down, we begin to long for that little bundle of joy, and start to plan to fall pregnant with our partner.

And then, infertility can rear its ugly head and devastate those baby dreams.

You see, there is often no way of knowing in advance that you may have decreased or no fertility. For many people, it comes as an awful shock, something out of the blue and terrifying in its implications. Suddenly you’re told you have a very low chance of falling pregnant, or of carrying that pregnancy to full term, and your world seems to fall apart.

Sometimes you may have had warning that you might face decreased fertility. Maybe you went through chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer, maybe you suffer from PCOS or endometriosis, maybe your partner has a low sperm count or poor sperm motility because of past illness or accidental injury. In this case, you might think you’re prepared and resigned to never get pregnant, that it would only be a miracle if you did....

Well, I am here to tell you that regardless of whether your infertility was a shock or forewarned, there is always something you can do!

There are many fertility boosting methods and approaches out there, and it is simply a matter of taking control and discovering them for yourself.

And that’s where this book comes in.

You see, infertility is not a concrete diagnosis!

There is always room for change when it comes to fertility, as fertility levels depend by their very nature on dynamic and changing bodily processes, and that means there is always a chance that you can influence your fertility for the better, and have that baby you have always dreamed of!

To illustrate the changing nature of fertility, and the power that you do have to increase it, let me share my story with you.

If you are someone who has been told:

That your hormones won’t allow a pregnancy

That you have a condition like PCOS or endometriosis that will prevent you falling pregnant.

That you wouldn’t be able to carry a baby to full term if you did get pregnant.

That your partner has a low sperm count or poor sperm function.

That you have physical problems that prevent pregnancy.

That you have physical problems that prevent pregnancy.

Or any other statement that has shattered your baby dreams.

Then I promise you that my story, and this book, will be incredibly relevant to you!

In fact, this may be the most important page you have ever read, if you are serious about fulfilling those baby dreams!

My story is, I think, a fairly common one. As a young woman in college, I was terrified of accidentally falling pregnant because of the huge interruption it would cause in my life. I was focused on getting an education, building a career, and having a lot of fun along the way.

Then I met Steve, and we fell in love.

Yes, we met at college, fell head over heels in love, and after 4 years of blissful dating and going steady, we got married. We moved to the suburbs, and began a new life together. But we were still pretty focused on our careers and building up some wealth, so a baby was still a long way down on our agenda.

Then, my early thirties began and we started to think about starting a family more seriously. We decided we’d start trying. And we tried, and tried, and tried. For more than 2 years.

But nothing happened. No pregnancy, not even close. I was shattered.
We went to the doctors after the first six months of trying. They did piles of blood tests, sperm tests, and physical examinations.... and we were told that everything was normal and fine! And that we should just keep on trying.... So, with renewed faith and hope, we kept trying. But like I said, NOTHING happened, even after 2 years of trying. We had more checkups along the way, and still they told us that everything was ‘normal’. After 2 years and 3 months of trying had passed, we went to see a fertility specialist. The specialist told me my hormones were sub-optimal and a little out of balance, that my pelvis was a tiny bit tilted, and that I seemed a bit stressed and run down (well, of course I was! I was WORRIED!). The specialist said that these things individually were not enough to prevent pregnancy, but in me it clearly had... maybe these problems were all adding up on each other...
So the specialist told me I had “idiopathic infertility”... which basically means they couldn’t explain it!

This is just one label used when talking about infertility. There are many different types of infertility, however, which means that every couple faces different challenges!

What is “infertility” exactly?

Well, doctors use pretty strict definitions of infertility, but there are also some similar terms, such as “sub-fertility”, which means that you’re not exactly medically sterile, but your chances of having a baby are severely reduced. Infertility in a couple can be due to either the woman or the man, and sometimes both – which is called “combined infertility”.
Now, there are varying definitions and criteria of infertility and sub-fertility, and it is critical that you understand these different ‘types’ if you are striving to improve your fertility levels.
And my type was apparently ‘unexplainable’... and apparently 15% of all infertility cases is due to ‘unexplained causes’! It was time somebody got to the bottom of all of this!
So back to my husband’s and my story, after the appointment with the specialist we went home upset and disheartened, trying to resign ourselves to never having children. But I couldn’t give up on my dream. I studied biology textbooks, alternative medicine guides, and every naturopathic and nutritional manual I could get my hands on.
And I discovered something extraordinary!

