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If your life isn’t everything you’d like it to be…

Then It’s Time You Claimed Feng Shui “Pearls of Wisdom” for Great Health, Increasing Wealth, Career Success, Romance and More!


It’s true…simple Feng Shui principles …genuine “pearls of wisdom”  have the power to grant you your best life…the life you deserve! It doesn’t matter what area of your life you’re dissatisfied with - Feng Shui offers easy and practical solutions so that you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of…


From: Ling Meng - Feng Shui enthusiast, researcher and author


Re: Living Your Best Life...


Dear Friend,


s far as we know we only have one life to live. You may have heard the expression “This is your life…this isn’t a dress rehearsal!”

Isn’t it time you unlocked the secrets that will help you make the most of the opportunities that come your way? Isn’t it time all your hard work and efforts paid off?

Isn’t it time your dreams came true? Absolutely!

I’m excited to write this letter to you today because I’ve researched and compiled the best cutting edge, easy-to-implement  Feng Shui techniques and secrets that will help you live your best life, give you inner peace and happiness plus hand you the tools to enhance your living and working spaces for greater personal power and productivity!

But before we continue, is it OK if I ask you a few questions? 

These were the same questions I asked myself before deciding whether or not Feng Shui held any promise whatsoever for my life…


Are you happy with your life right now? Are you receiving the greatest blessings life has to offer?



Is your career moving in the right direction, as quickly as you’d like it to? Do you love what you're doing for a living?



Do you have a loving intimate relationship that makes you happy and fulfilled?



Are you as healthy as you'd like to be?



Do you have fun and rewarding relationships with family and friends...extra time to do things with them...time you'll never get back once it's gone?

Sadly, most of us can’t answer even a couple of these important questions with a resounding “YES”...

Please don’t worry or feel badly…it’s not your fault!



Lots of people aren't happy - they know something is missing...something's holding them back but they just don't know what to do...

The good news? It's not hard to clear away and dispel once and for all what's holding you back so that you can experience joy in all parts of your life!

 Imagine What Your Life Could Be Like...



Have you thought about your lifelong dreams lately? Or have you been too busy just getting by...forgetting what's it's like to feel inspired or excited about each day that comes your way?

Think for a moment...what if:


you didn't have to struggle anymore and wealth flowed to you easily, with very little effort on your part?

you were able to "work" at what you truly loved...happy and excited for the adventure each new day brings?

you were able to easily energize your surroundings, which in turn energized you with unlimited ideas, creativity and earning potential?

many large doors of opportunity began to open...more than you would ever have imagined possible...greeting you with a wonderful array of choices for success?

you were able to get rid of limiting beliefs, chronic pain and hurtful patterns of stress and failure once and for all?

  you were able to attract that perfect life partner, or re-kindle the flame of passion with the one you're with now? 
you were finally appreciated...receiving the respect and recognition you deserve?

And another one off the top of my head...what if you finally controlled more of the circumstances in your life...instead of always having to face situations from a reactionary position of weakness?


Feng Shui Can Help You Achieve All of the Above and Much Much More...


Feng Shui, pronounced "fung shway" is based on the principle that all matter and energy is One. Everything is energy and is in constant motion - commonly known as Chi or qi.

Feng Shui teaches us that even so-called "inanimate" objects have a life force and energy, and that their presence or placement in our immediate environments actually have a profound impact on our lives, for better or worse!

Now you can see why Feng Shui is often referred to as the "art of placement".

In a nutshell...

If your living or office space is designed according to sound Feng Shui principles - your energy levels, ability to concentrate, your productivity and your overall physical and mental health improves substantially.

When you create living environments designed according to Feng Shui, your immediate spaces and even your life itself becomes more dynamic and effective - giving you exactly what you need to make your dreams reality!

Your creativity and innate abilities flourish...your mind becomes clear and focused. Your goals are more easily and quickly attained.


 The Feng Shui Action Plan for Total Life Success...


One reason why some people have become frustrated with Feng Shui is because they don't have a clear plan of action to follow.

They've read books that over complicate and don't provide simple concise steps that lead them to the positive changes they seek.

Would you look for hidden treasure without a map?

