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Welcome To FatLoss4Winners.com!


It's not your "bad genetics."
It's not your fat intake.
It's not because you haven't rotated your carbs and proteins right.
It's not because you have no self control or no willpower.
It's not because you haven't tried hard enough.
It's not because you consumed too many calories.
It's not because you didn't join Weight Watchers.
It's not because everyone in your family is fat.
It's not because you don't like to exercise.
It's not because you eat late at night.
It's not because you munched too much watching TV.
It's not because of ANY OF THE REASONS that you might think.

Do you want to know why you are overweight?


Think about that for a minute. The KINDS of foods you eat will either make you fat and sick or will make you slim and healthy. Not quantity...quality.

"Wait a minute," I hear you say. "So you're saying that if I eat the right kinds of foods, I'll drop all this fat? AND, I'll get healthy? AND I can eat as much as I want?'


FatLoss4Winners™ is the simplest and most effective diet you'll ever use!
• Never count calories again
• Never count carbohydrate or protein grams again
• Never weigh your portions, eat as much as you like
• Never be hungry while losing weight
• Never join a weight loss support group
• Never eat only pre-prepared meals shipped to you
• Never be afraid of eating fat
• Never avoid restaurant food
• Never be afraid you can't maintain this diet for life.

Does it sound too good to be true? You be the judge as you read on.


Nearly ANY DIET will work...for a few days, or a month, or even a year or so. If you only eat celery and drink water for a week, you'll lose weight. If you eat baked chicken exclusively for a couple weeks, you'll lose weight. If you rotate your protein and carbohydrates throughout the week (as in a popular Internet weight-loss program), you might lose weight.

So, it's not surprising that the rotation dieting plan worked for some people.

The Atkins high protein/low carb diet works.
The Mediterranean Diet works.
The South Beach Diet works.
The Pritikin Diet works.
Jenny Craig works.
NutriSystem works.
Weight Watchers works.

Any list of diets and diet books published in the last 50 years would contain hundreds of titles. Just look in your favorite bookstore. Diet books have their own section! Can they all work?


But Low-Calorie Diets Do Not Work...LONG-TERM.

Walking around every day with a calorie counting book and counting the calories of everything you eat is too complicated. If you eat only low-calorie foods each day, you're going to be hungry all the time. Plus, many of the low calorie foods that your calorie book says are OK are the very foods that are keeping you fat, sluggish and sick.

Low-Fat Diets Do Not Work...LONG TERM.

Your eyes and ears are steadily bombarded every day with advertisements about weight loss through eating low-fat meals. There are food companies that have made fortunes on frozen pre-prepared low-fat entrees. The labels on every packaged food product tell you the number of fat grams per serving in the box. But it's not the number of fat grams you eat every day. It's the KINDS OF FATS you eat that are keeping you fat, sluggish and sick.

Low-Carb Diets Do Not Work...LONG TERM.

Low-carb diets are a great example of what doesn't work. If you're eating a diet high in animal protein, and low in carbohydrates, you've probably already experienced some of the nearly uncontrollable carb cravings that low-carb diets bring on. Not pleasant, are they? When you give in and eat an entire loaf of bread, do you feel like a Winner or an Idiot? Do you want to continue to be fat, sluggish and sick? Interested in a diet that KILLS cravings?

Fad Diets Do Not Work...LONG TERM.

Fad diets are gimmicky and are usually surrounded by a bunch of "hype." This is where you'll find Internet diets, the TV diets, the grapefruit diet, diet pills and such. They prey upon your desperation to lose that ugly fat. But eventually, you have to come off the fad diet and resume your normal life. When you do, the weight comes back on with a vengeance...usually with a couple extra pounds just to make you feel worse about yourself.

Now you know what doesn't work.

On the next page learn what DOES WORK.


DisclaimerThe weight loss information provided on this Website is not intended to offer any specific medical diagnosis to any individual dieter. The information provided at FatLoss4Winners.com is offered as-is, without warranty and the reader assumes all risks from using the weight loss information herein. We disclaim any and all liability from the information provided and all information, including health, medical, financial, physiological or other. You should always consult your own physician or health care provider before beginning any nutritional program to lose weight, since your own personal physician will know your individual medical condition and be able to give medical advice accordingly.

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