Excerpt from product page

Traffic That Will TakeThe Action
That YOU Want! ”

“The Rules Of Traffic Generation
Have Changed!

If You Want To Create
Of Free, Ongoing & Targeted Traffic
Before Your Competition Gets Them”

From: Howard Woolston, creator of Turbo Traffic Tricks

“Houston, we have a problem…”

Dear Website Traffic Seeker …

Yes we have a problem that we all need to solve, and we need to solve it NOW!


We all want lots more traffic to our websites, sales pages and blogs, traffic that
arrives consistently with a more regular timing, rather than only when we advertise or promote our site; appears on an ongoing basis, week after week, month after month and doesn’t just turn up once, never to be seen again is highly focused, targeted and relevant to the message we want our website, sales page or blog to convey will stay around and take the actions that we want them to (join our email list, buy our product etc.) is FREE!
But getting lots of good quality traffic wasn't meant to be such an uphill struggle. What happened to the "automated income" and the "working part-time from the beach" you're always being told about.

How long have YOU been trying to get
more traffic to your website or blog?

A few weeks? 3 months? 6 months? A year maybe? Or has it been 3 years of hard work? Or 5 even?  If you’ve only been trying for a few weeks or months then congratulations … you haven’t already wasted a whole lot of time getting nowhere. For those of you that have already spent a long time struggling to succeed … sorry about my congratulating all the newbies … but the simple fact is, if you don’t get your traffic building system right when you start, you can waste an inordinate amount of time (and sometimes money as well).

So, our first problem is that we want more traffic.
And our second problem is information overload.
There are TOO MANY SOLUTIONS to choose from!

When we look for reliable information on how to get a solution to our traffic needs, we are inundated with ideas and options, all of which promise absolutely to solve everything for us.

How do we make sense of all the options and information? Which ones should we be looking at implementing so we get the maximum benefit from our investment of time and/or money … and don’t end up with a massive traffic pileup … where the various items are competing with each other, nothing is working smoothly … and everything just grinds to a complete halt?

And that’s where Turbo Traffic Tricks comes in … it makes sense of it all and simplifies the process of generating longer-term, more reliable and effective traffic … but more about that later.

SO, if there are soooo many options,
how do you know which ones to choose?

If you watch TV advertising in certain parts of the world you'll probably come across the paint company, Ronseal, at some point during your viewing. Ronseal are best known for making a range of outdoor paints and varnishes and they market their products with the catch-phrase 'Does exactly what it says on the tin'.

This campaign has been hugely successful for the company. It points out to consumers that, if they want to paint a fence, then Ronseal’s fence paints will do exactly that.

So, when you need to paint your fence or varnish your deck you reach for the specific product that does that job. You know you won't get to the small print on the back of the tin of paint that you’ve just bought only to find that it will only work if you paint in June or if your fence is only 2 feet high and faces north.

Over time the term “Does what it says on the tin” has become more widely accepted and is now used to describe anything that is exactly as it appears or claims to be, is particularly simple or straightforward, or works exactly as advertised.

The main point with Ronseal’s promotion and
success, is that their product does what it says it will.
No surprises. So you learn to rely on what they say.

Another really good example of products that deliver what they say comes from Federal Express. Remember? "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight." Nowadays we don’t even think twice, we know our product will arrive on time.

So, what's this got to do with website traffic and YOUR overall success? Well, and you may be with me now, some of the so-called website traffic solutions available these days don't seem to “do what it says on the tin” … or they don’t “arrive on time”.

Instead they make all the promises in the world, and then leave your website, your fence or your parcel well and truly stranded.

Now, if you’re looking for a product or system that claims it can provide you with 27,863 unique visitors every day to your website or blog, and will generate an extra $126,819.74 in the next 90 days …

then you’re in the wrong place.

Here we just talk real, honest, down-to-earth,
no bulls%&t stuff.

We’re not going to make those sorts of claims, or anything vaguely like them. We’re not going to give you a whole bunch of “customers” saying how great they think we are either. I don’t know about you but I get sick of seeing website after website after website that contains a huge list, and I mean page after page after page, of so-called “satisfied customer’s” testimonials.

Let’s be honest here … either a product works or it doesn’t … either it “Does What It Says On The Tin” as Ronseal correctly claims, or it doesn’t.

And Turbo Traffic Tricks does … it delivers everything it promises.

If what you want is a solution to problem #1 …
“not enough traffic to your website” …
and also to problem #2 …
“too much conflicting information
that’s hard to understand”

… then read on.



Let me introduce myself. My name is Howard Woolston, and I’ve been involved with internet marketing, traffic generation, pay-per-click advertising and the like for a lot of years.

