Excerpt from product page

](http://www.salivatestfriend.com) “Discover The Amazing Secret That Olympic & Pro Athletes, Actors & Actresses, High-Paid Executives, And Street-Smart Convicts Use To Pass Drug Tests In Just 1 Hour – GUARANTEED!
If your job, position, freedom, or competitive status is at risk, this Manual will allow you to GIVE THE FINGER TO DRUG TESTING without fear of getting nailed.”

This is the BEST KEPT SECRET EVER !!! Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers. This Works !!

Dont let a Drug Test stop you from having a life !
Drug Test Expert
252-489-4754 Call us 8am to 10 pm EST
For a Piss Test [Drugtestfriend.com](http://www.drugtestfriend.com/)
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However you got here, consider yourself blessed.  Today is going to go down as the day you were able to get your personal freedom back. Today is the day you say goodbye to worrying about being humiliated and destroyed by a failed drug test. Today is the day you can give the finger to anyone who wanted you to take a drug test or a job that requires you to pass a drug test. Because I am about to make you a bold promise about how to pass a drug test …
By the time you have finished this Manual, you are going to know exactly what you need to do and what to buy to pass a drug test. (Even if it’s tomorrow morning and you just got back from partying, you'll know how to pass a drug test.)

[Order and  Learn How to Pass a Urine Drug Test! ](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)[](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)

Let me make this real clear upfront though. I mean really, let’s not kid ourselves; recreational drug use is part of our lives no matter what the “Just-Say-No” or the TV evangelicals are preaching. 

People will always enjoy recreational drug use and there will always be a need of individuals to know how to pass a drug test. 

Now, I had a hard time deciding what to charge for this. Your tiny investment of $29.50 will allow you to enjoy life without having to continually “look over your shoulder” and live in constant fear of another drug test. For less than a night at the Movies  you’ll have total peace of mind. 

A Word Of Caution

There are a lot of 2-bit con-men out there on the web who can smell your fear. They would like nothing more than to separate you from your hard earned money. Never mind the fact that they couldn’t help you pass a test even if their lives depended on it. This leaves most people who are in a situation like you’re probably in with nowhere to turn. Until now!

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[Order and  Learn How to Pass a Urine Drug Test! ](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)[](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)

Yet, as incredible as this information is, my business experience tells me that only about 25% of people visiting this site will respond. You see, I know how much you need this information, and how much better you’ll feel once you have it. Because of this, I just hate the thought of someone not getting the information because of some error or omission in my explanation.Please read the testimonials:

All I can say is thank god I got your information. I searched all over the web for the truth. One site would tell me all I need to do is drink product x, another told me I would automatically fail if I drank x. The hours of surfing only left me worried and confused. Then I came across your site the night before my drug test, got the report, and all of sudden everything made sense. I knew exactly what to do, and I did it. I especially feel thankful because if I had I followed the advice recommended on a few of the sites I would have failed for sure. I passed the drug test, kept my job and I owe it all to you. Thank you! 
H.K .
Boca Raton, FL

I found out I was going to be tested to get the job I had been hired for. It was a dream job on Wall Street. I wasn’t really too worried about it though because I had stopped using a few weeks earlier because I thought they might test me. But then I figured it was better to be safe then sorry so I bought one of those 5-hour products over the web. I followed the instructions, took the test, and nearly had a heart attack when the test came back with an automatic failure. Needles to say, I didn’t get the job. I was miserable. A friend told me about your website so I checked it out. I figured I had nothing to lose so I got your manual. Wow! I never knew that information like this existed. The next job I got, I had a drug test too. Only this time I passed. You really saved my butt. 
Michael S. 
Long Island, NY

