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A special report just for people who love their cats...


"An 87 year old Southern Belle on Her Death Bed Reveals the Truth About...


How to Have Happy, Healthy, Long-Living Cats... Without Spending a Penny on Vets, Medicines or Special Foods!

...her cats routinely lived over 30 years!

Chantal Williams
Thursday, 1:15 p.m.

Dear Friend,

    It's been 17 years since I shared a lemonade with that Louisiana lady.

    But I remember it like it was yesterday.

    It was a scene right out of the movies.

    One of those typical, hot, hazy, mid-July afternoons in the South. We sat on the veranda that extended along the front and side of the two-story white home.

    We sat at right angles to each other and our wicker rockers faced out over the lush green lawn. A warm breeze rustled the leafy trees before wafting toward the house and cooling our skin.

    Colorful gardens splashed the landscape as if they were dabbed on with an artist's brush.

    She paused to take a soothing drink and watched as a passing tractor kicked up dust on the road below.

    Emma Johnson was her name.

    She was a charming lady. Here eyes were bright and had a child-like twinkle that belied her 87 years.

    As she spoke she gently stroked "Henrietta", her beloved feline companion who was nestled comfortably in her lap.

    The afternoon sped by so quickly.

    I was amazed and enthralled as I listened to Emma describe her colorful past and the fascinating history that wove in and around her life and that old estate.

    It was fascinating!

    Sadly she passed away two weeks later.

    It was some years after that when my own cat "Sunshine" was beginning to suffer from some strange medical condition. No one could figure it out. Not even the vets who just kept prescribing different medications (and running up a hefty bill!)

    I was reminiscing about that conversation with Emma ... when it struck me.

    It was her comments about her cats...

    The conversation hadn't been about cats at all. Everything else, in fact. But her cats ... her cats were included in just about all of her stories throughout her entire life.

    Looking back, it was so obvious. My goodness! "Henrietta" was almost 29 years old! "Old General" had lived to almost 40! The other 4 or 5 cats she owned at one time or another apparently all lived to be over 30 years old!

    That 87 year old Southern Belle had discovered secrets to cat health and longevity!

    And she had revealed it to me!

    How could I have missed it? I began to write down everything I could remember from that conversation.

    It was so vivid!

    The words came easily.

    When I was done writing I began to immediately do exactly what Emma did. I changed "Sunshine's" diet and took care of her exactly like Emma would have.

    The mysterious medical condition disappeared.

    And Sunshine is still with me and is as healthy and energetic as when she was a kitten.

    Well my friend, if you love your cat, then this is the most exciting message you may ever read!

    Here's why...

    My name is Chantal Williams. Ever since the day I had that revelation about how to have healthy, happy, long-living cats ... I've been on a mission. A mission to find out the truth about how to properly care for cats. The real truth ... The whole truth... What really works ...

    I had to let go of a lot of old beliefs.

    It's taken years.

    More important, during this time, I've uncovered a lot of hidden treasures, hundreds of tips, techniques and secrets about caring for cats that no one else seems to know.

    I've put these tips, techiques and secrets ... along with all the "traditional" cat health information you'll ever need ... into a great guide ... that will show YOU how to have a happy, healthy, long-living cat ... without spending a penny on vets, medicines or "special" foods.

    And it's called...

"Cat Health Secrets"

    Pretty original huh?!

    Well I never really intended for this to be published. It was for me.

    I wanted to know what I could do to help my cat live the life it was intended to live.

    I've spoken to hundreds of people -- from veterinarians to holistic healers, from nutritionalists to herbalists and breeders to successful cat owners.

    Along the way I've learned a few things ... actually, some little known, very interesting, insider secrets ... that you need to know to properly care for your cat.

Scientifically verified!

    Funny thing happened too. Science finally "caught up" with that "down home" wisdom from Emma Johnson. Well, to be honest, the information may have been there all along and we weren't using it or applying it properly. But what you will learn about the science of nutrition verifies that Emma was right all along!