There were many areas where traditional medicine and alternative therapies did not overlap! Each had important fertility knowledge and expertise to contribute to the world, but it was like they weren’t even talking to each other!
And when I mapped out those differences, I found an incredible ‘fertility system’ seemed to emerge. A step-by-step process that showed which areas to focus on when, and which aspects of traditional western medicine and which more broad or complementary therapies were most important in which stages of pregnancy planning! It was as if a penny dropped for me – I could see a real roadmap to pregnancy revealed in front of me!

And what’s more, this research showed me that...

Fertility is different for every couple, and every woman (or man) person has the power to boost their chances of falling pregnant!

I felt blessed to discover such a revelation, and immediately followed this new system of advice I had discovered!

And within 2 months, I was PREGNANT!

At first, I could hardly believe it! But 9 months of pregnancy passed safely, my husband and I blissfully happy. And when our gorgeous baby boy was born, I was absolutely overjoyed.

But I have to admit that part of me wondered, was this a fluke? Was I really on to something, or was Liam just an complete miracle, a gift from above to allow me to feel the joy of motherhood?

Well, needless to say, my husband Steve and I were just the happiest parents on the planet. We lavished love on our gorgeous little boy, and loved every second of it. In fact, we loved it so much we longed for more. For more children, for a bigger family.

So we tried again, for a second pregnancy. And once again, success!!

I implemented everything I had learnt the first time around, and my new stash of fertility knowledge paid off again! We almost couldn’t believe it, but after these new fertility secrets had worked for us twice, we knew we were really onto something. This was no fluke. This was fact.

And we had our beautiful little girl, Cynthia, and then, 18 months later, another little girl, Jennifer..

Yes, I felt like a fertility queen, and that is why I have given my book this title!
Just look at my wonderful, gorgeous family! Yes, God has blessed us, but I also know that we blessed ourselves, by taking control of our fertility and making sure we had the children of our dreams! And now, you can too!


You see, after Cynthia and then Jennifer were born and I knew Liam wasn’t a just happy accident or fluke or medical miracle, I knew I had to make this information more widely known, so that other ‘infertile’ or sub-fertile couples could experience the same joy we were feeling!
And so I have written this Fertility Queen manual, to show that it is NEVER too late to take control of your fertility and finally fall pregnant!

If YOU are ready to discover many fantastic fertility tips and advice for both men and women, simply enter your name and email address into the box below to join our email newsletter club!

Here’s just some of the amazing information you’ll discover in Fertility Queen:
Discover the definitions and criteria of different forms of fertility and sub-fertility, their causes, and what you can do about it Learn how to identify your ovulation period and max-fertility window with 100% accuracy – this will help you get pregnant FAST! Discover how to become pregnant the natural and easy way! We uncover a range of pregnancy methods you can follow safely and effectively from the comfort of your own home Realise that no one woman has the same ‘fertility profile’ – it’s a highly individual aspect of life, and we appreciate the need to develop a tailor-made approach that works for YOU! Don’t worry: we know all about individualising fertility plans! Unearth the hidden truth about certain daily activities that can secretly sabotage your fertility. Learn how to stop wrecking your own chances of having that beautiful baby... Discover an incredible technique to turn anovulatory cycles into ovulatory windows of opportunity... this will definitely maximise your chances of getting pregnant! Discover why some women have fertility levels that are 5 times more potent than other women’s... and what you can do to grab this sort of fertility level for yourself! This is an express ticket to pregnant-ville! Understand that it’s not too late to become pregnant in later life. We reveal some methods that involve careful timing and detail that will help women in their late 30s to late 40s fall pregnant! That there is no need to rush off to the sperm bank or IVF clinic. There are many, many natural options and fertility solutions out there that you can follow easily, affordably, and with great results! Why go through expensive and invasive medical procedures if you do not have to! Uncover one very simple yet highly powerful fertility treatment that turns out to be the pregnancy trigger for many couples! Learn about the one kind of medical specialist you must make an appointment with – this is a ‘missing step’ so many couples overlook... What you may have been doing ‘wrong’ all these years so that you were unknowingly wrecking your chances of getting pregnant. It’s now time to understand your body properly, so that you can overcome infertility and have that baby you’ve been dreaming about! Why some eggs become ‘old egg’ or certain sperm ‘old sperm’... and what you can do about it. You’ll be shocked to discover that this has very little to do with biological age for men or women! That there are correct and effective ways to conceive. If you want to avoid miscarriage and increase your chances of a happy full-term pregnancy you really must read this book Create a better sense of personal harmony and vitality of your natural rhythms and cycles. You’ll discover that understanding your fertility in a more holistic way is the key to a more vibrant, energetic, and motherly you! Take control of your body and embrace your all-round fertility, and don’t let your hormones rule you! Peace of mind and receptiveness leads to a much better chance of falling pregnant... think about it, how can a stressed out body and mind receive a fragile little gift from above?! Why some women fall pregnant so easily, and what you can do to become one of them! The things you simply must do before you even start trying for a baby! If you get these important preliminary steps right, you’ll be pregnant in no time!
The depth and relevance of all the information inside the Fertility Queen book is, I’m proud to say, incredible! And I know that this is not just a system that has worked for me – every month or more I receive a letter from a very happy expectant Mom-To-Be, who is just THRILLED that she has finally fallen pregnant! And that just thrills me, and makes all the work that went into this book just so worthwhile!

