A Real Art Lesson by artist Delmus Phelps
Any one can paint!
Capture the joy of creating things of beauty with your own gorgeous oil painting!
Now this is a Real Art Lesson!
Have you tried painting before and your work just looked amateurish?
Have you had painting lessons before, and your work just didn't seem to improve?
Have you wanted to start an exciting and rewarding hobby yet didn't know where to take the first step?
Have you ever wondered if your part time hobby could turn into something more?
You too, can paint like the Masters!
Hi, my name is Delmus Phelps. I've been painting for over 35 years, (my first commissioned sale was in 1974!) and along the way, I've learned a great many things that I would like to pass along to you! Including answers to all the above questions.
I've put some of my work here in order for you to appreciate the style of painting that I do, and the type of paintings that this technique and a real art lesson will allow you to create!
For those of you that have come to this page from my website, please bear with me. Some of this stuff is indeed talked about on the website, however, this e-book simply has more pictures and better explanations than what I can put together on the site.
The primary difference of coarse is the amount of photos, and a much more in-depth explanation, step by step, of paint application, corrections, blending. But read on....
Why do I put my own work here for you to see? Quite simply, so you can judge for yourself the quality of the art. Most of the art lessons that I see online are not for paintings like these! So much is left out and you only get a part of the story.
I also put these pictures up for you to see really close up, these are real paintings that I've done and sold using the technique taught within "A Real Art Lesson". It will help in your understanding of the depth, color and style of this wonderful technique!
Stop wasting money!
A Real Art Lesson will teach you how to use this 400 year old technique that really works!
I don't just teach you how to create one painting!
I show you the technique that will allow you to free your mind of the how- to's and concentrate on the joy and beauty of the painting you are creating.
It's like any craft, once you know the steps, you can then concentrate on the statement, the beauty, the image you have in your mind. You will be stress free and overcome with the bliss of the creative process while applying paint, mixing paint, blending paint on the canvas and the palette.
Another stress reliever, knowing how well the piece will look from the very beginning of the painting! That's right. Each step in the process, you could potentially stop and sell the work as is!
Each visit to your studio will brighten your day as you see works in process that simply amaze you!
Not sure how to start? I show you each and every step. Canvas, brushes, paints, mediums! I explain what they are for, what works for me, what other artists use and works for them. I actually use very few colors, but you wouldn't know that viewing my paintings.
A beginning artist? I have a whole section on brushwork just for you. How to make soft transitions you see in watercolor work, how to make hard and soft edges, (and why they are important). Also how to make those dew drops you see on flowers early in the morning.
Below are the two examples of my demonstrations used in "A Real Art Lesson" to teach you this technique.
2 complete and full painting demonstrations that are included in "A Real Art Lesson"!
You've enjoyed some of my lessons here on the website.
Why not treat yourself to an expanded version?
Do you want to finally learn how to paint like a professional?
Do you want to learn the secrets to take your paintings to the next level of excellence?
Do you want a painting that is photo realistic, yet beautiful at the same time?
When you're at you're local art show, how would you like to take home that blue ribbon of excellence!
I've got answers for you below!
From Susan in Maine:
"When I viewed the paintings on the "A Real Art Lesson" ebook cd tears came to my eyes. The work is stunning and truly inspires me to paint again."
60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
In this comprehensive PDF ebook, "A Real Art Lesson" will teach you how to create beautiful paintings like this.
Not only do you see how 2 full paintings are created, but you will learn all the technique needed to do any painting you would like.
These same techniques can be used for the portrait and the landscape! I explain the differences within the ebook.
You will find all my secrets, and those that have been passed down for generations, (but aren't taught any longer in most art schools). You will be amazed at your results when you follow this simple step by step instruction guide.
With over 140 pages of information and 225 photos in PDF format.
This format and the compression is maintained on the very high quality photos that allow closeups to really be magnified and not become grainy. We start with selecting 2 still life formats, and how you place your objects, lighting and composition.
I will show you how to prepare the canvas in much greater detail, step by step.
How we transfer the drawing to the canvas.
You will learn the full seven layer Flemish technique of painting.
From the first Imprimatura layer to the Finishing layer. I explain the purpose and function of each layer, and show you how I've done them for these 2 paintings.