Am I an expert? Am I a guru? Am I the holder of the Holy Grail of website traffic creation? Maybe, or maybe not. I suppose it depends on who you ask.

But it doesn’t really matter though, what I may or may not be called does it? What matters is whether or not you can find the solution you need to your website traffic problems.

I will say this though … if knowledge and capability and “expertness” is based on how much time and effort and money I’ve expended … then I’d probably win any competition hands down.

I’ve lost count of how many thousands of dollars I’ve spent buying, testing, trying, using and improving internet marketing, pay-per-click advertising and traffic building software, programs, e-books and video courses over the years. Tens of thousands of dollars. And if I am really honest and didn’t think my wife was listening I’d probably have to add another digit as well. Yes, I’ve invested a small fortune in learning what I know today … and it’s time others benefited as well from my investment and time.

And you know what … in spite of what I said earlier about products doing what they’re supposed to, a huge amount of my investment was probably worth every cent I spent … and only a small amount didn’t do what it said it would, or was completely useless.

But you know what … sometimes you learn
just as much from the poor quality programs
as you do from the good quality ones.

And what about you? How much have you invested already in your online business, or trying to create a never-ending stream of quality traffic?

One more thing … I’m not going to say that I used to be an unemployed down-on-my-luck solo parent looking after 3 children … who suddenly made it rich overnight on the internet … because that wouldn’t be entirely true. Equally I’m not going to say that “I used to work hard but now I make a fortune in only 20 minutes a day and travel the world”.

To be 100% honest, I LOVE to work, so regardless of how many hours I may or may not need to work each week these days, realistically I probably still put in 60 – 70 hours … and I love every minute of it!

Hopefully you enjoy what you do every day, just like I do.

Now, back to your first question…

How come everyone else is getting lots
(traffic that is), but you’re not?

What is it that they are doing that you’re not?

What do they know that you don’t?

How come there are so many conflicting pieces of information flying around about what you should
and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to generating
more traffic for your website, sales page or blog?

What are the REAL traffic solutions that work well

How do you decide if you should be Tweeting, Stumbling, Writing, YouTubing, Facebooking, Clicking, Reviewing, Squidooing, MySpacing, Optimizing, Feeding, Pinging, Networking, Submitting, Blogging, Digging, Uploading, Posting, Linking, Advertising, Grouping, Signing, Giving, Joint Venturing … or simply screaming?

The whole area of getting more traffic for your site or blog is hugely important and full of HUNDREDS, yes hundreds, of ways to increase your traffic … and if you get it wrong … well … a TRAFFIC PILE-UP results!

So, after years of listening to people, and helping them out with their businesses, I decided to simplify it all for you … and explain


FIRSTLY … the 22 BEST ways to generate more traffic for FREE, and

SECONDLY … how these 22 traffic generation methods actually tie together and relate, so you can maximise the ongoing benefits from them!

I decided that it was time to take all the confusion out of the traffic generation process … and simplify everything…

So you KNOW absolutely what you should be doing, and in what order … to get YOUR SHARE of the available website traffic.

And that’s where Turbo Traffic Tricks comes in…

TURBO TRAFFIC TRICKS is an 84-page instantly downloadable e-book that will clearly show you, in easily understood terms:
The 22 best ways to generate more ongoing, focused and relevant website or blog traffic, inexpensively or for FREE How to prevent the otherwise inevitable traffic pile-ups, so that your new integrated traffic generation system can deliver an avalanche of new visitors to your website or blog How the 22 traffic generation methods layer and tie together, and relate to each other … in a way that is designed to further compound their traffic generation capabilities How each of the traffic methods actually works for YOUR benefit What YOU need to actually DO to make your avalanche of consistent, ongoing, focused and free traffic arrive at your website or blog


What’s in it for you? What do you actually get? How will Turbo Traffic Tricks actually be of benefit to you?

The benefits you get from using the information that Turbo Traffic Tricks has to offer include:


You do not have to spend days or weeks or months researching options and trying to decide what may or may not work. We have researched the market and obtained input from a range of experts, and have identified the top performing inexpensive or free traffic tricks, which means all you have to do is implement them

You will know WHAT to do and WHY to do it. We have explained not only what the traffic tricks are, but also HOW they will benefit you and your website or blog

You will be given information on HOW to IMPLEMENT the various traffic generation methods, saving you even more research time

You will be able to create better results much faster. We have documented how the 22 Traffic Tricks RELATE to each other, and in what order they should be implemented … so that you can more easily achieve the maximum benefits in the shortest possible timeframe

You will get more INEXPENSIVE, CONSISTENT, ONGOING, FOCUSED and RESPONSIVE TRAFFIC to your website or blog … resulting in you achieving your website or blog goals a whole lot easier

You will be able to use the traffic you create to build an absolutely huge mailing list that you can communicate with regularly and encourage to buy your products (or someone else’s)

You will be able to dominate any niche you choose and channel more than your fair share of traffic to your particular website

What’s in the product … what do you get?
What questions does it answer,
what problems does it solve for you?