Just take a look at what a few of them had to say:


Leeds, UK

Dear Fiona,
Just wanted to send in a big Thank You for all the advice and help you gave us through Fertility Queen. My husband and I are overjoyed to tell you that I am now into my second trimester! We are already painting the nursery!

After years of dismissive doctors telling us to give up on our hope of having a baby, your insightful and caring approach to boosting fertility in your book was like a breath of fresh air! We felt able to build up our chances in a calm, holistic way, and to then get pregnant is the proof that it works!

So thank you again, and many blessings.

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Chicago, Illinois

Hi Fiona,
Thanks so much for all the great information provided inside Fertility Queen! I have had hormonal problems for years, the cause being an “idiopathic” growth in my pituitary gland that doctors warned me would severely compromise my fertility

Well, I showed them, with your help! [I followed all the steps outlined in Fertility Queen,](http://www.fertilityqueen.com/Pregnancy-Fertility-And-Nutrition) and it only took me and my partner 4 months to fall pregnant. I feel so happy and triumphant, and it just goes to show that doctors don’t know everything! I’ve sent you a photo of me, Kirk, and our beautiful baby girl Rosa with this letter. We are one incredibly happy family!


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Hey Fiona,
I want to pass on a huge hug and sincere thanks from my wife and I. We obtained your book Fertility Queen after being told by doctors that we had “combined sub-fertility” because my sperm count was a little low and my wife had some hormone problems.

We thought we would never realize our dream of having a family, and had almost given up when we decided to put your advice into action.

And boy, did it pay off! We now have a little boy! Check out the photo of him I’ve sent along! We are just over the moon, and can’t thank you enough!

Best regards,

Just reading these letters again makes me so happy, and a little bit teary! Having a baby is an absolute gift that EVERY woman deserves. So if you are longing to solve your infertility problems or just boost your average fertility level, then you simply MUST read the information that is waiting for you inside the Fertility Queen members area!

Intrigued? Excited? I’m sure you are!

The information and recommendations we can provide to you are second to none! But I cannot encourage you strongly enough to join the Fertility Queen program and take control of your fertility today!.

Here’s another sneak peak of what’s inside the Fertility Queen book – You will discover:
The most common mistake in women’s knowledge about ovulation The facts about caffeine – is it endangering your pregnancy chances? The honest facts about the best sexual positions to use when you want to get pregnant Some fantastically simple and effective methods to overcome problems and conditions such as Endometriosis, Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Luteal Phase Defects, Premature Ovarian Failure, or other hormonal imbalances Beware a very common food additive that can decrease fertility by as much as 60% Fact or fiction: The time of day that you have sex can affect your chances of pregnancy?? Find out inside... When you simply MUST stop drinking alcohol... sorry, we don’t pull any punches here! How you can maintain optimal fertility on a vegetarian or low-allergenic diet Which foods are normally ‘healthy’, but can often sabotage your fertility and chances of carrying a baby to full-term There is simple trick a man can do to increase sperm concentration and potency, both of which will definitely increase your chances of falling pregnant! There is also a simple trick women can perform after sex to increase the likelihood of egg fertilisation... and it’s more than a basic pillow under the hips or legs in the air! How to avoid common blunders when using ovulation kits The vitamins and minerals that your body needs to peak fertility, and those that must be avoided. How to get your cycle back to ‘normal’ after coming off the contraceptive pill Uncover the truth about body weight, and how both weight gain or weight loss can seriously affect your fertility When you should stop using any contraceptive methods, especially oral contraceptives, in the lead up to falling pregnant Learn the scary truth about common viruses like toxoplasmosis and herpes simplex virus and the dangers they can hold for your unborn baby... and what to do about it! How to continue having sex using your preferred positions without reducing your chances of getting pregnant Discover which common foods significantly reduce calcium levels – and this vitamin is a critical ingredient for female fertility! Learn the scary truth about common viruses like toxoplasmosis and herpes simplex virus and the dangers they can hold for your unborn baby... and what to do about it!
Truly, with this sort of information at hand, you cannot fail to boost your fertility and achieve the pregnancy you’ve been waiting for! In fact, we so confident in the power of the Fertility Queen system that we will offer you a:

