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Welcome In The Motherhood


Having a baby is the most precious feeling which is incomparable
with any other feelings. Watching them grow and develop in front of
your eyes is the important part of your memories and they will stay
with you till you live. Baby development milestones start within a
month of their birth and goes on. You need this info to be better
parents and could give the best NEWBORN BABY CARE for your FIRST YEAR


In the first month the development milestones of your baby first
year will be to lift their head for short time, move head from side to
side, make arm movements and bring hands to face. They prefer human
face than other shapes, do strong reflex movements, can focus on items
which are 8 to 12 inches away, turn to familiar voices and blink at
bright lights. In the second month babies smiles and track objects
with their eyes. They make different noises and repeat vowel noises
like ah, ooh, uh, etc. in the third month babies develop a lot. They
raises their head and chest up to tummy, lift head up 45 degrees,
kicks, straighten legs, open hands, shut hands, can push down with
legs when lying on a hard surface, reaches for dangling objects and
shakes hand toys. They also grasps toys, track moving objects, imitate
sound, recognizes familiar objects and people, develop a social smile,
develop hand-eye coordination, can bring both hands together, can hold
head up with control and are interested in circular and spiral


Most babies hold up their head at 90 degrees angle while they are
on stomach. They can bear their weight on both legs and laugh and
smile with some hoo and coos while talking. There are other
developments which are not common in every baby like grasping a
rattle, pay attention to objects, reach out for objects and do small
mini push ups with roll over. Babies can hold head level with body
when pulled to sit, sit without support and make a razzing sound. They
will get upset if their toys are taken away. In fifth month babies can
easily roll over with mini push ups, make razzing sound, turn to new
sounds, recognize own name, pass object from one hand to other, pull
up to standing position from the sitting position and sit momentarily
without any support. They try to bring object closer which are out of
reach. This is the time when they repeat sounds like ma and da and
anxiety begins for separation and strangers. In the sixth month babies
can keep head level in sitting position, sit with minimum support for
some time, roll back in both directions, imitate sound, imitate facial
expressions and reach for toys. They can sit without support, feed own
self a cracker, work a lot to get the out of reach toys. They start
crawling, get into sitting position from stomach, pick up small
objects with fingers. They can babble and combine sounds and anxiety
begins at this age which is known as separation and stranger anxiety.


In seven months most babies can sit without support, make razzing
sound, imitate sound and work at getting a toy which is out of reach.
They feed self a finger food or crackers. Some babies start crawling
and lunging forward and get upset if their toy is taken by others.
They love to play peek a boo and can distinguish the emotion of the
person talking by their voice. They can pass object from one to
another hands and feeling of anxiety begins. They can stand by
themselves if they hold onto something or someone. They learn to wave
goodbyes and clap hands. They bang objects together and say mama, mu
or baba. They can walk alone holding onto some furniture. In the ninth
month, babies can stand with some support and look for dropped
objects. They can stand from sitting position, clap and bang things.
They can combine syllables to make different sounds. They use thumb
and finger to grasp and pick things up. They walk holding onto
furniture, stand alone for little time and begin to identify
themselves in the mirror. They wave goodbye, drop object and look for
them and understand the word

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