I work for a very well known consulting firm that does not require me to pass a drug test. Because my company never tested I never really gave it a second thought when I was offered a smoke on the weekends…until I came into the office one Monday (after I had smoked on Saturday night) and I was told I was needed to manage a project that was not going well. The project was for a large institutional bank, and because of the scope of my work I would need to pass a drug test because all the employees of the bank were required to take one. Immediately panic set in. What can I do? Who can I trust? Where Should I turn? I immediately went on the internet, and I got your information on how to pass a drug test. The information was clear, to the point, and provided me with the exact information I needed to pass. Thank you, Mrs. Drugtestfriend.com whoever you are; you really are a life-saver. 
Los Angeles, CA

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[Order and  Learn How to Pass a Urine Drug Test! ](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)[](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)
You don’t trust me or believe me. – Quite possibly you’re skeptical, you’re not really sure you believe me or my story. Maybe you can understand why I wouldn’t want to reveal my identity but that doesn’t make it any easier for you either.

Well, my friend that is why I am going to bend over backwards to take all the risk off you and place it squarely on my shoulders. I’m going to make it so that you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, while I bear all the risk. Not bad, huh?

I want you to keep all the information. That’s right, even if you ask for a refund. I will never turn it off, or ask for you to send it back. Bottom line – the manual is everything I say it is….or…you get it for free FOREVER!

Reread the above two paragraphs for loopholes if you like, You won’t find any. My money-back guarantee is absolute. That’s how sure I am that you’ll be amazed at the incredibly useful material you’ll be receiving and that you’ll pass any drug test you take.

I don’t see how I can be any fairer than that. 

[Order and  Learn How to Pass a Urine Drug Test! ](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)[](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)

I’m Making A Lot Of Enemies Fast

Listen, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what I am doing here is very controversial. 

The drug-testing companies can’t afford for this information to get out into the public or it could destroy the entire industry. 

The two-bit marketers who sell you cheap products that don’t really work aren’t going to be too happy when they find out about this web-site either.

And of course, let’s not forget the government. The bottom line is that people in the government are quite happy about drug testing. It’s a way for the government to get big-business to act like big-brother and do some of their dirty work for them.

I know that I’m pissing off quite a large group of people (the very same people who’ve been pissing you off) by sharing this insider information. 

Remember, you’ve got nothing to lose. I’m taking all the risk. You owe it to yourself, and anyone else who might rely on your paycheck to get this information before I either raise the price or take down the site all-together. 

It Doesn’t Matter If It’s 4 In The Morning!

Download information of passing drug tests now and you’ll have the information in your finger tips within minutes. And even better than that….you’ll be ready to pass your test within 2 hours!

All Transaction Are Confidential

I understand the importance of privacy in a matter as sensitive as this. It should go without saying that your personal information will never be sold to any outsider. In fact, there won’t even be any reference to drug testing on your credit card statement. The $29.50 charge on your statement will appear as "CLICKBANK". (You can tell your girlfriend/wife it was to help you pass a job interview!)

[Order and  Learn How to Pass a Urine Drug Test! ](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)[](http://1.hilton1234.pay.clickbank.net)

Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will instantly download your Manual.

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To Passing All Your Drug Tests,

Your Drugtestfriend.com
P.S. This is your one true opportunity to get the real information that you need. Don’t let it pass you by. Don’t gamble with your future. ORDER NOW and learn how to pass a drug test once and for all. Remember you can’t lose, I’m taking on all the risk, my unique guarantee reflects my confidence in the information that you’ll be receiving within minutes.
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© 2007 Drug Test Friend | 2236 South Croatan Hwy  | Nags Head NC 27959 | [info@drugtestfriend.com](mailto:info@drugtestfriend.com)  | [www.drugtestfriend.com](http://www.drugtestfriend.com)

More Helpful Pages

[Drug Time Tables](timetable.html) [False Positive Results](../falsepositive.html) [Hair Test Info](../shampoo.html) [Urine Test Info](urine_info.html) [Blood Test Info](../blood_test.html) [Saliva Testing Info](../saliva.html)
[Types of Drug Tests](../types.html) [Types of Drugs](../drug_types.html)

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