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"How An Amazing Discovery By A Melbourne Naturopath Stops Hypothyroidism Dead In
Its Tracks, So You Can Say
Goodbye To Life Sucking
Fatigue, Unsightly Fat
Rolls, Aching Muscles,
And Harmful Drugs,
Once And For All!

Imagine: Waking up in the morning with energy to burn. You feel alive, rested... with a spring in your step. You jump out of bed eager to face the day ahead. You're looking forward to getting back doing things that you love because your body is toned and rejuvenated, your mind is sharp as a tack, and it feels like a cloud has been lifted. You are in control now... and free... As night falls you have an overwhelming sense of achievement and accomplishment, you gently slide in to a refreshingly deep sleep, ready to start the new day.

From The Desk of: Duncan Capicchiano N.D.
Naturopath, Author, Researcher

Dear Hypothyroidism Suffer,
Are you sick and tired of...Debilitating fatigue? Muscular aches and weakness that make you feel old and rotten? A body that you are ashamed of? Always feeling cold, with no relief? Menstrual irregularities? A non-existent sex life, because nothing seems to ‘do it’ for you anymore? Continually constipated and blocked up!? Depression that sweeps over you like a dark cloud? Hair that if it is not dry or brittle, is life-less, and falls out in clumps? Puffy, flabby, and pale skin, that you want to hide from others? Being mentally fatigued, slow, and easily confused? Worrying if you are infertile?
Well Don’t Worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I know it may be hard to believe, but after suffering years, if not ten’s of years being held prisoner to hypothyroidism you could be on the verge of throwing that ‘toxic’ medication in the trash for good – like thousands of others!

My name is Duncan Capicchiano, I am a fully qualified Naturopath here in Melbourne, who over the course of many years practicing, with clients, just like you, and enough research to turn my eyes permanently red

...Began To Discover, And Perfect, A Safe, Natural,
Hypothyroidism Treatment Program.

This treatment system was born from my love of helping others and in particular my passion for empowering others. My purpose: to help others, and you, by providing powerful information that no longer makes you dependant for your every waking decision, and puts you back in charge of your health.

So I set out to systematize it in such a way that any Tom, Dick or Jane could pop open this eBook (on their kitchen table) and instantly start to draw upon the sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, professionally experienced and clinically validated system that it is known for today. Based on a foundation that is confirmed by the world’s leading health minds, this complete system fuses ancient wisdom and modern science to create a highly unique and powerful thyroid healing system.

Recent Testimonial

"This ebook is a mine of information. The beginning describes the functioning and malfunctioning of the Thyroid so clearly that for the first time I understood what was going on. Duncan has obviously studied his subject in great detail and this married with his clinical successes in healing people with debilitating hypothyroidism gives great value to the information outlined here in this ebook. It helped me enormously.

My interactions with Duncan were very helpful and, to me, he is a sincere and dedicated healer and reading his book comes a close second to benefitting directly from a consultation/s with this skilled Naturopath himself... thank you Duncan!”

Lynette Rodwell
Barnet, London

Recent Testimonial

My energy levels and mood have improved and I've lost weight

“It has been a few weeks since I purchased and began using the Hypothyroidism Solution, and I am thrilled with the results so far. 

I am 38 years old, and was diagnosed last year with subclinical Hashimoto’s disease; not yet so bad as to require hormone therapy, but suffering lots of the symptoms such as fatigue, low moods, heavy menstruation and weight gain (a steady kilo and a half each year for the last 7 years).  My thyroid was also somewhat enlarged, with many small nodules observable in the scan.  

From the first week of following your program I have had a noticeable improvement in my energy levels and moods, and in five weeks I have lost 4 kilos (9 pounds)."

Janine Campbell
Puerto Varas

Recent Testimonial

Have lost all up 7 kilos (15 pounds) and the dry itchy skin has all healed

“Earlier this year I had a check up from my doctor, and the results came back showing raised cholesterol and raised TSH. This surprised me as I'm vegetarian and never had any problems before. My doctor said I have a hereditary condition called Hypothyroidism, and that would explain the high cholesterol that I was experiencing. I was to start Thyroxine 50 micrograms daily and would need to be on medication for the rest of my life.