Here’s a brief summary of most of what’s included when you get your hands on Turbo Traffic Tricks…


You get to easily understand what the REAL traffic solutions are … that work well together

Details on the 22 BEST ways to generate more traffic for FREE

How these 22 traffic generation methods actually tie together and compound the traffic effect each other has

Why traffic is necessary in the first place for YOUR website

Understanding why YOU have to generate traffic, and why it doesn’t just turn up all by itself any more

Page after page of real help so your website will stand out from the crowd!

Help to identify what sort of traffic you want for your site. Do you want quantity or quality?

Where will you find your buyers?  Once you know what sort of people you want to come to your website, sales page or blog, where are you going to find them? We cover that too.

What happens if you get it wrong? How you can avoid the potential traffic chaos, the accidents, the damage, the destruction … and the resulting anger and frustration

In addition to all the above we have provided a lot of detailed information on each of the 22 Trick, Tips or Technique we have highlighted, including what it is actually all about and how it can generate more traffic for you. We also cover off how each one fits in with the other tricks and tips and how to actually implement it. You’ll also get details on each trick’s likely effectiveness (on a scale of 1-10) and any direct costs associated

Understand what your primary online presence should consist of for maximum effectiveness, and how to make sure that you are building it correctly

Plus much, much more as well…

“OK Howard … 2 questions.
Firstly, won’t I have to be some kind of technical
“whizz-kid” to make these tricks, tips and
techniques work? I’m just an ordinary kinda guy
and not too technical”

Good question. You Do Not need a PhD from Harvard University or any kind of in-depth special training or abilities. Everything you need to apply is in the Turbo Traffic Tricks e-Book. It’s not all highly technical and complicated and to be 100% honest it is all probably simple enough for a 12 year old kid to understand, implement and benefit from.

Yes, it really is that easy.

And if you have any issues you can always simply ask questions.

“That’s great, now my second question …
Is your system legal?
I mean, it almost sounds too good to be true and
I don’t want to get involved with something
that’s even vaguely illegal”

Of course it's 100% legal. You have our absolute hand-on-heart promise about that. We're not stealing anyone's secrets or using someone else’s copyrighted info. This is 100% all our stuff ... and we're providing it simply to help people just like YOU!

Over the years, we’ve found that there are some very key elements that define whether or not your particular choice of traffic generation system will actually work for you and your website, landing page or blog.

"Sometimes it’s about the system and sometimes it’s about the person
and sometimes it’s about how the person uses (or misuses) the system

We will tell you this for sure … if you know HOW to use the traffic generation system you choose to its best capability, then your success is far more likely.

OK, still not convinced? Then let me add the following bonuses to help you make the most from the Turbo Traffic Tricks downloadable e-Book…

Bonus #1 …

E-mail Access To Me For 30 Days

After purchase, to make sure you get the answers you need to maximise the use and benefits of the Turbo Traffic Tricks program, you will be eligible for e-mail access to me for a full 30 days.

As you can appreciate, we all learn in different ways, so for many people having access to one-on-one help for 30 days will be a great benefit.

Value … $495

Bonus #2 …

3 More Downloadable e-Books

Each month, for the next 3 months, you will receive another downloadable e-book, completely FREE of charge, covering one or more of the tricks, tips or techniques in much more detail.

You’ll learn higher level ways to fine tune your traffic building strategies even further … and create even more traffic to your website, sales page or blog

Value … $115 (for all 3)

Bonus #3 …

Automatic Product Revisions For 18 Months..

One of the most frustrating things I have ever come across with programs I have purchased n the internet is that sooner or later a new or revised version appears, which we are expected to pay for.

With Turbo Traffic Tricks you will automatically receive a copy of any revisions that take place in the next 18 months.

Things on the internet do change, so it is highly likely that we will need to provide you with at least 1 (and possibly 2) free revisions during that time.

We want you to stay informed and continue to grow you website traffic numbers!

Value … $79


Turbo Traffic Tricks Downloadable E-Book Packed Full Of Tricks, Tips And Techniques To Help You Turbocharge The Traffic To Your Website, Sales Page Or Blog…
Value $79

E-mail Access To Me For 30 Days To Make Sure You Get The Answers You Need To Maximise The Use And Benefits Of The Turbo Traffic Tricks Program…
Value $495

3 More Downloadable E-Books Completely FREE Of Charge, Covering One Or More Of The Tricks, Tips Or Techniques In Much More Detail…
Value $115

Automatic Product Revisions For 18 Months. With Turbo Traffic Tricks you will automatically receive a copy of any revisions that take place in the next 18 months.
Value $79


$768.00 …

But that price doesn't tell the whole story...

