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"Famous Copywriter Swears Under Oath That Robert Collier’s Incredibly Seductive Advertising Strategies DO NOT Contain Illegal Subliminal Commands That Suck Money Straight Out Of Unsuspecting Wallets!”

To Prove That They Are Safe To Use, Let Me Give You The First Three Chapters Of A Revolutionary New Resource That Shows You How To Create Irresistible Advertising For FREE…

[](http://www.getresponse.com/?90000) First Name: E-Mail:

Special Limited Time Bonus! A 13-week trial subscription to my popular circular, “Selling to Human Nature”, also included!

Your personal information with never be used for any other purpose than the delivery of these valuable resources.

Re: A Tribute To The Late Great Robert Collier

Brought To You By Joe Vitale and Daniel Levis


[Order Now](http://www.sellingtohumannature.com/special.php?ordernow1)

Dear Colleague,

Are you searching for silver bullets to grow your business, make more money, and have more time to enjoy the fruits of your success?


Of course you are.


Trouble is, how do you market your products and services effectively in today’s over communicated world? Without burning through a stack of cash.


Suppose you could create simple text based marketing materials that proved so powerful and effective they immediately brought you huge multiples of their cost?


Imagine spending a fraction of what your competition does to attract new business. Picture customers buying from you again and again, as they lap up your simple yet oh so delicious marketing messages.


It would be like having a mysterious profit faucet you just twisted open or closed, at will, confounding your competitors at every turn.


You’re thinking it sounds too good to be true. But what if it were good and true? Would you want to know more?


Introducing, “Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies – From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century!”



“Once I Started, I Could Not Stop!”


"WOW! Having owned a copy of the Robert Collier Letter Book for some time now I was very impressed by the detail in your analysis. When I downloaded the 3 chapters I did not really have time to sit down and read them. I was going to come back later when I had more time, but once I started I could not stop!"


I had to read each and every page. From just the first 3 chapters I now posses a much deeper understanding of the book, and I look forward to reading the rest! As I am about to build my first web site the information in this book will be of great value!


Jay Estis

Lake Worth, Florida



“Clarified Advertising Concepts

I’d Never Before Considered”


Much to my surprise, I was impressed. "I didn't think I'd learn much in the first three chapters of a book, but I did. The breakdown of each letter, with astute comments on the part of the author, clarified advertising concepts I'd never before considered. Impressive."


Kate Green


When you implement its proven wisdom, you’ll be using the most powerful psychological advertising strategies known. The very same secrets the legendary Robert Collier used to pen some of the most lucrative sales letter campaigns of all time!


Why do modern day marketing giants like Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, Drew Whitman, Yanik Silver and Joe Sugarman (I could go on and on) pour countless hours into the study of Robert Collier’s letters?


Simple. Because they conceal magic!


They contain hidden secrets. And this manual points them out for you in living color. Use them to quickly drive costs out, and sales in.


Just give me a little information about yourself in the below form – your name and email address – and you’ll have a download link to the 3 chapters I promised in your mailbox within minutes. And as a special bonus, you’ll also receive a 13-week trial subscription to a companion publication called “Selling to Human Nature!” It too is full of practical selling secrets.



“I Have Gotten A Great Deal Of Insight!”


"I have gotten a great deal of insight from your “Selling to Human Nature” series. We are in the process of totally revamping our marketing largely through the tips and insights we have gained. It has gotten to think about marketing in a totally different way.


Ari Plitnick

Riveredge, New Jersey


Your personal information will never be used for any other purpose than the delivery of these valuable resources, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. That’s a promise!


So go ahead, put your name in for these wealth-building secrets right now! You’ll get instant access, so you can get right down to juicing up your response!

[](http://www.getresponse.com/?90000) First Name: E-Mail:


“I could immediately see how the principles in these letters could improve my websites today.”


“Every once in a great while a person of importance comes along, and teaches us how to perform a business task so clearly that all others pale by comparison. Robert Collier was such a man.


Collier’s letters have stood the test of time, and empowered countless entrepreneurs to build their fortunes. Now you are empowering a new generation, the Internet generation, to build their fortunes using Collier’s seminal work. The way that you explain the meaning behind, and the application of, Collier’s letters is brilliant. Your explanations of Collier’s words, and the meaning behind them, are clear as a bell and easy to understand. Best of all, I could immediately see how the principles in his letters could improve my websites today.