I was pretty unhappy about all this as I've always been very anti medication and my general health felt good. I was sleeping well, and had plenty of energy. The only symptoms I had were dry itchy skin on feet, lower legs and hands (for which the Dr. had prescribed cortisone cream earlier and it hadn't worked). And I had put on about 5 kilos (11 pounds).

 I took the first Thyroxine and then got on the net to do a bit of research. I found your website and downloaded the book and haven’t taken any more Thyroxine.

I was excited to read "The Hypothyroidism Solution" it gave me the ability to take back the care of my own health. I immediately started on the 9 day cleanse, lost the few extra kilos, and felt really good. Was eating kelp and taking Selenium.

Duncan I have found your book really good, easy to follow and it makes a lot of sense. It has given me a guide to follow and I have learnt a lot about my condition that I never could have got from my Doctor. The indications are that I am better. Have lost all up 7 kilos (15 pounds) and the dry itchy skin has all healed. My hands had been dry and cracked and getting infected for about 7 months and there is not a sign of it now.”

Thank you,

Pauline Flood
Vermont South, Victoria


Yes You Can Reverse Hypothyroidism!

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Hmmm, maybe, maybe not, depends on your view point I guess. From a medical doctor’s viewpoint it sure would sound too good to be true, as they only know one approach to Hypothyroidism, drugs, drugs and more drugs (oops, sorry that is three approaches!). But thankfully, we don’t all think the same; Naturopath’s, and other well respected natural healthcare professionals, see that there many sides to a single health problem and therefore realize that there are many causes (and solutions) to the so called ‘same’ problem. Hypothyroidism can be caused by a myriad of ‘issues’, such as iodine deficiency, inflammation, immune abnormalities (as in Hashimoto’s disease), estrogen dominance and even thyroid resistance (but more about those later)! What this system does is pin-point YOUR cause and tackles it head on... Using the Easy 3 Step Solution 1. Test 2. Solve 3. Reverse – please read further on.

Does This Sound Familiar?
You’re coasting through life, as your lovely thyroid happily pumps out all the natural thyroid hormones that your body could ever desire. You are energetic, have a zest for life and generally feel great about yourself. That is of course until something goes wrong, something along the course of your life has disrupted that, and now slowly but surely you are in a decline of health that you can’t seem to shake; your body is now producing less of these life giving thyroid hormones – and you slowly fall apart. Carrying on with your normal day to day life only leads to exhaustion and despair.

Something Has To Give!

Your list of symptoms continues to stack up, and you start to feel like the slime that collects in the gutter.

In desperate need for help you race off to the doctors, wanting help, answers and advice (you may get one of those if you’re lucky). He sends you off for a routine Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) blood test and sure enough the results come back in to say that you have a condition called hypothyroidism.
From this point on not much else is said or done. As far they’re concerned, you’re done. Your doctor calmly reaches for his prescription pad, writes you a prescription for a thyroid drug and kindly escorts you out the door. End of consult, End of story.
“BUT, BUT, BUT, WAIT! There Has To Be A Better Solution, Or Even An Explanation?!”

I hear you call, but now this falls on deaf ears, as the doctor no longer wants to speak to you; BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE HAS NO REAL EXPLANATION AND NO REAL TREATMENT.
Yes you heard right, no real explanation or treatment. How can you call it a treatment, especially a cure, when all you are doing is masking the symptoms? Supplying the body with artificial thyroid hormones is not going to ‘cure’ you. It simply replaces what the body can’t produce, along with passing on whole a host of nasty side-effects.

What if we could get your body to produce, once more, the hormones that it was designed to do, naturally and safely?
Well that sounds awesome right? Well it should, as that’s where ‘real’ healing takes place.
This Is Where ‘The Hypothyroidism Solution’

Steps In...

What I am offering to you is a system that fundamentally and categorically takes your causes and changes them into solutions! And I’ll show you how, every step of the way within my program...

Take for example Thyroid Resistance, now I am sure most of you haven’t even of heard this, let alone discussed with your doctor about the possibilities of this being ‘THE’ cause of your Hypothyroidism... But aside from that, it is a very REAL cause.