Think how much this package will do for you and the extra avalanche of traffic you'll get for your website, sales page or blog ... and your ability to change the success of your business in the near future ...

I really, really, really want to make it easy for you to gain access to all this information. I really, really, really want to see you achieve enormous success ... and even though my wife and my accountant think I'm not charging enough ... I'm going to let you have this complete package ... right this minute... for a whole lot less than that.

How about for half price? That’s right a 50% discount means this complete package will cost you just $384.00

But I’m not going to charge you half price, or even quarter price ($192) …

I’m just asking for $97 $67 $57  .. ok, let’s be really, really generous and say

…a one-time charge of only US$47

Yes, you heard me right …

only $47.00
[Just click here to gain immediate access](http://1.ctlnz.pay.clickbank.net)

Our Personal Guarantee

Like we said earlier, a product either “Does what it says on the tin”, like Ronseal’s paint, or it doesn’t.

We believe that Turbo Traffic Tricks delivers everything you will expect, and maybe even more.

So, to make sure that there isn’t even the slightest doubt in your mind about the quality of Turbo Traffic Tricks … I’m going to take every last bit of risk off your shoulders and put it onto my own.

I’m going to offer you my …

Love-It-Or-Leave-It 100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

You read that right!

My Personal 60 day 100% Money Back Risk Free Guarantee

I'm never satisfied unless you are completely satisfied, so here's my "No Small Print, No BS" guarantee.

Purchase Turbo Traffic Tricks today and try it out. Use every strategy and technique as many times as you'd like for a full 60 Days.

You be the judge. If this program doesn't deliver everything I've promised, or if you're unhappy with it for any reason, just let me know and you'll get back every dollar you paid.

You don't have to justify or explain your decision. Simply request your refund and it will be promptly actioned.

No questions. No arguments. No quibbles.

You simply cannot lose with this deal!

- Howard Woolston

Now, this is where I’m supposed to say that this SPECIAL OFFER is only available to the next 47 people. Well maybe it will be, and maybe it won’t.

The real facts are that I don’t know how long I’m going to leave this offer available for you to think about. Basically it will be here until I feel the need to review it.

That could be until tomorrow, or next week, or maybe even next month … or it could be longer or shorter. No-one will know in advance. One day it simply wont be available at this price any more.

I would suggest though that every day you delay your decision to purchase your personal copy of Turbo Traffic Tricks … is one day closer to the day when it’s going to be no longer available, so you are probably better off taking action sooner, rather than waiting!

"Now, wait a minute - isn't all this a bit too
good to be true? You've gotta be
full of bulls%&t Howard!"

You know what, you're just like the rest of us. We've all got a built-in BS detector. And I can understand that right about now you might be questioning this. It's understandable, in fact we'd probably be doing the same if we were sitting where you are reading this.

Let me confess something to you...

When I started putting these tricks, tips and techniques together into one cohesive and interlaced group I had no idea that the Turbo Traffic Tricks e-Book would end up be quite this powerful. Sure, I knew it was all logical and seemed to overlay well together, and that it could help people, but I never thought it would be able to compound up the effect of individual traffic strategies. But it does!

That part's been incredible. And I have been blown away by the support I've received and the continued positive feedback I get every day...


“OK Howard … What Do I Need To Do Next To
Immediately Be Able To Download
My Copy Of Turbo Traffic Tricks?”

Simply click on the big yellow “Yes please … Send Me Turbo Traffic Tricks today!” button below, put in your credit card or other payment information with Clickbank (the #1, most trusted seller of digital products online) and get immediate access to a huge amount of valuable training … immediately … even if it’s 4AM on a Sunday morning!

Turbo Traffic Tricks is an E-Book that is supplied to you in an easy-to-open and read PDF format via direct download. Full instructions are included.


To your online success... and an avalanche of targeted traffic!

Howard Woolston
Creator of Turbo Traffic Tricks

PS: Remember you're getting everything you need to get started and actually have success generating a huge increase in your website, sales page or blog traffic. You can finally forget about all the other rubbish you've been fed online and follow a proven system to more traffic.
[Just click here to gain immediate access](http://1.ctlnz.pay.clickbank.net)
PPS: Remember that in as little as a few minutes you might miss out on being able to buy this excellent product, or get some of the amazing bonuses. There's nothing to lose as I'm taking all the risk with my personal 100% money back guarantee.

If you want to know the secrets and Turbocharge YOUR Traffic then you need to take action now by clicking on the link below:
[Download Turbo Traffic Tricks Right NOW!](http://1.ctlnz.pay.clickbank.net)


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