You have empowered every person, from the professional copywriter to the Mom needing to earn the car payment this month, to understand and (most importantly) apply Collier’s principles to their business. I truly hope they will grasp just how important your book is to their success online.

Anyone who wants to make more sales than they are making now should read your book. By reading and applying what you have taught they will take the single most important step an online businessperson can take, they will begin to see their conversion increase which means they will make more money from their existing traffic.


If a person wants to stop begging the search engines for traffic, stop losing sleep over how many people visit their site today, and start actually experiencing the freedom that the Internet lifestyle offers, they should stop what they are doing immediately and order this book.


Well done indeed.”


Charlie Page




“Why You’re Missing Out On Potentially Huge Profits Without The Breakthrough Strategies Revealed In This Exclusive Expose Of The Robert Collier Letters!”


Here’s a fact for you.


Every year, tens of thousands of business people burn through billions of dollars in advertising costs. But without seeing the increase in sales they deserve. Many of them actually pay advertising “agencies” to help them squander the cash. They buy into a big lie that virtually guarantees failure.


Maybe you’ve tasted the same disappointment.


Here’s the sad truth. Advertising that isn’t paying off TODAY, probably never will!


Don’t let anyone tell you it’s unfair to expect immediate results…


You’re about to see exactly how underground advertising strategies perfected almost a century ago are being used today, online, to generate huge profits.


At obscenely low cost!


“Advertising That Pays For Itself In Spades, Every Time Out!”


That’s the kind of marketing and advertising strategies you’ll learn when you download and study Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies – From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century! It’s the only kind of marketing Robert Collier knew.


So who was he anyway?


Robert "Bob" Collier was born April 19, 1885, in St. Louis Missouri, son of Mary Ferguson and John Collier. He was educated in a church seminary, and was expected to become a priest. Deciding against it, Robert left home for Virginia to find his fortune.


He soon made his way to New York and found his stride in advertising, where he specialized in mail order, selling everything from trench machinery to fertilizers, books and raincoats, stocks and bonds, and services.


Within a short period of time Collier placed hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of those he worked for. He then branched out on his own in 1925 to author and sell a series of self-help publications called “Secrets of The Ages”. A million dollars worth were sold by mail order within just the first six months of release.


To put Robert Collier’s phenomenal success into perspective, consider the fact that one hundred million dollars in sales in the 1920s, would amount to a billion dollars in sales today, with inflation taken into account.


Robert Collier single handedly sold billions of present day dollars worth of goods and services with nothing but the words in his letters.


Clearly, he was on to something!


“Jealously Guarded Secrets Of The Marketing Elite!”


Today, Robert Collier’s letters are the jealously guarded secrets of the marketing elite, both online and off. The best of the best freely admit to his massive influence on them, while charging a princely sum to teach you their secrets - which are his secrets.


And now finally, these very same amazingly powerful sales and advertising strategies have been laid bare, once and for all, within the pages of this affordable manual. Easily within reach, and yours for the taking!


To be sure, when you’ve got your hands on Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies – From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century, you’ll be the proud owner of a collection of sales letter masterpieces, to model, adopt, and adapt to your business. Yes, these sales letters ARE extremely seductive.


But that’s just the beginning.


You see, these aren’t just letters. They’re strokes of marketing genius, because each letter holds the key to offering your product or service in a way that’s irresistible to your prospect’s “human nature”. That’s why these concepts continue to work like magic, 50 years after Robert Collier’s passing.


Each one is a miraculous turbo charged online marketing program in a box, just waiting to ignite your sales conversion, and inject your business with potentially massive profits!


And that’s not all.


I’ve augmented each letter with a detailed prologue that gives you the blow by blow on each strategy, each technique used to melt away sales resistance and persuade action. And because each letter is annotated to point out each nuance, and every twist and turn in the copy, you’ll quickly and easily learn to model the powerful phrasings and word combinations too.


Before long, you’ll be creating masterful messages that sell your product or service like there’s no tomorrow!


“I’m jealous. But I love this work.”