Thyroid resistance is a condition where your body becomes resistant to circulating thyroid hormones (i.e. T3 & T4). One of the mechanisms of this occurs when the body converts thyroid hormone T4 to the more potent T3. Now normally the conversion happily takes place 85% of the time, with the other 15% converting in to something called Reverse T3 (rT3).
Now Reverse T3 is an inactive form of thyroid hormones, in fact in comparison to T3 it only exerts 1% of the force! And therein lays the problem. If you have too much of Reverse T3 circulating throughout your body, it will ‘squeeze’ out and block the action of T3; never giving the potent T3 hormone a chance to ever exert its life giving force.
So how many of you out there are going day by day with this silent thyroid killer?

Now This Is Where The Cool Bit Comes In...

I’ll show you how to use a real laboratory test (a test that your doctor should have tested in the FIRST place) to confirm your thyroid resistance, then once proved, I’ll show you in detail (step-by-step), like I am there with you in person, what to do in helping get back to health using all natural scientifically validated ingredients.

Blending Today’s Science With
Yesterday’s Wisdom

But it doesn’t stop at thyroid resistance, we’ll work out together what your CAUSE is; whether it be Hashimoto’s Disease (an Auto-Immune Disease), Estrogen Dominance, Iodine Deficiency, Inflammation, Thyroid Resistance, the list goes on... and then offer you a treatment that EXACTLY SOLVES YOUR CAUSE. (This treatment program really should be taught in all of the medical schools across the world... and I mean that!)

My complete program is now available to you in an eBook called "The Hypothyroidism Solution".

This is the exact formula I give to all my patients. It reveals all the secrets of how to supercharge your thyroid and banish hypothyroidism once and for all!
If you want a solution that doesn't take seven years to figure out, and cost thousands of dollars, then this is the solution for you (because I’ve already been through that for you!).

“The Hypothyroidism Solution!”

The All Natural Program That:
Reverses Hypothyroidism Does Away With Drugs For Good SAVES You Money – from costly practitioner fees Realises That Hypothyroidism Is More Than Just Fatigue And Weight Gain Comes With A Wealth Of Experience, Research & Success Understands That You Are A Individual With Varying Needs Understands That Disease Always Has A Root Cause Puts You In Charge Of Your Health Is Totally Easy To Apply Empowers YOU! You Can Put Into Action Within Minutes – Instant Download
Here’s A Small Sample Of What You’ll Receive
When You Download Your Copy of
‘The Hypothyroidism Solution’ Today:

The Easy 3 Step Solution Which foods to avoid the like the plague; robbing your thyroid of its all important nutrients, and worst still, suppressing it so much that it shrivels and dies! YOUR root cause - and how to treat and reverse it The thyroid tests that your doctors will never tell you about – and how by not knowing stops you from true healing A treatment strategy to fight each and every one of your countless symptoms All there is to know about Hypothyroidism; what it is, who gets it, why does it occur, how do thyroid hormones work, and more! Over two dozen natural cures The REAL causes of hypothyroidism Which foods will get your thyroid singing your praises while you scoff down the delicious morsels The power of herbal medicines and which specific ones sucker-punch the hypothyroidism straight out of you... for good! Proven stress management techniques that enables you to relax on demand Learn how to get the most from your doctor A comprehensive guide to all the major natural remedies that kick start your thyroid (including dosages, actions, and everything in between)

Energy to burn A new sexy body that will have all your friends gabbing about A new sense of self Empowerment and freedom The love for lost and forgotten activities that you just didn’t think was possible to do anymore Life as it should be experienced – with excitement in your heart and a buzz in your belly The security and peace of mind knowing that you are doing the best thing for your body Deep refreshing sleep A way to turn back your body clock Best of all, wholesome good health, that will add a sparkle to your eye, a spring to your step, a silk-like shine to your hair, a healthy glow to your skin, an alert mind and a new zest for life that makes you happy to be alive!
OK Enough Of The Hype - If you’re wondering if my remedy report will help you,
let me tell you straight up . . .