Probably not! But if you had a map to guide your every step, then it becomes easy and the treasure is discovered quickly...without frustration or time consuming detours.

It is the same with Feng Shui!

In my new ebook "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom - Living Your Best Life in a Beautiful Environment of Your Own Creation"...we'll be working with a simple map known as the [Bagua](http://www.fengshuipearls.com/Bagua-Map-Diagram.html).

We'll explore each life region of the Bagua map one-by-one. You'll be given simple  steps and suggestions that you can take action on right away to begin shifting your luck and fortunes for the better!

Each life region on the map correlates to a vital aspect of your life. The Bagua map is the foundation of your Feng Shui Action Plan!

For example, the very middle section corresponds to your Health and how well balanced your life is. The front center has to do with Career success, the back left corner is where we'll be working on Wealth and Prosperity...back right is Romance and so on.



"For Anyone Looking to Improve Their Life in Every Way!"   

Hi Ling,

I found your book"Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." a fascinating read as it is highly educational, detail oriented and very well written. I learned so much about Chinese symbolism, enjoyed looking at some recommended websites and the easy-to-read illustrations.

I also enjoyed learning about the art and science of massage, aromatherapy, ergonomics, meditation, de-cluttering one's life, the BaGua map, Life Region Tool, Tai Chi, the Ison method and how it all ties in with improving one's health. 

I highly recommend your  “Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom Ebook…” for anyone looking to improve their life in every way!  Health stores and libraries would benefit greatly having this wonderful book on their shelves!  

I just loved it!   

Donna Silverman, Rochester, NY 


Successful Feng Shui Made Easy!


Now you don't have to struggle learning outdated or difficult techniques involving compasses, constellations or other complex applications.

You can begin making small changes and enhancements to your living spaces quickly and easily. The more small changes you make, the more positive results you'll experience - it is that simple!

You're about to discover why Feng Shui is so effective, how to pinpoint problem areas (hidden situations, objects or energies keeping you from getting exactly what you want)...and what to do to fix or cure these problem areas.


 "Feng Shui for Real Life Helps People, Businesses Make Their Spaces Better"

Thirteen years ago Carol Olmstead was a public relationships consultant whose desk was facing the wrong way.

A friend was reading a book on a concept with a funny name: feng shui

She told Olmstead that according to Feng Shui principles, she should sit facing the door, so that things weren't happening behind her back.

Olmstead turned her desk around. Two weeks later, she got a great contract to work in Hawaii.

She could barely pronounce feng shui, but she thought she might be onto something.

New Mexico Business Weekly - by Rachel Sams NMBW Associate Editor. http://albuquerque.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2009/08/10/smallb1.html


Here's just some of what you'll discover once you download "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." Ebook:

The two components that MUST be present when using Feng Shui in order to have a successful outcome (page 22). 

Full explanation of the Bagua map and how to easily apply it to any  area of your home, office, desktop or garden...wherever you wish to enhance and energize with Feng Shui!

Easy-to-understand definition of the Five Elements and why their two eternal intertwined cycles of “production” and “transformation” are a vital aspect of Feng Shui. 

The one thing you MUST do when making Feng Shui enhancements, or you’ll just end up rearranging your furniture…(it’s not hard!). 

Simple and practical Feng Shui home improvements and quality of life strategies you can use now for better health and longevity.

How to create a workspace that inspires and fosters the energies of career success…especially if you’ve hit that “glass ceiling” or just need a positive change.

Learn how to install powerful Feng Shui romance enhancers...how to invite and retain the energy of love so you can experience maximum  relationship joy!

You'll Also Discover the "Deeper" Meanings of Feng Shui and How Your Life is Enriched as a Result...


Some people have the mistaken impression that Feng Shui is all about how one's furniture is arranged, or how a room is laid out. Not so!

You're going to learn how Feng Shui principles apply to your inner world...how they can benefit the inner you...not just create pleasing surroundings.

For example:
When your inner world is in conflict, you're constantly clashing with your surroundings and living in chaos...learn  how to stop the madness...(see page 26, "Taming the Clutter Beasties")

Why clutter is the root of soooo  many energetic problems - why you need to clear both inner AND outer clutter for best results...