"Why didn’t I think of this? Daniel took the letters of the most hypnotic writer in history – no, not me, but Robert Collier – and dissected them to see what makes them tick.


His insights are brilliant. They teach you about human motivation, sales copy, and what it takes to make a living with your words. I’m jealous. But I love this work.”

Well done, Daniel


Dr. Joe Vitale

Hypnotic Writing




“I'll Be Burning The Midnight Oil

For The Next 3 Weeks!”


“Have bought your fantastic package. Wow! There's so much great stuff to absorb (and then apply), I'll be burning the midnight oil for the next three weeks.


Am excited about how your material is going to revolutionize my business. Would highly recommend as many would-be (and existing) copywriters buy it as soon as possible.


How can you sell it at such a low price? It's worth at least 3x as much! 


Eldo Barkhuizen




“I Love This Approach To Learning!”


“The first two chapters are worth far more than you can imagine. I learned a lot from the Levis Book and I know you will to. Better than learning? You’ll KNOW the fundamental secrets of effective copy writing after reading this book. If you want to sell more online now, this is the book to get. Value for dollar invested is 10!


Kevin Hogan

Author of The Science of Influence, and, The Psychology of Persuasion


Here’s Just A Small Sampling Of What You’ll Discover After You Download This Breakthrough Program…


ü      Simple yet irresistible techniques for drawing your prospect into your offer. Chances are, almost nobody in your industry is using these…(Page 33)


ü      Powerful strategies for keeping your prospect on the edge of her seat while you build an airtight case that leaves no sane alternative but to take ACTION…(Chapter 3)


ü      How to structure, and financially rationalize incredibly tantalizing offers that literally suck money out of your prospects bank accounts…(Page 74)


ü      How to lead your prospect’s successfully (and in the right order) to the 3 essential conclusions that precede 94% of all buying decisions…(Page 96)


ü      The underused sentence structure that boosts reader attention and belief by a factor of 10…(Page 33)


ü      Why 89.8% of businesses give up on their prospects too early, and the secret to making your hard driving follow up efforts a positive experience for your prospects…(Page 44)


ü      8 ways to use emotion to counter buyer indifference, to generate interest, and to instill a passion that positively compels decisive action from your prospects…(Page 27)


ü      How to use the crescendo effect to quicken the readers pulse…(Page 37)


ü      4 ways to slip under your prospects sales resistance radar long enough to get them fantasizing about a purchase…(Page 58)


ü      Why human nature is your hard-wired guide to understanding what motivates your buyers and how to ethically exploit it…(Page 70)


ü      How to tie your sales argument to your prospect’s existing beliefs…(Page 36)


ü      The biggest and most common mistake people make when generating leads with FREE reports. You can easily double your response because you know this…(Page 41)


ü      Why understanding how people buy online is as important as why…(Page 38)


ü      Process integration tactics for blending online and offline mediums that weld these power packed online advertising strategies to your business, at the hip…(Page 79)


ü      The 4 essential elements your sales letter based online advertising strategies MUST have. Without these YOU WILL fail. Ignore them at your peril…(Page 96)


ü      13 Ways to avoid looking like everyone else in your industry…(Chapters 2 through 14)


ü      Amazingly powerful and effective methods for generating leads online for personal follow up…(Page 82)


ü      The two things you must have in any closing statement…(Page 37)


ü      How to avoid the most common online advertising mistake that virtually guarantees a negative return on your investment…(Page 9)


ü      How to use the most important three-letter word in advertising to magnetize your sales message…(Page 86)


ü      Why hiring an ad agency could be one of the worst mistakes you’ll ever make… (Page 10)


ü      How to scientifically track your online advertising results to uncover important facts about your prospects they wouldn’t tell you, even if you asked…(Page 102)


ü      The almost foolproof acid test for evaluating headlines and opening statements, even before you test…(Page 104)


Yes, this incredible package is jam packed with benefits, each one relevant to marketing your products and services online, and each one based on timeless advertising strategies with the power to literally transform your business.


Here’s What You Get…


ü      13 core chapters built around 13 of Robert Collier’s most profitable sales letters. Of thousands of letters, these gems where hand picked by Robert Collier himself before his death.