I can honestly tell you The Hypothyroidism Solution doesn’t work 100% for everyone.

For the vast majority however it has an outstanding success rate, reversing hypothyroidism, and symptoms, powerfully, quickly and safely. The small few in the minority that don’t experience a true healing, include those with rare cases; complicated health issues that go way beyond the normal pathology of hypothyroidism, or prior medical treatments that have gone wrong – such as complete surgical removal of the thyroid gland, and overexposure to radioactive iodine or external radiation treatment.

(Fortunately, we have an individual strategy for those who need some extra care for their more complex issues)

Because hypothyroidism is a complex condition there can be severe damage to cells and tissues. Such individuals need genuine “in house” care from a health professional (such as myself J), when things seem just too complex on your own. An experienced naturopathic doctor or ayurvedic practitioner would be the best choice depending on where you live. It’s nothing to be ashamed of if you need more of a “personal” help to guide you through the path to wellness.
Always ask for help if you need it.

Before your cells can use any nutrients, they have to eliminate built up toxins to make room inside. This natural process can take longer than 4 weeks. Yet the vast majority of people, who have a healing response after following my easy steps to success, do so in 4 weeks or even less.

But there are always exceptions to the rule and for some it may take a little longer than average.

I have found many of those who take longer than average to experience the transformation are further ‘down the line’ or chronic in their condition.
So how can you know if you’re one of the people that will notice an improvement in their thyroid health?

Keep in mind; hypothyroidism is NOT a drug deficiency. Nonetheless, you should never suddenly stop taking prescribed medication without first checking with your doctor.

If you are already taking thyroid medication don’t be alarmed this program was designed with this in mind. Because of my experience with dealing with people on thyroid medication in my private practice, I became accustomed to treating clients together with prescription drugs, and therefore this program is perfect for those on or off drugs – in time, and only with your doctor’s approval, you will be able to gradually reduce your medication as your thyroid heals and your hormones increase...naturally.

You didn’t get hypothyroidism overnight and you can't expect positive change in a few days. That’s why I have a 60 day guarantee, a small percentage of hypothyroidism sufferers do take longer to realize life changing benefits.

So What Happens If You Buy The Remedy And
It Doesn’t Work For You?

If My Remedy Doesn't Work For You, You Get A Full Refund!

I have no problem giving you a refund if my remedy doesn't work for you. That's the honest and fair thing for me to do. But I can stand behind my program with complete confidence and offer you a money back guarantee that will knock your socks off, because simply put it works.

You've got a full 60 days to see if my program really works. So go through my program, flip through the pages and take one time-tested gold nugget after another and apply it to your health. And if you are lucky enough to grab the limited Online Support FREE BONUS, send me all your burning questions via email; have me at your beck and call. Do it all and reclaim your life. However... in the unlikely event that after 60 days you're not fully satisfied with your purchase email me directly at: duncan@thehypothyroidismsolution.com, and you'll get a courteous and prompt refund of every cent you invested...you simply can't lose...ALL THE RISK IS ON ME.


I couldn’t make it any easier and safer...

Here’s Why It Is Safe:
I use ClickBank. ClickBank is the world leader in delivery of eBooks. Clickbank’s secure server keeps your credit card details safe (not even I get to see them!). You deal directly with Clickbank. Clickbank also honors the money-back guarantee.


You’ll Agree I Can’t Really Offer Any More
Than That, Right...?

Well I Can... I Will... I Have...

In addition, I'm throwing in some very special Bonuses Valued at $631 ABSOLUTELY FREE...

(Though only available when you order today)
FREE BONUS 1 - Free 90 Day Online Support
Valued at $395.00  
I understand, health can be tricky, and that’s even when all the answers are in front of you. So as a LIMITED special bonus offer, I am giving away free online support to those lucky few who take action now!

Like having a health care professional as your best-friend 24/7; I will give you courteous, prompt and expert advice to all your pressing questions. I want to ensure you get the results you came here for (reversing hypothyroidism for good!).

So take me up on this offer while you still can, there is only one of me so I simply cannot keep this offer running for too much longer, I am already answering too many emails to count and so when I get to capacity, that is it, I am pulling the plug and locking the doors to this offer.

