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Unconditional Love

Like most everyone here on earth, you’ve probably asked

* Why am I here?
* Why do I feel so broke and broken?
* Why can’t I be happy?
* Why did this happen to me?
* Why do I keep making the same mistakes?

* Why can’t I find love?

Well, congratulations on reaching the point in your spiritual
journey where you’re ready to get the answers and the instructions
on how to achieve the outcomes you desire.  I know you’re ready
because you wouldn’t have even looked at this book if you weren’t.

So settle in, get comfortable… and get ready to change your life.

This book will change your life.

Heard that before?   Maybe that wasn’t your experience in the
past but I know that that’s exactly what will happen this time.

Whether you choose to accept and embrace the Truth about life now or
at some time in the future, I believe that by the time you’ve
finished reading this, your mind will have been opened so far as to
allow you to at least consider a new way of thinking.  If you
weren’t ready to do that, you wouldn’t have bothered to even pick
this book up.

You don’t have to “get it” right away. You don’t even have
to believe everything I say as you read it. But when these words find
their way home to your psyche, you’ll know it and your life will
become filled with more and more Love.  Why not try to put just one
of my suggestions into practice and see what happens.

I’m not going to use the word “philosophy” to describe what
I’m saying here in this book.  What I have to say is not a
“philosophy”.  It’s not a _search_ for or a _theory _about the
meaning of life.  I KNOW this all to be the Truth about life. You do
too.  It’s just a matter of you REMEMBERING. You may find that some
of the things you’ll read here sound familiar or really strike a
chord. That’s just you getting back in touch with part of the

The Truth is very simple, but it will challenge almost all of
society’s accepted beliefs and so I ask that you stay with me right
through to the end even when you find yourself strongly disagreeing
with anything I’m saying. 

I’d like to take a moment here to focus your attention on just how
strongly the society you grow up with influences your beliefs.  Think
about some cultural traditions that you find very hard, or even
impossible, to relate to.  Let’s take arranged marriages.  If
you’re from a culture that practices this idea you’d be horrified
at the thought of people choosing their own marriage partners.  If
you’re not from that culture, you’re equally horrified at thought
of your marriage partner being chosen for you and not by you. 

Female circumcision is another example that you’ll probably feel
strongly about.  If you’re not from the culture that supports the
practice, you’re probably revolted by the very idea.  If it’s
your cultural belief, you’ll be equally horrified at the prospect of
it not being performed. Even our taste in something like fashion is
generally influenced by our cultures, our families and/or our
friends.  I don’t just mean whether you like one designer or
musician over another either (although that’s certainly relevant too
in this sense).  Different cultures may dictate certain body parts
must be covered; could be your head or ankles or breasts.  What one
culture thinks is acceptable to expose, another will find
outrageous.  Families and friends will have their own “cultures”

All of these things reinforce the walls of the boxes of Fear all of
us live in to a greater or lesser degree.

It’s neither my intention nor my right to pass judgment on anyone
or anything.  I simply want to remind you how strongly our thoughts
can be influenced by where and among whom we grew up. 

I’ll be talking later about how we choose those influences but
you’ll get the most out of this book if you try to set them aside
and work at being totally honest with your deepest thoughts as you
consider what I have to say.

I’ll tell you about what I mean by the Truth about life in Part
One of this book. In Part Two I’ve set out the four basic Realities
that I believe will lead you to understanding what it’s all about. 
I’ve included examples of situations that various people have been
in to try to help you understand how each of them works in our
lives.  They’re in no order of importance.  They’re all equally
important and they’re all inter-connected.  You don’t need to
read them in any set sequence. In fact, I’d love it if you just read
through the chapter headings and choose to read the one that appeals
to you most first, no matter where it is on the list, and keep doing
that until you’ve read everything.

As I said at the outset, this book will help you find your way to
reclaim your innate Knowledge of the Truth.  Even if you only get one
single thing, that single thing will open up the door for the whole of
the Knowledge to come through to you in time.

Book available in both English some of whom were scholars, others
more shamanic in nature. Like his forebears, Moshe has always been a
deeply spiritual man.

From his earliest years he possessed an innate wisdom and the
desire to explore the metaphysical side of life. He opened his mind to
the teachings of both widely respected and more obscure spiritual
leaders. He spoke with innumerable ‘ordinary’ people and embraced
an amazing variety of experiences. Finally, he came to the realization
that he had always had the Knowledge that he had been seeking.

Moshe the student became Moshe the teacher.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - Review by Jennifer

My name is Jennifer and I know a lot about this book because Moshe
spoke his thoughts to me and I am the person who put them into words
for him.  We’ve spent countless hours talking about the contents of
this book over many years and so my connection with and belief in the
Knowledge is very strong. 

Embracing it in theory is one thing.  _Actually LIVING IT is
another.  _ Throughout my own spiritual journey I’ve encountered
others whose views they’ve championed have gone out the window when
put to the test by things that have actually happened in their own
lives.  They’ve failed to walk the talk if you like.  I’m so
happy to say that that didn’t happen with me.

I recently experienced the death of my much loved father. This was
such a powerful event in my life, I could write another book about
this alone but I just want to share a fragment of that experience with
you to give you a glimpse into how the teachings of this book are
helping me through it.

I am an only child and have chosen not to have children of my own so
my Dad and I shared a particularly strong bond.  When I first
received the news that my Dad had only days left to live, I was
absolutely devastated.  But rather than letting the Fear engulf me, I
chose to embrace everything I had learned from Moshe over the years. 

Dad wasn’t able to physically communicate during his last days so
I would hold his hand and focus on sending and receiving Loving energy
by thought, by touch and by talking to him. Every time feelings of
desolation swept through me I would chant to myself over and over “I
accept, I accept” and “find the Love, find the Love”. What I was
doing in my own way was embracing the entire experience I had had with
my Dad throughout our physical lives together, including this one. I
was dissolving my Fear of losing him with Love through the Knowledge
that our connection was not _ending.  _It was simply _changing_.

I can’t say that I don’t miss my Dad’s physical presence. I
do.  Every day.  But I am so happy to say that the whole journey has
become immeasurably easier by me choosing to embrace and practice all
of the Knowledge I have been awakened to through the teachings of this


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