Each Chapter Includes


§         A detailed prologue outlining the fundamental premise behind the letter. Why it worked, and why each concept contained still works like magic today!


§         An annotated version of the studied letter, dissecting it’s every paragraph into minute detail. No stone is left unturned to ensure you gain a thorough understanding of every one of the wealth building techniques therein!


§         A companion commentary that demonstrates the differentiation fundamentals Robert Collier used, and how to instantly harness them in your own business!


Over 100 succinct pages in all, overflowing with income generating online advertising strategies, ideas, and full-blown marketing programs to rocket propel your business! Quite literally enough material to build dozens of super successful campaigns!


Trust me you won’t just read this once. It’ll be your constant companion, spurring you on to greatness. Like a secret stealth weapon, because it repeatedly raises your commercial status and power.


And for years to come you’ll put one strategy after another to work for you, because they really are timeless. Human nature doesn’t change. These methods worked yesterday, they work today, and they’ll work always.


Imagine for a moment what just one of these amazingly productive online advertising strategies could do for your bottom line. What if it were to double, triple, or even quadruple your present conversion rates? That could mean thousands of dollars in extra profits or commissions showing up in your bank account within a very short period of time, couldn’t it?


You’re already thinking about all of the new possibilities that could take shape in your business, as each one of your projects quickly turns profitable.


Why not order today, and be sure to get these 4 great complementary bonuses, worth $397? They’re the perfect companions to our manual, and just the resources you need to start truly expanding your influence in your marketplace, once and for all!


BONUS 1 – The Buy Impulse by Danny Wall – A $29 Value!


26 Amazing Mind Control Tools to Get You More Customers, Who Spend More Money, More Often! An absolute treasure trove of ethical tricks and techniques for helping your customers to get decisive about consuming your products and services, online and off…


BONUS 2 – 33 Days to Online Profits, from Yanik Silver and Jim Edwards – A $29 Value!


The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Making Real Money Online, No Matter What You Sell! Learn the mechanics of online marketing from two of the best. This manual is absolutely L-O-A-D-E-D with indispensable nuts and bolts instruction for taking your persuasion online…


BONUS 3 – The 30-Minute Marketing Miracle – A $39 Value!


 Brett McFall – Australia’s #1 Copywriter Of Over 7,800 Ads and Sales Letters invites you to take a front row seat as he coaches REAL business owners to take THEIR OWN basic, boring, no-response ads ... (the kind you may have used in the past or may even be using right now)... and turn them into million-dollar blockbusters in under half an hour…


BONUS 4 – An Online Advertising Media Critique Certificate – A $300 Value!


Send me your creative. I’ll personally review it and email you back with some tough questions. Answer them, and I’ll give you a three page executive summary with some suggested improvements. You’ll get a detailed, no holds barred breakdown of what you need to do to goose your response. Guaranteed! This is an absolutely limited time offer with the launch of this product, and will be pulled shortly, so move fast!

Don’t Decide Now

Try It Risk Free!


“Your 90 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee”


By the way these bonuses are my gift to you, in the unlikely event you should want to take advantage of our no hassle guarantee.


There’s just no way you can lose, when you order “Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies – From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century”!


Your order will be processed through Click Bank. So not only is your personal information completely secure, I’ve pre authorized them to administrate an iron clad, no questions asked 90 day money back guarantee.


So don’t decide now. Try it risk free for 90 days!


If for any reason (or no reason at all), you aren’t 100 percent thrilled with it, just log on to clickbank.com customer service for a refund. You’ll receive 100% of your money back!


No questions asked, no hard feelings, no problem.


How confident am I you’re going to profit from this?


If you’re not making fistfuls of cash with this program, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.


ü      If you don’t take away tons of great online advertising strategies and ideas to grow your business…


ü      If you don’t learn how to write scintillating sales letters that turn your prospect’s upside down and shake money right out of their wallets…


ü      If you don’t find amazingly powerful and original online marketing strategies that generate super qualified leads that melt in your hands like butter…


ü      If you don’t get all of the practical tips and resources you need to make the Internet pay big…


You get every penny of your purchase price back.


At the very least you get to keep “The Buy Impulse”, “33 Days to Online Profits”, “The 30 Minute Marketing Miracle”, and the Ad Critique for your trouble. The worst thing that could happen is you’ll come out $397 ahead!