    Once I had gathered all of this critical information I realized that it just wouldn't be fair to keep it private.

    I love cats and I figured that to help as many as I could I had to share this information with other like-minded folks ... like you. So I compiled it into a neat package just for people who love their cats ... and called it Cat Health Secrets.

    Did you know that most cats only live 10-12 years while their normal life expectancy should be 25-30 years! And we cause it! This premature death is entirely preventable!

    Here's a quick glimpse of what you'll discover in Cat Health Secrets...
What type of food cats MUST eat! The physical differences (inside) between cats and dogs so you undertand why you can’t feed your cat like your dog. That cats are “hardwired” differently than dogs. This explains why they behave the way they do. And why any attempt to train them the same way you train a dog will fail miserably! The 6 most important considerations when choosing your vet. What NEVER to do to your cat’s food…doing this could cause you to literally “starve” them even though they are eating! Are supplements right for your kitty ... or are they actually harmful? 8 quick and easy monthly duties that prevent health disasters in the future! The TRUTH about declawing. Why cats don’t suffer from separation anxiety (dogs do!) How you cat’s instincts can be harmful ... even fatal ... and what you can do to protect her. What food NEVER to feed because of harmful pathogens! What food almost always leads to urinary tract infections and diseases. This point alone may save you some vet bills. 6 critical precautions to make your home safe for your cat. Some of them may surprise you. Which house plants could poison your cat. Over 50 outdoor plants and trees that are TOXIC if your cat nibbles on them. How to recognize and deal with geriatric health issues. Exactly what items you need to bring when you travel with your cat and stay in a hotel. How to recognize kitty senility--yep it happens in cats too! What NEVER to do when travelling by car with your cat. 15 essential items to consider when hiring a pet sitter. And that’s just a fraction of what you get with "Cat Health Secrets"!
    Let's take a short "breather". We'll get back to more of what this remarkable book will teach you in just a moment.

   But first ...

a Warning!

    If you are the type of person who always does what you're told, who never questions anything ... this book probably isn't for you.

    If most of your information about cat care comes from television advertisements and you truly believe that commercial pet food producers have the best interest of your cat at heart ... this book probably isn't for you.

    If you are intimidated by authority figures like medical doctors, teachers or ... vets ... this book probably isn't for you either.


    Because the book call into question the "common wisdom". It asks you to at least consider the possibility that there may be another way. It will show you a whole new way of looking at some things.

    No I don't "go off" like some "rebel without a cause". Nor will the book have you out in the back yard sacrificing a chicken to cure your cat's urinary tract infection ... :-)

    If no one ever questioned "the way it's always been done" and learn to think for themselves once in a while we'd still think the earth was flat! ... or the sun revolved around the earth!

    Come to think of it, if someone hadn't questioned the current way of thinking hundreds of years ago....this might be your "reality"...
It is illegal to own a cat! If you injure a cat, even accidentally it is punishable by death! There are more cat mummies than people mummies!
...and at other times in history
Hundreds of thousands of cats were slaughtered -- 9 of every 10 completely innocent cats were killed! Cats could have prevented the spread of the black plague that killed half the human population ... some 25 million people! But society's attitude about cats allowed it to happen!
    Strange, but true. All of this might sound very bizarre to us today but they were all "real" at some point in history. Find out what the heck I'm talking about by reading "Cat Health Secrets".

Kitty Controversy!

    Being a cat owner you also know that there are some red-hot, controversial issues about cat health.

    If you've ever asked yourself, "Should I ...

... use clumping kitty litter?"

... declaw my cat?"

... vaccinate or not?"

... spay or neuter?"

...you know just what I'm talking about!

    Most of the strong opinions on any of these issues has a stake in the outcome ... often money is to be made.

    Cat Health Secrets attempts to present an unbiased view of the facts. You'll learn both sides of each issue and uncover pertinent information that will help you make your own informed decision.