You will see upclose, the umber underlayer, and how it is done.
The finished umber underlayer.
You will learn how to mix your paints.
How to make the "dead layer" or Gray layer.
Closeups of brush strokes and how the paint is applied.
All the details are taught to make your paintings stand out.
There are so many more photo's and explanations than what I can give you on the website.
Comparable courses are much more expensive. Plus, if you get stuck, you can email me your question.
Not to many folks offer that service!
From Deborah in Oklahoma:
"Thanks Delmus your e-book is great, I see things I've been doing wrong already."
From Horst in Germany:
"Best book on the subject I've seen so far - many thanks!"
60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
So why do I do this?
I believe it's our artistic heritage we are losing in this country. And without the classical background in painting, this form of art could be lost within this generation! It's just that important. The information is priceless! Especially if it restores just a hand full of artist's back to the Craft of painting realistic art!
Give it a try. I know you'll be satisfied with the instruction, and you will learn tools that will give you a Lifetime of artistic freedom and joy!
You will need Acrobat Adobe Reader to view this e-book. (Most all e-books are now in this format and there are a lot of programs that will read them. I include links on the download page for you to get your copy.)
You have nothing to lose! I'll give you a refund if not satisfied!
Make your dreams a reality, place your order now!
Many, Many thanks to folks that have already purchased!
I really appreciate the kind feedback and blog comments.
Very few things in life bring such joyful emotions as a beautiful piece of art. It shows I'm on the right track!
Thanks a bunch for checking this out and good luck in your painting!
From Suzy in North Carolina:
EXCELLENT product...what a great art lesson for the money!!!
From BB
"32 years ago I had just given birth to my 5th child. A month early, she weighed 11 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces, breech. I was so jazzed I walked the halls all night. The nurses kept trying to get me to go lie down but I was supercharged. and oddly, it was not the birthing of a baby, it was the birthing of an idea. The calendar over the nurses station was a photo of Picasso Blue Period, where he drew/painted a lady on a piece of masonite or paper bag. I "saw" that for the first time. I'd already had a semester with Siegfried Hahn, and I knew sharp focus was the way I wanted to work. I also knew the Old Masters way was the vehicle. I could never find the "notes" to back me up. I started back to college when my 9th child started first grade. I was 48 years old. Four years to get my BAFA. And now I have this lesson that will help me do it "my way" finally. I wish I had this ebook lesson back in 2000 to show my professors that I did know there was a process that they refused to teach me. FINALLY! My thanks. "
It's pretty simple, if within 60 days, you don't think these instructions have helped you in your quest for a better painting, simply let me know for a prompt refund.
So give it a try risk free!
Click on the button below and receive your instant download, no waiting for the mail! You'll be painting in minutes! Its Easy!
So, for less then the cost of a dinner out, 1/2 the cost of a comparable hard cover illustrated art instruction book, or 1/10 the cost of a similar 8 hour workshop, you can have this instruction on your laptop or computer right now!
P.S. I've got a great bonus gift for you that I've just found.
It's another E-Book, but on DRAWING & ANATOMY By Victor Perard. The hard cover volumn for this book sells for up to $88 on Amazon, but for a limited time, you can get this PDF version downloaded to your computer for free!
Let me tell you alittle about this bonus. Are you interested, truly interested in improving your drawing skills, and drawing of the human anatomy? This book is over 165 pages of skeleton, skulls (too cool for the tattoo artist) muscle, human motion, etc. Here's just a small picture from what you will find in it!
Impressed? I was, and to find it was a real treat. I thought, wow, what a great bonus gift, so here it is. Included with your purchase of "A Real Art Lesson"
P.S.S. Please don't sit on the fence.
This offer will not remain at this price for long (they do bill me for the website).
Come on and join us in classical art!
You will not believe your own eyes what you can do with this technique!
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Please note: This e-book is 142 pages long, and is 20MB in size. The bonus e-book is 46MB. You will need a PDF Reader to view these books on your computer. A link to a free reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader) is provided on the download page.
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[Questions? Concerns? Contact me!](mailto:Delmus@easy-oil-painting-techniques.org)