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QLA Products


[Deal Making and Acquisitions - Audio](http://danpena.com/deal-making-and-acquisitions) $159.00 USD
The questions arise: How do I find a company to acquire? Can I make a deal? How do I close? This audio program answers these questions as well as questions from the attendees.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/deal-making-and-acquisitions) [](http://1.danpena.pay.clickbank.net)


[Raising Capital - Audio](http://danpena.com/raising-capital) $159.00 USD
"How do I get the Money?!?" is the question most often asked! This 10-hour live presentation answers that question. Dan not only presents a step-by-step guide on Raising Capital, but the live seminar includes questions (and their answers) from the seminar attendees.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/raising-capital) [ ](http://2.danpena.pay.clickbank.net)


[Financing Your Dream - Video](http://danpena.com/financing-your-dream) $143.00 USD
find the source of capital you need to achieve your personal dreams of financial independence and success, bering in mind that somewhere in the world there is a source of capital waiting for you.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/financing-your-dream) [](http://6.danpena.pay.clickbank.net)


[1-Day QLA Seminar, London - Video](http://danpena.com/1-day-qla-seminar-video-london) $143.00 USD
This video is approximately six hours of Dan Peña. It is the next best thing to actually being there. Dan Peña presents his QLA methodology in detail. He explains the steps necessary to become a high performance person and creating mega-wealth.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/1-day-qla-seminar-video-london) [](http://3.danpena.pay.clickbank.net)


[1-Day QLA Seminar , US - Video](http://danpena.com/1-day-qla-seminar-video-us) $143.00 USD
This video is approximately six hours of Dan Peña. It is the next best thing to actually being there. Dan Peña presents his QLA methodology in detail. He explains the steps necessary to become a high performance person and creating mega-wealth.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/1-day-qla-seminar-video-us) [](http://4.danpena.pay.clickbank.net)


[3-Day Personal and Business Success Seminar Video](http://danpena.com/3-day-personal-and-business-success)
Coming Soon!

An entire 3-Day Seminar Event recorded live! This video set is approximately 30 hours of Dan Peña! It is the next best to actually being there. Dan Peña presents his QLA methodology for personal and financial success in detail.

[Learn More](http://danpena.com/3-day-personal-and-business-success) 

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