    In the end you still may choose to do things "the way they've always been done" or what "the vet says" ... but you'll feel better about it because it was an informed choice.

Cat Medical Enyclopedia

    Remember when you were a kid and your mom had one of those big, thick, Medical Encyclopedias at home? It was full of pictures of inside body parts and names of diseases you couldn't pronounce?

    And when you got sick or when Aunt Shirley, who worked at the pharmacy (she ran the cash register but thought she was the pharmacist) said, "Oh, you need x medication", Mom would pull out that book and look up your symptom or that drug Aunt Shirley recommended...

    I'll bet you even have one of those books in your own house now!

    Well with Cat Health Secrets you now have your very own Cat Medical Encyclopedia!

    More than half of this 100+ page book is dedicated to covering over 40 Categories of Common Cat Conditions. From Acne to Eye problems, from Fleas to Parasites and from Respiratory Problems to Zoonotic Diseases ... and everything in between!

    For each ailment there is a section that covers:
What it looks like... What to look for...and How to treat it.
    In the "How to Treat it" portion you'll not only learn the "traditional way" but also (if available) an "alternative or holistic" treatment!

    Pretty cool huh? I don't think you'll find a resource anywhere that doesn't support one view over another.

    Don't get me wrong. Cat Health Secrets isn't pretending to replace veterinarian services. If they are warranted, please take your cat to the vet. What you learn here is what you may expect to hear as a diagnosis and a treatment from the vet. Then you can converse and ask intelligent questions from a point of knowledge!

How Much Would You Pay to Have an Extra 6 Months Together With Your Favorite Cat? 5 Years? 10 Years?

    How much is it worth to have them happy and healthy? Not suffering from some mysterious condition? How much money are you going to save in vet bills, medication and special diets?

    I don't know about you, but I find it hard to put a price tag on that.

    I also don't know how to put a price tag on all the time I've invested in uncovering these secrets and putting it all in a book for you.

    But since I want you to purchase this book I've got to put some price on it right?

    So here it is...

    My rock bottom, bargain-basement, "it's an offer you just can't refuse" price is only


    I hope that sounds fair...for both of us.

    If you value your time at anything over a few pennies per hour, you are saving money based on what you would have to spend scouring the internet, bookstores and the library to find just some of the gold nuggets I reveal.

"Cat Health Secrets" is one of those rare purchases that you actually find more valuable as time goes on and you continue to use it year after year.

    Plus, there's absolutely zero risk when you take a "test drive" of my guide... because... it comes with an...

Incredible 90 Day Guarantee!

    Here's the deal: Order the book. It's in an easy, downloadable format (more on that in a minute). You'll be reading it in less than five minutes. Start putting the secrets you discover to work tomorrow... or even today. Take your own sweet time to do this. Then, if you're not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all... simply ask for your money back by email (it is at the very bottom of the page)... and you'll get a full and fast refund of every dime you paid.

    That means you can see my book— read it, and use the secrets as your own as much as you want — for free, if you choose.

    Please know, the reason why I can make this kind of outrageous guarantee is because... I really do have the “goods”. The book delivers on all the promises I make..and more. And I know that what I’m about to share with you works ... it’s been proven, over and over again. I’ve used it all myself... and I’ve taught countless other people to use it with equal (and sometimes greater) success.

    Literally, what you are about to discover in Cat Health Secrets are some of the most crucial elements of having a healthy cat known to man.

    You’ll find out for yourself as soon as you download it. And if you don’t like what you find, you get all your money back. Quickly and quietly. Without questions or hassle. Your word is good enough.

    That's pretty fair, wouldn't you agree? My secrets either work for you like I say they will.... or... you get all your money back. It's as simple as that.

    And it's easy to order.

Here's What To Do Now:

    Click on the secure link below and order with your credit card online...

