Excerpt from product page

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Your Wealth Building & Debt Elimination Method

Build Equity.  Leverage Equity.  Acquire More Assets.  Repeat.
Build equity while paying off mortgage and other
in 8 - 11 years or less.  Take control using this Revolutionary Money Management System.  

NO sacrifices to your lifestyle. 
Implement this
powerful, proven money management system,
with easy-to-use software, and have 7 fundamental financial principles
accelerate your net worth and become
financially free!
From the desk of-
Scott Scholz, 6:43 am
There you have it.  The keys to
building wealth are:  First, Build equity.  Second,
Leverage equity.  Third:  Acquire another appreciating
asset.   Fourth:  Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3! 
Repeat step 4.  Repeat, again.  Repeat yet again.
All great fortunes were built
following this process.
Think of all the real estate
magnates you know of.  Did they do it any other way?  How about
those who made their fortunes in business?  How do you think they got
So what's holding you back?
I'll bet it's step one - the
building equity part.  You're wondering, "where's the equity I can
leverage to acquire more appreciating assets."
Read this and you'll learn where it
is.  You'll also learn how to create more or it.  Fast. 
And then you'll be able to repeat the process as often as you want.
Let me start by asking you a
question... What's your view of your mortgage?  Do you view it
as a friend or a foe? 
Is it just a tool you use to purchase a
home?  Or, is it a tool you can use to build real wealth?
Some people want to get rid of their
mortgage as quickly as possible and be debt free.  If that's what you
want to do, you're in the right place because you'll learn the fastest way
possible to retire a mortgage.
BUT WAIT just a minute!!  Do
you want to pay off your mortgage or do you want to be wealthy?
Think about a person you know who
invested in a rental property, then another, then another.  And then he
invested in a business.  And then some other tax-advantaged
investments.  And now, he isn't working for money any more because he
has his money working for him.
How did he do that?
Read this part very
carefully... when he paid down his mortgage he was doing something
else at the same time that was much more important than paying down his
mortgage.  He was simultaneously building up equity in his property. 
Equity he could put to work! 
Then, when he found an investment
property that he wanted to buy, he simply tapped into the equity he'd
created in his property and bought it.  And the tool he used to access
this equity was... - a mortgage!  Maybe he used a second mortgage or a
HELOC.  Who cares.  If it was secured by his property, it was a
lien type comparable to a mortgage.  At any rate, the end result was he
gained assets and became wealthier.  So having a mortgage and using it
to one's advantage might not be such a bad idea after all.
For many of you, this may seem
elementary.  Now, we've come to the real reason you're reading this
If you want to execute the most
basic of wealth-building plans, wouldn't you want to know
how to build up equity as fast as possible so you could repeatedly go back
to the well and tap into that equity? 
Again and again and again.
That's what you'll learn here. 
There is no faster way to pay down mortgage (and other) debt than what
you'll learn here.  And you make no changes to your spending
behavior at all.  NONE.  Remember, the flip side of the coin when
you pay down mortgage debt is that you're building up equity.
By all means, PLEASE, don't leave
your equity sitting idle in the walls, floors and roof of your house. 
Equity in your home has a 0% ROI.  Put that equity to work for you. 
Get your money working for you and you won't have to work for your money.

You're about to learn a few
principles and tactics that can completely turn the financial tides in your
favor.  Albert Einstein called compound interest the greatest
mathematical discovery of all time, the 8th Wonder of the World. 

Whether your goal is to pay off your
mortgage as fast as you can or rapidly create a large amount of equity you
can put to use in wealth-building investments, here's an easy-to-implement
strategy that will make the power of compounding interest your ally.
Let's set the stage...
Imagine standing in front
of your home on a beautiful day saying to

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