Isn’t that a fair way of doing business?


How much value do you put on a resource that’s literally guaranteed to give you the unique advertising strategies and online marketing knowledge you need to absolutely differentiate your business?


You can burn through thousands of dollars in advertising expenses, and spend countless hours of your own precious time agonizing over ineffective campaigns. Don’t let it happen to you.


Feel the true independence and personal sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering the most precious business skill you can possibly acquire. You’re just one online advertising campaign away from making your business the success you’ve always dreamed it would be!!

How Much Are These “Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies – From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century!” Worth To YOU?

FAR More Than The $67 Cost




Joe Vitale and Daniel Levis


P.S. Just picture the time and money freedom these amazingly profitable online advertising strategies could afford you…Don’t leave your prosperity to chance, [get this program](http://www.sellingtohumannature.com/special.php?implement), study it, and implement it’s proven wisdom!


P.P.S. Look at it this way, you can carry on doing the same old things you did yesterday, and getting the same old results, or you can satisfy your curiosity and [try something new](http://www.sellingtohumannature.com/special.php?try). Remember, it's risk free, because your 100% percent protected by our 90-day, no questions asked guarantee.


“I don’t mind telling you I was skeptical”


First I want to thank you for this material and thank you for being a straight shooter. There is so much hype in the copywriting sales letter world… It’s hard for a neophyte like me to pull the trigger on a purchase.


I don’t mind telling you I was skeptical. I’ve read a TON of sales letters and I must admit, they are compelling… for me, a little “over-the-top”.


I responded to your sales letter because you did come across as legit and sincere!


I’m glad I trusted my instincts and bought your $97 package which, by the way, was worth a lot more than the $97 I paid.


Just thought you’d like the feedback.


Dan Henderson

Henderson Marketing


“Worth Every Penny – An Invaluable Reference”


"These glimpses into the strategies of Robert Collier are fascinating and have allowed me to compile my own list of key strategies to include in my marketing letters and emails. I have now bought the whole package and it is worth every penny. The bonus booklet " The Buy Impulse " is worth the investment by itself and the main booklet with the analysis of Collier's letters will be an invaluable reference. Thanks."


Alan Matthews




“I thought it was hyperbole.”


“In his introduction, Joe Vitale says that ‘within these pages is enough material to make you one of the most powerful marketers alive today’. I though that was hyperbole. Then I read the book. Daniel truly has laid bare and made accessible the money-making secrets of one of the great copywriters and marketers of all time.”


-- David Deutsch, copywriter




“Robert Collier Is THE Master Copywriter!” 


 “Robert Collier is THE master copywriter even though he’s been gone for over half a century. I’ve always admired his style. His sales letters should be required reading for anyone interested in increasing their sales online or offline. Your book makes that study easier and far more effective.


I know that if I apply these techniques to my website or any advertising that I’ll not only have my visitors undivided attention, I’ll have them reaching for their credit card or checkbook. One tactic from your book could easily double or triple my sales and you gave me 13 of them!”


Bill Hibbler




“Instant Sale! - Just Add Water”


" This is no word of a lie, I promise... I was actually surfing online trying to find a copy of the Robert Collier Letter Book, with a view to asking my wife to buy it for me as a Christmas present."


I had heard great things about Robert Collier from the likes of expert copywriters Gary Halbert and Yanik Silver. I just had to get a copy for myself. As it’s a very old book, I found it very hard to track down a copy, although I did come across a ‘used’ one being sold for $1000.


Then I get an annoying beep from my email program saying that I had a new message. Not more spam!


I couldn’t have been more wrong. Some higher power must have been at work. Who is the email from? Joe Vitale, no less, and he’s telling me about this great new ebook that contains a detailed study of the great Robert Collier’s sales letters. At that precise moment, I must have been the hottest prospect a sales pitch could ever wish to meet.


I had only been reading the ebook for a few minutes when I just hit the print button without hesitation. What a brilliant ebook!


A must read for anyone looking to improve their copywriting skills. You have taken what was already copywriting legend, and produced your own modern day masterpiece. Worth every penny!”


Jason Lewis



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