You can be sure that all your questions will be answered promptly, though please do not abuse this privilege and be reasonable with your time expectations. I’m here for a good time and a long time, no amount of money can make me deal with moaners, groaners, whingers, time wasters and pests!

FREE BONUS 2 – How To Lose Weight ... With The Right Food! Valued at $47  
A book so powerful that it seems to melt away the fat just by touching it!

The revolutionary ‘3 Hour Diet’ The secrets to rapid weight loss How parasites maybe making you fat How to burn calories effectively How to diet effectively while ‘dining out’ The pH miracle diet 108 pages of pure weight loss information
FREE BONUS 3 – Anti-Ageing and Skincare Made Easy
Valued at $47  
Change that aging body in to a vessel of energy, zest and beauty...

The secrets to anti-aging ‘The’ anti-ageing diet How to reduce wrinkles How to care for sensitive skin The benefits of herbal skincare The facts about oily skin The top 10 skincare tips Plus much more...
FREE BONUS 4 – How To Win The War Against Depression. Valued at $47  
Learn how to radically change your depression into shockwaves of unbridled happiness!

Depression treatments without nasty side-effects What causes depression Which natural remedies bust through the wall of depression How to know if you’re depressed What are your options Plus much more...
FREE BONUS 5 – Free Lifetime Subscription
Valued at $95  

Lifetime subscription to any and all updates of this eBook. I consider this eBook a living organism just like you, I plan to regularly update this work as new discoveries are made and improvements are achieved; this is my firm endeavour to ensure you get the best available health care today and for the future.


Here's Why You Haven't Heard Of My
Natural Remedy Before

Because it's not available anywhere except right here; true a lot of the herbs and nutrients used aren’t going to be considered scientific breakthroughs, in fact you could probably say they are ‘common’ place. But that is the beauty of system; this program takes ordinary supermarket foods, nutrients, herbs and lifestyle advice, and then supercharges them. Your hypothyroidism’s only option then is to sail the white flag, surrender, and run for cover so fast that you will have wished that you had stumbled across this website a lot sooner.

You will also not hear of any doctors recommending any of these tips either, because, well, they are doctors! Doctors and those in the medical community focus on medicine, surgery, and other medical procedures... not natural remedies (except if they have done a 2 week short course, but please, would you let someone treat you if they had 2 weeks training? I don’t think so! – I have seven years experience and training in this field).

They have NO understanding of ‘health’ – The only thing Doctors are now trained in is ‘sick care’ not ‘health care’

But even if your doctor knew about this breakthrough remedy... do you think they would tell you about it? Hmmm let’s see... Drug companies are the biggest corporations in the world, and have the power to overturn governments... Geez I wonder if they will like home remedies and natural ingredients?
I know it sounds like I am going on a bit, and I guess I am, but really, it’s the truth isn’t it?

Remember I am not some fly by the night health “guru” offering you a quick-fix, get me rich scheme. This work is my life. I have studied thousands of hours to get my qualifications (Naturopath), researched hypothyroidism until my eyes started to grow moss, founded and established a natural therapies clinic in the heart of Melbourne [www.sanctuarywellness.com.au](http://www.sanctuarywellness.com.au), and most importantly treat real people like you to achieve their health goals.
...Written theory is nothing until you have put in to real life practice; measuring, testing and learning from mistakes that is the true school of life; and the best part is you get to reap all the benefits at the click of a button. No Bull (just a treatment program that works), No more surfing the insane maze know as the internet, and no more wondering will this work for me.
Still Not Convinced? Hashimoto’s Disease...

Hashimoto’s disease’s, the number one cause of Hypothyroidism (Thyroiditis) in America, is an auto-immune disease. This means that the CAUSE of this type of Hypothyroidism is an unbalanced immune system. But do you think that your doctor takes any notice of this FACT? Of course NOT! He simply grabs for that damn prescription pad and writes you the same damn prescription that he wrote for the woman he saw earlier... who has a different CAUSE to YOU. Doesn’t make sense does it?

Hypothyroidism Is Not A Disease, But
A Symptom of The True Disease Inside
Your Body: The Root Cause.