60 Day 100% No Questions Asked Iron Clad Guarantee!

Yes, if for whatever reason you are not fully satisfied with your membership of Fertility Queen, simply send it back and receive a complete refund! No questions asked!

But I am certain you won’t even consider needing to use this guarantee, as you will be too happy and busy becoming a Fertility Queen for yourself!

In any case, you have nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain!

Just think about how you would feel to finally see that “positive” result on a pregnancy test? About what it would be like to finally nurse a sweet baby of your own, to nurture and nourish? To watch a dear little person grow up into a young adult you can be proud of?

Yes, [having children is an incredible blessing ](http://www.fertilityqueen.com/Men-And-Women-Fertility-facts.html)and one you should never give up hope on.

These happy members of Fertility Queen certainly didn’t give up! They took charge of their fertility, learnt everything there is to know by reading this book, and just take a look at the happy results:

Lorraine and
Hugh Bevon

Perth, Western Australia

"Dear Fiona,
You have been a God-send to my husband and me! We were desperate to have a baby, but because I have suffered with endometriosis for many years we were told it was nearly impossible! But I just couldn’t give up on my dream of having a baby of my own.

I tried many different therapies and methods, but nothing seemed to work... until I discovered the comprehensive and mind-body approach set out in your book Fertility Queen. I put many of your recommendations into action in my life, and things definitely changed!

We became pregnant after 9 months of following your strategies and advice, and I gave birth to our little son a month ago. He is the light of our lives, and we just cannot love him enough!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

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Toronto, Canada

Hi Fiona!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful advice and information! Fertility Queen was useful, easy to understand, and we really appreciated how patient you were in answering all our questions!

I thought we would never get pregnant, even though doctors couldn’t give us any reason or explanation for our difficulties! It was frustrating and upsetting, and I could tell my wife was starting to give up hope. Then I found Fertility Queen online, read it in one sitting, then passed it over to my wife. She devoured it too, and we had new hope that we could have that baby we longed for!

And you know what? We have finally got there, and she is into her third trimester. Her growing belly is a miracle that I love to see and touch every day, and I can’t wait to be a dad!

So thanks again,

So what are you waiting for? Obtain your copy of Fertility Queen and take control of your parenting future today for only...


ONLY $97!



Yes, you can obtain your own copy of this wonderful system and become a Fertility Queen yourself for only $97. This gives you lifetime membership of the Fertility Queen AND unlimited support and advice along the way!
I know that you will love reading this book, it’s easy to follow and crammed full of interesting information. Plus, don’t forget I’ll give you all the support and advice I possibly can along the way! You can always get in touch with me at:

So do this for yourself, for your partner, for your future family, and do everything you can to boost your fertility and have that beautiful little baby of your own!

Because children are life’s greatest gift,

P.S.Make sure you act quickly to obtain your copy of Fertility Queen! Doors won’t stay open forever, as I want to give my members the best support and advice possible! So secure your copy now and take control of your fertility!

[Click Here to Order Right NOW](http://4.fqueen.pay.clickbank.net)

P.P.S. You cannot second-guess fertility issues... if you want to know the truth about pregnancy and your chances of having a baby, then this is your perfect opportunity. Be the fantastic Mom I know you are capable and ready to be! Become a Fertility Queen like I did, and embrace a happy future!

[Click Here to Order NOW](http://5.fqueen.pay.clickbank.net)

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