What constitutes "inner" clutter...how it keeps us chained to our past...and why  it may be more of a problem than you think!

How to nurture and give vibrant new life to your innate creativity…

How to satisfy your innermost desires, gain respect and build a great reputation in your personal and business life…

How to build your Knowledge and Wisdom region for inner strength, self-cultivation and spiritual growth...

Strategies and links to resources that you may never discover otherwise...assisting with physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing and renewal...


Try My No Risk Introductory Offer and Receive "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom - Living Your Best Life in an Environment of Your Own Creation" Complete Ebook PLUS Two Complimentary Bonuses Right Away!


Are you ready to seize the day and live your best life? 

Are you sick and tired of being stuck in endless ruts with no hope of finding your way out?

Isn't it great that you have a collection of simple solutions at your fingertips - showing you exactly how to clear away the negative patterns in your life that keep you unhappy and struggling?

Aren't you relieved that you don't need to hire an expensive Feng Shui consultant (even an initial assessment could run you hundreds of dollars!) in order to vastly improve your home and work spaces?

Here's what you'll receive with your instant download:


The essential "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." complete Ebook for solving some of life's most challenging problems. 141 beautifully illustrated pages is your simple guide for Total Life Success!

Retail Value of "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." complete Ebook:

$47.00 (actual value: priceless)

Bonus #1:

In a hurry to get started? You'll receive a complimentary "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." Bonus Fast Start Guide!

Start the flow of prosperity, better health, career success, romance, etc...toward you immediately with this Bonus Fast Start Guide! You can always go back and read the full version later when you have more time!

Retail Value of "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." Bonus Fast Start Guide:

$27.00 (actual value: priceless)

Bonus #2:

This timeless classic written by Wallace D. Wattles nearly a century ago has helped thousands of people throughout the world gain a deeper understanding of wealth and what it means to be rich.

You'll soon discover that the Universe has been waiting in the wings all along...anxious for you to invite life's abundant blessings!

Retail Value of Feng Shui Pearls 2009 Special Edition of "The Science of Getting Rich":

$27.00 (actual value: priceless)


Receive Timeless Pearls of Wisdom from the East AND the West...


In my opinion, "The Science of Getting Rich" (SGR) is the perfect companion for those who seek the wisdom that Feng Shui offers for our modern day lives.

For you see, the philosophy of Feng Shui, with its roots in China, and the teachings of SGR with its roots in the West have much in common!

More profound than its simple analytical title would lead you to believe – the teachings contained within SGR unlock the mysteries of amassing great wealth...without having to be competitive or beat someone else down!

It is not a book about greed. It is not a book about taking away from others, in order to have more for ourselves.

The author teaches us that we are to make the most of ourselves and emphasizes the importance of fulfilling our potential...(same as Feng Shui!)

This is the greatest contribution we could ever give - to make the most of ourselves and live our best life. Then we become rich with joy…the greatest wealth!

SGR also teaches, in a pragmatically elegant fashion, that becoming rich is indeed a science, if one does things in a "certain way".

This is a book of generous proportions – a book that teaches gratitude and the Golden Rule in a refreshingly unique way.

Feng Shui masters and those who grasp the concepts of SGR understand that most people are operating within the confines of limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Because this is true, it is extremely difficult for most of us to live our full potential or have a life of limitless possibilities.

But if you take the rich teachings of Feng Shui to heart...if you take "The Science of Getting Rich" to heart, your thinking will begin to shift. How true it is...when you change your mind...everything else changes with it!

SGR will open your mind to all sorts of new possibilities...you will definitely not be the same person after you read it!


Highlights from "The Science of Getting Rich"


I'd like to give you some special highlights and concepts that you'll discover inside the Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom 2009 Special Edition of "The Science of Getting Rich":

The Right to be Rich – we've been taught to think that poverty is a virtue. Not so! You can never live a completely fulfilled life with this mindset – read this chapter and you'll know it's more than OK to want wealth and abundance!

Getting Rich IS a Science – amazingly enough, there are certain laws that pertain to acquiring wealth. Anyone obeying these particular laws will get rich with "mathematical certainty."