(If you've never ordered online it's easy. I've hired a big company, called Clickbank, to process your order. They use a "secure server" which means that it's safer than handing your credit card to a waitress in a restaurant. They don't keep your number and I never see it. You just follow the simple instructions and type in your address and card number when they ask you to. The whole thing takes less time than it takes me to figure out the tip for that waitress!)

[Click Here Now To Order
Securely 24 Hours A Day!](http://1.chantalw.pay.clickbank.net)

    That's it! Cat Health Secrets is a downloadable book that comes straight to your computer. It's in an easy to use .pdf format... (You probably already have the software you need, and if you don't we'll show you how to get it...it's free!)

    In less than five minutes you'll be devouring—for your own use and enjoyment—some of my most tightly-held, advanced, insider cat health secrets. The same ones I've used—and still use everyday—to own a well adjusted, healthy cat without worrying about vet bills.

    Easy Navigation

    Sure you could print the book and have a hard copy (I took mine down to the local Kinkos and had it coil bound) but you can read it right from your screen.

    What's nice about that is I've built in a "clickable" Table of Contents as well as an extensive INDEX at the back of the book.,or click on the Table of Contents and go straight to the information you need NOW!

    So if you are looking for information about "fleas" for instance. You can go to the Table of Contents or the Index, find "fleas" and "click" on it and.... viola... the page zooms immediately to your screeen. No fumbling around flipping pages back and forth!

    Oh Yeah! I almost forgot!

Claim This Unbelievable Bonus Absolutely FREE...

But ONLY if you Order By Midnight, !

    Want to know just how smart your cat is?

    When you decide to buy Cat Health Secrets by midnight tonight, you'll receive the "Kitty IQ Test" absolutely FREE with your purchase.

    I've put together a super manual outlining 40 "tests" for your cat and a scorecard to go along with them. These test are designed specifically to examine your cat's:

Reasoning Ability
Physical Prowess
Powers of Purr-suasion, and
Social Graces!
    Okay! I'll come clean. This isn't exactly scientific.

    But it is a lot of fun... bordering on hilarious... if I do say so myself. Whether you actually DO the exercises or just have fun reading it you're in for a good laugh

    So you get both, Cat Health Secrets and the Kitty IQ Test for only $17.

    Won't you take it for a test-drive? Remember the risk is all mine. The obligation is on me to perform, not you.

    If you think there's even the smallest chance this book will help you out, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Don't let fear or doubt stand in your way.

    What I'm saying is, don't decide now if this book is for you. Just get it. Read it. Try it out. If it doesn't do everything I say and more.... if your cat isn't better off... if you don't feel better about your cat's health... if you don't have a better understanding of "what makes 'em tick"... I demand that you ask for every dime of your money back. Just a simple email. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

    I'm sure you'll be more than impressed.

    I think your cat is worth it.


    Chantal Williams

P.S. The insider information in this book is priceless. I've spent a huge chunk of my life learning theses secrets. However, for less than the cost of a few hours at the movies, I'm going to share them with you so you can enjoy the company of your special friend for as long as you possibly can...guaranteed! Remember... you risk nothing by checking it out for youself.

My secrets either work for you like I say they will... or it's free!

[Click Here Now To Order Securely 24 Hours A Day!](http://1.chantalw.pay.clickbank.net)

P.P.S. Order by midnight tonight, and I'll throw in the really fun "Kitty IQ Test" absolutely FREE!

P.P.P.S. Given the amount of time I spent putting together all this material, I'm really not sure if $17 is the right amount to charge...Yes I want everyone to have this information but I need to make sure it's fair for me too... Therefore I reserve the right to increase it at any time. So order now to get your copy at this low introductory price.
[Click Here To Order Right Now!](http://1.chantalw.pay.clickbank.net)



[Click Here To Pay By Credit Card!](http://1.chantalw.pay.clickbank.net) Get Your Copy Of "Cat Health Secrets" Now For Only $17!
You can download it right now -- even if it's 2:00 a.m.! 



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