The beauty of this Treatment Program is that you know it is going to work because it is treating YOUR cause - scientifically, and in this case (Hashimoto’s), it searches out and targets the immune system by using a highly specific and unique blend of very simple natural remedies that start to work on your depressing and painful hypothyroidism symptoms – almost immediately.

So Here’s How It Goes...

When you get your copy of my program (via an instant download), you find out exactly how to heal your thyroid and your life by following some simple natural remedies, in the all easy 3 step solution program - 1. Test 2. Solve 3. Reverse.

You get to work alongside me, asking all your burning questions, and sharing in all your success and victories (Though please hurry, I don’t how much longer I can keep offering this ridiculously good special bonus offer - Free Online Support – Remember this is only for those you who act now, once I am at capacity (and that’s not far off) I am shredding it, locking it in the vault. (and no, I am not kidding)
You heal yourself and your hypothyroidism and you have a zest for life that friends might start to think you’re on something.
So Do I Have Your Attention Now?

I hope so. Because if I don’t, I not sure if this is the right website for you, I don’t mean it harshly, but if me offering you years of experience, thousands of hours research, in a life changing, easily digestible, instantly downloadable eBook – that will heal your thyroid and heal your life, naturally, drug free, and more importantly get you started today; and that still doesn’t grab you... then nothing will. Period.

So now, you’ve got two choices.

1. Get “The Hypothyroidism Solution”, get your Health on track... and eventually be free from Hypothyroidism altogether.


2. Do nothing. Keep the measly $37 in your pocket, blow it on some ‘random’ thing and settle for taking drugs for the rest of your life – staying unhealthy, and worried sick for the rest of your life not knowing which way your health will go.
Don’t let that be you...PLEASE!!! I hate seeing opportunities wasted.
You can get all of these benefits for only $37. That's around a $1.00 per day, for just one month! (You don’t get anything nowadays for that kind of money). That is a small price to pay to have a Guaranteed System that you can access the regularly updated contents of for the rest of your life.

This complete system will give you your life back! I promise you that if you follow this guide to the letter (no sorry it doesn’t work if you don’t open it), you'll quickly start reversing your Hypothyroidism today! Coupled with your renewed motivation, you’ll watch your health transform, and you will be reducing your meds in no time! (with doctor approval of course)
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.


Click Here to buy my program and say goodbye to hypothyroidism forever. Easily, safely, effectively, and with no side-effects – 100% Money Back Guaranteed!!!

I personally stake my reputation that you’ll be OVER THE MOON once you get your hands on this program.

I look forward to hearing of your success.

Yours sincerely,
Duncan Capicchiano

Naturopath, Author, Researcher

P.S. Remember to act now, because I don’t know how long I can keep offering the ‘FREE 90 Day Unlimited Online Bonus Support’–– When I am full I am full, I literally won’t be able answer your emails.

P.P.S. Remember you are fully backed and support by my money back guarantee. So you don't need to worry about losing your money on some online scam. You can either, LOVE it, change your life, and have your health back. Or you decide it is not for you, and claim a prompt refund for every cent of your investment.

P.P.P.S Oh and if you have any questions please refer to the FAQs page – I’m sure I’ll be able to help.

Copyright © 2009 EmpoweredHealthSolutions.com – All Rights Reserved.
Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd.
6 Main St, Blackburn, Melbourne, Victoria, 3130, Australia

All content within TheHypothyroisismSolution.com is provided for general reference and educational use only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease, or health problem. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before beginning any treatment, dietary or exercise program and never reduce or discontinue your prescribed medication without the consent of your doctor. Duncan Capicchiano, TheHypothyroidismSolution.com and Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd. cannot take medical or legal responsibility for illness arising out of the failure to seek medical advice from a doctor.
Duncan Capicchiano, TheHypothyroidismSolution.com and Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd. are not responsible or liable for any decisions made by a user based on the content of the TheHypothyroidismSolution.com website, nor do they promise that the website will be error-free and uninterrupted. The use of the site is solely at your own choice. The site is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We want you to understand and acknowledge that your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any defect in or dissatisfaction with the site is to cease using the site.


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