Opportunity – is it Gone? - we suffer from the belief that there is a limited supply of wealth and abundance. When you read this chapter, it will sink in once and for all that there is more than enough to go around!

Principle#1 in "SGR" - "Thought is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the formless substance". Formless substance is innately intelligent.

Increasing Life  - "Every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility to come into action." Your desire for abundance and greater life is one and the same with nature's desire in springtime..."it is life seeking fuller expression."

Become a Creator, Not a Competitor  - "Intelligent substance will make things for you but it will not take things away from someone else and give them to you. You do not have to take anything away from anyone."

How Riches Come To You - in a nutshell "give to every person more than you take from them." Never sell anything to anyone that doesn't add more value to that person than what they are paying you for it.

Gratitude  - first, believe that all things come from intelligent substance. Second, know that everything you desire comes from this substance. Third, "relate yourself to it by a feeling of deep and profound gratitude."

Thinking in The Certain Way - "You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want. You cannot transmit an idea unless you have it yourself."

Hold Steady To Your Vision - you are clear as far as what you want. You express gratitude for all that you are now receiving and will receive. It's time to see it through to completion with FAITH... "believe and ye shall receive."

Poverty - "What tends to do away with poverty is not the getting of pictures of poverty into your mind, but getting pictures of wealth, abundance, and possibility into the minds of the poor."

Taking Action  - "An ounce of doing is worth more than a pound of theorizing. The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself."

Thinking: The Past - "It is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind."

Thinking: The Present - "If you act in the present with your mind on the future, your present action will be with a divided mind, and will not be effective. Put your whole mind into present action."

  Become a Doer - "Do not spend any time in day dreaming or castle building; hold to the one vision of what you want, and act NOW."

 Instantly Download the "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." Complete Ebook plus BONUSES and SAVE over 80% TODAY!




I could easily charge $47.00 for the complete 141 page ebook, plus an additional $27.00 for the  "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom Bonus Fast Start Guide"  and yet another  $27.00 for the special Feng Shui Pearls 2009 edition of "The Science of Getting Rich" (unavailable elsewhere)  for a grand total of:


But when you order to today you won't pay anywhere close to retail!

For a limited time, you can have immediate access to this entire life changing Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom Information Package for  $67.00 $47.00 $27.00…only $19.97!


 Never Done an Instant Download Before?


Not a problem! It's very simple to do. You'll receive complete instructions so you can access your purchase instantly on the Thank You/Download page once you complete your order!

You will be able to download the Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom Information Package (141 page ebook plus the two bonuses) directly from the Thank You page. Your products will be in PDF (portable document file) format.

When you receive an instant download of a product, here are some of the benefits for you as a customer:
No need to wait and watch for a physical delivery to your home or office...no waiting time!   You don't have to worry that your product will go missing in the mail or be damaged due to improper handling.   Zero Shipping costs!   Saves conveniently to your computer's hard drive where you can access the product at any time or print out and read at your convenience!
  Good News - You Can BUY NOW at an 80% Discount But You Don't Have to Decide Today!


Please take a FULL 8 WEEKS to review the "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom..." complete Ebook plus BONUSES...

If you are not happy with the product OR the bonuses, I will refund ALL of your money right away...plus you get to keep everything!

There is absolutely NO RISK on your part…you have plenty of time to try these straightforward techniques and experience life changing results first-hand.

I want to give you this 8 WEEK RISK FREE period because there is SO MUCH life changing information contained within these products. It's important to make sure you have plenty of time to see the power of what you're getting and put the principles into action.

Remember, you have absolutely NOTHING TO LOSE and Your Life to Gain!






Now you can embrace these "Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom" with Total confidence and joy...




Thank you for your trust and please enjoy your new products! If you have any questions before you order...or anytime after you receive these products do not hesitate to contact me!


To Your Best Life...starting NOW!

P.S. Remember, the price for these products WILL be rising very soon...this is a Special Introductory Offer at an incredible 80% discount!





 ONLY $19.97 for your Life Changing Three Part Feng Shui Pearls of Wisdom Information Package...





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